Beasts of Beyond
what am I doing here | joiner - Printable Version

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what am I doing here | joiner - Abraham - 02-24-2020

Wandering was a way of life. Flitting from place to place because you can't, don't want to, settle down. walking and walking and walking. It had been easier when he'd had someone to follow, but he'd been alone for two years now and the urge to stop and settle down was only getting stronger. He was alone and he was scared. Scared to stop, scared to make someplace his home only for it to not be what he wanted. Scared of the possibility that he could be happy again. He didn't know how to relax and he certainly didn't know how to be in a group with other people.
He was rough, and smelly, and he wasn't that great at speaking. He wasn't too good at the whole emotion thing, and he didn't quite get how to make friends. His wife had accepted him for all of this, but who else would? He didn't have a choice anymore though. He was getting tired and worn out, he wasn't a youth anymore. His bones ached when he got up in the morning and his joints hurt when it was too cold.

Thus, He found himself on the border of a clan. He wasn't sure exactly which clan it was, but it was somewhere to be for a few days at least. Somewhere to get out of the weather "Hello. I am Abe and I am looking to join this clan, if you would have me." Lets hope they wanted an old, smelly, coyote.

"old man, look at my life" —-- abraham / tangle / misc. / dragon-

Re: what am I doing here | joiner - wormwood. - 02-25-2020

Aurum had once spent a good portion of his life just... wandering. It had been after his brother had disappeared from their home pride, and he had been sent after the other to go and find him. However, the angel hadn't been in a terrible rush to do so, his heart still clinging to the bitterness of their fucked up childhood together. So, he had spent many months then just moving from place to place, experiencing the sights and meeting new people. Friendly people, who didn't just hate him on principle because of what they had been told by his parents. It had been like a paradise. Ultimately, however, he had ended up in Tanglewood, finally following after his brother's pawsteps all the way to the thick swamp dwelling group. At first he had thought this would be the end of his good times and happiness, figuring he would be greeted with nothing but hostility and prepared to serve it back in return... however, that had been many months ago now, and he had never been more wrong in his life. Sometimes he still missed the sense of freedom he had gotten with wandering, but overall? He loved living here far more than he had ever loved wandering the loner lands.

Aurum had been out for a walk when the sound of a voice reached his nose, new and foreign to him. It made sense that it wouldn't sound familiar, given the fact that they were requesting to join. A small smile curled onto Aurum's muzzle at that, and the male made his way out of the trees and over to Abraham, forcing the smile to stay on his face even as the other's smell reached his nose. Aurum didn't quite know why he was so sensitive to the smell of the other, but generally his senses had become far more sharp and responsive ever since he had become trapped in his current female tigon body. Perhaps female tigons were just more sensitive to things than male lions? Either way, he pushed steadfast through the smell, not wanting to insult Abe as he greeted, "Hello there, Abe. Tanglewood would be very glad to have you, as long as you're friendly. M'name's Aurum, and I'm the second in command around here. It's good to meet you." It was odd, listening to his voice in his current form. It still held the familiar business that came with his tone, but was lighter and more feminine, as would seem obvious. The usual greeting spiel he was so used to sounded particularly foreign.

Re: what am I doing here | joiner - Abraham - 02-26-2020

There.. was a very large cat, it was apparently the second in command and it welcomed him to the group. Huh. Abe stared at the feline that absolutely dwarfed him, apparently not a hard task, and opened his mouth to give his grateful response. "Mighty thanks, bud. I dunno how friendly that all you might think me but I'm respectful." He indeed was, having grown up in an environment that demanded it. "s'nice to meet you, Aurum."

How long was Abe willing to stay here? How much choice did he have. He didn't particularly mind the swamp mud, he'd been through too weird to be bothered by it, but he did hope that the territory wasn't so swampy further in. That'd be awkward, to live and sleep in the swamp. He didn't think he could do that. "I do assume you all got drier territory inland? dunno how much I'm up to sleepin' in the mud." He was nothing if not honest. The mud would probably be an improvement from his smell though.

"old man, look at my life" —-- abraham / tangle / misc. / dragon-

Re: what am I doing here | joiner - wormwood. - 02-28-2020

The angel found himself chuckling a little bit at Abe's first comment, shaking his head from side to side as he flicked some of the last bits of mud from his pelt. All things considered, even if Abe wasn't the friendliest guy in the world, he'd probably still be welcomed in with open arms. After all, this was a group that included Snarl, someone who was just constantly in a state of looking for a fight to pick, so friendliness wasn't actually so much required as it was just a suggestion. Aurum watched as the old male shifted around a bit in his muddy surroundings, clearly trying in vain to get comfortable while still stuck in one of the more humid and messy parts of the territory, and the proxy found himself laughing again before he nodded. He explained in a deep rumble as he turned his head back towards town, taking a few long strides over the logs back towards home, "We definitely have drier territory inland. An entire town, in fact. No sleeping in the mud required, considering most of us have houses. C'mon, just follow me and I'll show you there."