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where the others are - joining - Printable Version

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where the others are - joining - fulzanin - 02-23-2020

This wouldn't be the first time he'd wound up in some strange place apart from those important to him. It likely wouldn't be the last. For some odd reason the universe really loved to tug him away from his boyfriend time and time again and make him suffer. Last time it had been in a technology filled place and he had certainly suffered. His technophobia had rendered him an absolute mess when he'd finally been allowed to return home. It had resulted in sore wings, headaches, and being covered head to foot in weird colorful liquids that had stained his shirt and absolutely ruined the rest of his attire. It had taken days for him to get all the nastiness from his hair and feathers. The aftermath had been a lengthy amount of time of regrouping, reestablishing his comforts. A lengthy span of time it had been, but he had recovered. There had been another event, but it hadn't resulted in him being separated from the human that he loved. It had been an odd, scribbly world with turkeys and spiders. It hadn't been fun. He hadn't enjoyed being chased by monsters in the dark, his magic being hindered, and danger and death being abundant.  Another time he had spent within a colorful world of squids and kids. It had been far from pleasant and he had loathed having his ability of flight taken from him. Blits had survived that, too, despite how much he had absolutely hated it. The one thing that he was able to hate more than mechanics was being away from the one that he loved.

Again he was in an odd place and again he was placed into an odd body. He hated it. Blits hated all of it. He hated the residual headache he had, of how bright the sun above was, and there were so many other factors that poured into his distaste. His body shakily hobbled along, feet awkwardly digging into the sand. He had no idea where he was. Blits was so thoroughly, thoroughly confused. "Scot?!" He called out, head tipping back. "Scot?! Scot? Are you there?! Scot!" He called the name of his boyfriend as loudly as he could, sounding more like a squawk rather than a name. There was no response other than the nearby waves. He huffed loudly. Slowly his feathered body continued along, taking in the sights. On a shore. Why a shore? He didn't know. It wasn't the worst - it was outside after all - but he certainly would have preferred to have been home over it. No matter how much his kind supposedly loved the big and open sky, he preferred home over that preference. Preferred over preference. His slow and gnarly trot had to be paused for that odd word combination to be turned over in his mind.

Panic was wedging into him. He hated being away from his beloved. So many bad things could happen to him when Blits wasn't around to protect him! Blits' breathing sped up a little. He had to find him. He had to find him soon and ensure that he was okay. His tail swung behind him rapidly, trying to keep up with his rapid pace. His pace was far different from how it had been prior. Orange eyes rapidly glanced around, and caught sight of a bell. Perhaps the noise would help gather attention? Nonviolent attention was an afterthought as he flapped his arms, his wings, practically flinging himself on over with a gust of air. A wing then raised to smack against the bell, nervous chirping noises erupting from the dinosaur like creature. Warily his orange eyes continued scanning the landscape around him. He had to find Scot. He had to. He had to. Blits' weight shifted from side to side, aiding the nervous demeanor that came from the Sinornithosaurus. Waiting patiently to see if the bell would attract anyone. If it didn't? Blits was more than prepared to dive headfirst away from the shore and tear through the island to try and find his beloved. No, not try. It was the wrong word for him to use. Nothing would stop him, his feathers bristling at the thought.

TAGS 2/23/20:

Re: where the others are - joining - Keona. - 02-24-2020

If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
The sharp ringing of the bells never failed to perk the petite dealer's ears.  Pale, sea-green hues flashed.  Paws steadily changing direction, cutting a familiar path through the trees to the gate. 

As she came to a halt, her head inclined upwards, attempting to follow the sound of something rather large, moving around with an antsy energy.  Her teeth caught the inside of her cheek idly, hoping she'd soon have a voice to lock on to.

