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LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - Printable Version

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LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - tristitia - 05-06-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai had no clue what this “ritual” was, just that she was supposed to do it in order to gain full access to the group. The lioness thought it was best to just get it over with. After all, first of all, it couldn’t be that bad. Secondly, if it was, well it would be done and over with and she would never have to do it again!

She had been told to go to the bar, so that is what she did. The doors swung open and the loud noises of drunken chatter, and the drunken dancing filled her ears and swarmed her vision. It took her forever to flag down a busy bartender. His eyes lit up, amused, as he gave her the concoction. She had begun drinking it, but as it was made from plants and she was a carnivore, it taste horrible, disgusting. She wanted to spat it out, but glared at the bartender instead. He laughed, remarking that “sugar makes it ineffective.”

Then she was sent on her way to the smaller island. As she walked over there, the bartender actually kept his gaze on her. After all, the Typhoon did not need a member falling into the ocean and drowning. Sekai stepped on the sand, that was course, rough and got everywhere.

She sighed, wondering what was going to happen. Was she not supposed to eat and this drink would keep her sustained through the night? The muddy-colored lioness had no clue, and she idly kicked a rock. That’s when something odd appeared in her vision. Purple. Purple light. A hilt, and then a slash. She moved and then attempted to let out a roar, nostrils flaring. Her paws moved in a battle stance. “Who’s even wielding you?!”

//anyone can reply, even before [member=262]ANAKIN SKYWALKER.[/member]
© madi

Re: LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - Owlie - 05-06-2018

Anakin Skywalker moves, standing on two legs. It was unnatural and his body looked bent out of place. It was his former self, after all. A gigantic cyborg that was less lion than machine. He rolled his shoulder, lightsaber in had and the dark lenses focused on her, constrasting his white suit and armor. The cape fluttered to a resting point. The lion was still.

”You are a failure, The beast rumbled, grip tightening on his hilt. “So you must die,”

Re: LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - tristitia - 05-06-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai's sapphire gaze widened at the unholy creature. She wanted to do something, levitate a rock and toss it at his face. The beast was bent, twisted, crooked. However, she couldn't find the strenght, the steadfastness to let go of her worry, her fear as the dark lenses focused solely on her. She lost all confidence. After all, this was her fatgher, the one who saved her so many times. All she did was rebel. She became a Padawan when he told her not to, and she was just spunky. She would be a failure in his eyes. He likely only kept her alive because animals need to pass on their genes.

A thought in her mind was to allow him to kill her, in one last act of rebelliousness. However, she decided not to as his grip tightened on the hilt. This would be a different type of rebelliousness. Though her mental state did not reflect that, she turned to the beast and snarled. “I am not a failure! I will not die, not by your blade! I am me, nobody else! With that, she would attempt to move to the side and slam against Anakin's side.
© madi

Re: LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - Owlie - 05-16-2018

As he hit her, the beast fell over, the purple blade jutting through him and he coughed. ”Just like..... your brother....”

The apparition went still.
Behind her, glowed a blue light, as Anakin’s ghost stepped out into the open, eyeing the body.

Re: LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - tristitia - 05-17-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Just like her brother. No. She was better than him. She protected her family as best as she could. Yes, she was by all means weak,  but she had done her best. And she had forgiven Luke. Sekai knew Anakin was the one to die by his paws, but perhaps he could... find forgiveness. And then... she didn’t mean to knock him over! She just wanted to subdue him, she wanted to be able to live. A gasp escaped the cub as she fumbled back, tears forming in her eyes.
“No, no! Not like him. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to! You attacked me!” She cried out.

She wanted to turn away, to not be reminded of the picture, and then she saw her father. What? She turned her head back to the body and then to the ghost. “Two?!” She asked, surprise flooding her features.
© madi

Re: LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - Owlie - 05-19-2018

The spirit stared for a moment, it’s form shifting and blurred- as if it was made of the very dust and dirt around him. It glowed, and began to move. The apparition wasn’t whole- it had a vague cloud for legs. "Sekai.” He said her name like Anakin, the voice was lighter, but somehow more firm.

His mane was huge in its dark blue, encompassing his face and blending into the cloud. Anakin moves to the body now, a shapeless limb moving to lift up its chin slightly, then let it fall. “I looked pretty terrible.”

Re: LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - tristitia - 05-20-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
A shapeless blue form appeared in front of her, or so it seemed. At least, the bottom part was shapeless. She watched him, eyes widened in surprise. Though, she knew she had to be cautious. After all, if it appeared to be made of dust and dirt... well, she certainly did not want that in her eyes. She moved as he said her name, seemingly father-like, soft and firm.

The lioness slowly moved forward, staring down at the body as Anakin lifted the chin before letting it fall. Looked pretty terrible? An understatement. “You looked dead even before you died,” She chuckled, an attempt to somewhat lighten the mood.
© madi

Re: LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - Owlie - 05-21-2018

”Only in death, am I truely free.” He commented, then finally turned to his daughter. The blue eyes lacked any pupil or iris- just cloudy orbs that stared at her.

“Beware of the snake in your midst.” With that, Anakin’s form vanished into dust, and was carried away into the wind.

Re: LIKE AN UNDERTOW && o, Entrance ritual - tristitia - 05-21-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
There he went with that again, his philosophical stuff. However, she could see where this was coming from. After all, he was a cyborg. It probably felt much better to be a spirit than in a metal box. However, his last words startled her. A snake? Was that it? As he vanished, the lioness whirred as she cried out, “Snake? That's too vague! Dad, come back! Tell me more!” When his form fully vanished, she drooped her tail.
© madi