"Aloha," she offered mildly, blinking.  "Can I help you?"
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: where the others are - joining - fulzanin - 02-25-2020

Blits hadn't seen a cat before. Such a normal creature throughout the world was an absolute oddity to him. His head turned away from the bell, body ceasing in the unnerved motions for a brief second. His mind could, truly, only compensate for one bizarre and attention grabbing thing at a time. It had gone from being worried about location to being confused about the first one to greet him. What was the... person? They'd spoken, yes, and so they had to be a person. Orange eyes blinked rapidly, trying to associate the creature before him with something, anything familiar. His mind was still being flung around by panic, and so Blits quickly gave up. He had no word to use for this person other than... nope, couldn't even think of a word. He was absorbed in the panic again, and absolutely nothing was breaking through such a thing. Not even long enough for him to attach some sort of word to define the one currently speaking to him.

His barbed tail twitched behind him, aiding to the restless and nervous feelings that swamped him. The word initially used was foreign to him. Confusion swamped his face, a clucking noise sounding from him before he wrangled the noise back under control. "I- I'm lost," Blits answered after his brief pause. "I have no idea where I am or, or where anyone else is. Where am I?" The Sinornithosaurus asked. His head was swinging about again, trying to figure out if he'd been anywhere like this before. The answer was a firm 'no'. He didn't know. He had no idea. Blits shuffled on his talons, his arms tucked close to his sides. "I don't know where I am so I, I guess that's what I need help with." He added on after a few more seconds of pause. His head snapped around, a sudden thought coming into mind. He checked for the silver and gold bands of metal on his tail, feeling the slightest wave of relaxation upon seeing they were still there. Good. Blits grabbed parts of the feathers with his teeth to pull his tail around more to then use an arm to nudge one of the bands into a more comfortable position. It felt more comfortable there. More comfort meant less stress, right? It would help? It wasn't helping, nervous chirping parting from him once again.

TAGS 2/23/20:

Re: where the others are - joining - michael t. - 02-26-2020

Up until very recently, Michael had been a sort of stranger in a strange land as well, also separated from his... well. Boyfriend was a strong word. Partner in crime was more accurate, really. The point was, that Michael had been separated from the man he cared a great deal about, and had now been from one group he knew nothing about to another group that he knew nothing about. That was partially his own fault, for spending the majority of his life hidden away in the loner lands where he never paid attention to any of the gossip about the larger groups. He had figured he would never have to worry about them, since causing trouble with them was practically a death wish, and despite his and Trevor's profession, he didn't actually want to get buried twelve feet under at such a young age. It was obvious that Michael's situation was a bit different from Blits's situation, since he wasn't going from the drastic leap of one entire universe to another one, but he certainly felt out of his element, even now with a little bit of time to adjust, and even with his boyfr- partner in crime returned to him. He felt a little more at ease, considering he was now in a group full of pirates who hardly gave a shit if he stole as long as he made sure he didn't get himself caught, but that was still a lot different from the older days, when he and T had just been going freely from place to place, with no limits on either of them to hold them down anywhere. Michael wasn't sure if he liked that more, or this current way of life more. He supposed he would need some more time to properly make the comparison, especially with a certain important coyote now around.

Either way, the look of confusion and vague panic that current lingered on Blits's face was one that could be considered familiar to Michael, and the bobcat found himself frowning as he padded over, actually feeling a little bit bad for the strange creature. Just a mite, though. What Michael found himself most focused on when he found himself coming up beside Keona, truly, was the metal bands that Blits possessed around his arms. They were shiny and eye catching, and the gold ones sort of matched with Michael's general jewelry aesthetic... his blue eyes were faintly gleaming as he thought about how they would help his entire collection, even if they would be a bit big on him. However, he held himself back from saying or doing anything that could be considered strange, mainly for his own benefit. After all, if he started saying or doing weird shit, then suspicions would probably be raised higher for when he did something in the future. So, instead of allowing his gaze to linger on Blits's bits of jewelry, the slightly chubby dark feline forced his eyes upwards, to meet the brightly colored creature's gaze. It was easier to look the other in the eye, since the sharp and bright coloration of his body sort of made Michael want to recoil, even when he was only truly seeing it with one eye.

I'm lost. The phrasing of it was so simple and to the point that Michael might've thought this poor guy was a child, if it weren't for the fact that he seemed fully grown for... whatever exactly he was. His words were coming out in a frantic rush, and the thief briefly considered just leaving this one to Keona to deal with, since she no doubt had more experience with possible joiners, and his wounds were beginning to ache again from being out so long. Still, that would probably be fairly rude and might make Keona less likely to interact with him in the future – something he didn't really want considering his connection to Roxanne – so he forced himself to speak up, plastering on a fake and toothy smile, "Ah... chill out a little bit, alright? Panickin' probably isn't gonna help your situation at all. If you're looking for where you are, then I can answer that. You're in the Typhoon. We're a group of pirates that lives on the territory you see around you, and we're on the island attached to the bigger island... any of that ringin' any bells?" Something told Michael that alone wouldn't be enough for Blits – perhaps it was just the slightly braindead look the other possessed beneath the panicked one – but it was all he had for the moment.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: where the others are - joining - fulzanin - 02-27-2020

Blits felt uncomfortable for numerous reasons. Biggest reason? No boyfriend. No where. No ideas to where he could even begin to look for his one and only. His mind was racing so fast that no thoughts were breaking from the rapids to actually have any bearing to him. Hyperventilating, striking more panic in him. The next biggest reason? He was outside. Blits had never been outside for more than a few hours his whole life. He was usually inside of buildings, underground, within glass domes and away from where the sky and the sun was. The way of life he had was simple and contained. Outside there were no confinements. When he was younger, he had relished the time spent outside. Now it furthered the panic, digging into him. The change in body bothered him too, but no where near as badly as the prior two statements did. His lungs felt like they were being grabbed and jostled by sharp and jagged claws. He hated it.

Another person was showing up. Blits' attention shifted, his talons digging into the ground beneath him. Nervously shifting from side to side, barbed tail swinging behind him. 'Chill out'. What did that mean? More words coming his way, most of them without any definition that Blits could use for them. Chilling out, why did he need to be cold? What benefit would cold due for him currently? How would he even do such a thing? A typhoon, it was familiar, he'd heard it once. Why was a 'the' in front of it? A typhoon was a thing, a weather condition, right? Not a place. Islands were also a place. Pirates. What were pirates. "I-I don't..." He trailed off. Questioning about those words could come later. Not now. He needed to calm down, even if his fried mind was jumping around and refusing to stay grounded for a few seconds.

"N-No, it's not ringing any bells. Minus th-the one I just rang," Blits mumbled, his tail curling to point at the bell that previously he had been feverishly nudging with a feathered wing. He was breathing hard still, tongue tripping over his own words. His pronunciations were odd, foreign, accented. He had been taught this language by the one he was looking for. Commonly those lessons had ended with nothing actually being learned and them becoming a laughing mess of watching movies on the carpet of their shared room on their shared bed. "I don't know where I am a-at all." Blits adds on after a few moments more. His feet shuffle closer together, more notions of the nerves surging off him in waves. His head then jerks around, looking at the scenery around him once more. This was no dome within a methane sea. This was not home. He was stranded, again, and nervous chirping noises parted from his mouth again. "Not at all, n-not at all. Don't know where I, I have no idea where I am. I need a, a place t-to stay, probably..." Despite being told that he was within a place called the Typhoon, which was on an island, his mind simply didn't register it in the slightest.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: where the others are - joining - ROXANNE R. - 02-29-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
The draconic jaguar walked over with both of her ears perked forward, that was one brightly colored creature. She had to blink her eyes a few times to adjust to the others plumage, she would stand beside Michael brushing up against him gently with a faint smile on her maw. Roxanne would roll her shoulders a bit as she tried to figure out what was going on and it didn't take long for her to piece stuff things together. A joiner perhaps? They seemed a bit lost. "Mind telling us your name?" The Privateer would finally say with a slow nod of her cranium, her tail flicking to the sides before she would add with a smile tugging at her lips "This is the Typhoon. I'm Roxanne Roux though feel free to call me Rox or Roxie." She truly has never seen an animal quite like Blits before, it made her interest rise though it didn't last for long as she would sit down wrapping her spotted tail around her swollen belly protectively. God, she didn't know how much longer until her cubs were born but she only could hope for the best. She could already feel their paws and horns brushing against her, she drew a soft breath with her mismatched gaze fixated onto the unnamed stranger. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: where the others are - joining - fulzanin - 03-02-2020

Blits didn't know of many species. He'd become more versed with different types of monsters and how he could somewhat care for them instead of the vastness of other species that existed in the universe. He knew of birds, he knew of fish. If it was not a monster nor those two categories, Blits' mind drew a hearty blank. It was even more so when there were three creatures that were as odd to him as he was in the stance in return. His vibrant green plumage, pink markings, blazing orange eyes and squawk like voice certainly set him apart. Nervous shifting continued, orange gaze rapidly flickering between the trio that had gathered before him. He didn't know what they were. This newest person had horns, though. Something familiar.

He was being asked his name. Nervously the Sinornithosaurus swallowed. "Blits. M-my name is Blits," he answered after a brief pause. Did he need to include his last name, too? He didn't think so. He'd save it until he was told to give it. Wasn't as if his last name was super important. Another odd chirping noise parted from him. The other was smiling. That was hopeful. Smiles usually meant something good. Hopefully it would be good. Now the term for the location he was in registered, and his head lifted up. A typhoon? Wasn't that a horrific weather condition? The weather seemed decent, and further confusion flickered across his face. He'd thought of it a few moments prior when answering the second to arrive, but now his burned mind was running along the same track and it allowed for further thought. "It's not, it's not raining though," Blits softly commented. He gave his vibrantly colored form a shake as if it would aid the dismissal of the thought.

"Nice t-to meet you," comes the follow up, equally laced with his nerves. It would be impolite to not say such a thing, wouldn't it? His mind sputtered and couldn't come with an answer, his vibrant head dipping a little. "Is, is the storm thing, the word, is it a place?" Blits' voice curls on itself, going back over his words as if to ensure their usage to be correct. His tail has taken up a position tightly curled around one of his legs. "Are they other people who live here too?" The Sinornithosaurus asks, feathered wing gesturing to accompany his words.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: where the others are - joining - michael t. - 03-02-2020

Michael was hardly the most qualified person to deal with someone in the middle of a panic attack. Blits hadn't quite hit that level yet, but his emotional turmoil was already beginning to make the con man's chest tighten uncomfortably, wanting to pull himself from the entire situation. Seeing as, up until recently, Michael hadn't known much about the four major groups either, he wasn't exactly in the best position to help Blits figure out how he had gotten here, either. Thankfully for the bobcat, his saving grace arrived in the form of the female who was like a sister to him, Roxie. He felt the slight tension in his small form lessen when she came over, their pelts brushing together in greeting as he sighed. He was beginning to get worried that he wouldn't be seeing as much of Roxie lately, given the steady swell of her belly and the fact that she would eventually be confined to her home until the kits came if she wanted them to be birthed comfortably. Hopefully Greed would be back by then, or Michael was going to go out and hunt the fucker down himself. After all, a mother didn't deserve to be all on her own when she delivered little ones into the world. Even someone as morally iffy as Michael knew that to be true.

Unfortunately for all of them, it seemed as though Blits would not be an easy case to crack. Mikey already found himself wincing when the brightly colored male mentioned that it wasn't raining, his first instinct to snap out with something akin to it's a fucking name, idiot. If he did that though, Roxie would probably be less than pleased with him, so instead he focused on how he could help, limited as his options were, "M'name's Michael, since we're doin' all the introductions and shit. Michael De Santa. And yeah, I live here too." He was fairly certain of Keona's status as a member of the group as well, but he didn't want to talk over the girl, figuring she could introduce herself. Shifting his paws a little bit against the sandy earth, Michael felt slightly comforted from his awkwardness by the faint clink of his jewelry knocking together, his attention once again drawn to Blits's own accessories. At least this guy seemed like enough of a dumbass that it wouldn't be hard to swipe them. Michael chose to stop thinking about that, for his own good more than anyone else's, "And this is a place. The Typhoon is just what we call ourselves and is the name of our group as a whole. It isn't a real storm." That should be obvious, his brain chanted once again, and he gritted his teeth to keep silent. God, he really needed to work on this whole "first instinct is to be an asshole" thing he had going on.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]