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if a tree falls | char's stuck in a tree - Printable Version

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if a tree falls | char's stuck in a tree - Charlot - 02-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
How did he get in the tree? He didn't really know. He'd been chilling in the shade when something had started him, he jumped and grabbed and bam, in a tree. It hadn't really been that long since it happened and he wasn't really that far from camp, there weren't exactly trees far from camp, but he wanted down. The view wasn't terrible, though it was very much just branches, and he could see some of his clanmates in the distance. Some of them had to be able to climb trees, right?

"Bros! Come get me down!" They might be a bit confused to be shouted at out of nowhere. "I'm in the tree!" eh, they'd figure the tree out. He wasn't in any danger, just very uncomfortable. He didn't like heights.
"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: if a tree falls | char's stuck in a tree - fulzanin - 02-24-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
Trees were pretty rare, following the scorching of the Pitt's territory. Astiar ought to know it better than most. Several times a day he would have to leave the territory in order to find trees, for that was what his diet consisted of. He ate plant matter: trees in particular. Any tree, for the bug certainly was not picky. Hearing a sharp and sudden cry warranted the bug's attention. Where previously he had slowly been meandering about, now his pace sped up to approach. His head tipped up to look at the one stuck in the tree. A member of the hive. Friend. His antennae twitched. "HIVE NO FOOD UP FOOD," the beast shrieked. Astiar pushed his shoulder up against the tree. Knocking over trees was something that he had become very, very efficient at doing. Even with his proficiency with knocking down his food source to eat it, didn't mean that he was great all the time. This particular tree was stubborn, and a few shoves didn't manage to knock it down. Astiar reared up on his hind legs, wings buzzing to keep himself stable as he got a little more eye level with the one stuck in the confines of the tree. He chittered, jaws then clamping down on some of the branches before snapping them off. He lowered, contently munching away. His attempt to help spare causing the tree to now be crooked was discarded in the light of healthy branches being present for him to eat. The simple minded cared for little more than providing sustenance for himself, sadly. The buzzing of his wings certainly was an attention grabber, and would likely cause someone far more competent and intellectually constructed to come to Charlot's aid.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: if a tree falls | char's stuck in a tree - COSMIIX - 02-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]SHE ASKED ME, 'SON, WHEN I GROW OLD. WILL YOU BUY ME A HOUSE OF GOLD' ?。+゚.[/glow]

Foxes weren't normally known for climbing trees as far as Bee knew though he was somewhere else far from home, maybe things were a lot more different here is what he assumed. Odd really. But he couldn't speak for himself seeing as he had thumbs which was a large contrast to most felines, it made holding things a lot easier and he actually liked the trait he had. When he heard someone calling for help, Bee was already on the case with his short tail wiggling to the sides vigorously as he tried pinpointing where it had come from exactly and who it was. Soon, he discovered that the voice came from the tree and in the tree was a very uncomfortable looking Charlot, Bee had to do his best not to laugh at how ridiculous the other looked up there. So unnatural but he thought it was pretty cool. His attention turned to Astiar who seemed more preoccupied in feeding himself rather than helping the vulpine, which with all due respect was fair and valid in his eyes.

Bee would finally open his own mouth to speak "Here I come," Without further ado, the feline would scramble on top of the crooked tree with a smile on his maw. It didn't take long for Bee to reach Charlot though the only issue now was bringing down the fox to the ground. Fuck, he hadn't thought that far into it though he turned his attention to Astiar who was still buzzing. His smile growing wider as an idea formed itself into his mind, he would go over to one of the smaller branches making sure to have a good grip on it and slowly tore it off after a moment of him grunting to loosen it. Now, he waved it in the air in the direction of Astiar with a grin on his maw "Ya want the yummy branch? Come get it!" He saw this in a movie once, all he had to do was give Astiar the branch and once he was close enough, all he and Charlot had to do was climb onto Astiar's head and slide down his neck.

Easy! [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: if a tree falls | char's stuck in a tree - Charlot - 02-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
Astiar was coming! Thank the gods of all holy, he'd be able to get down. Lets hope he didn't get down via splatting because that was what Astiar seemed to want to do, oh gods. The fox would hold in a scream as he wrapped himself tightly around the branch he was on while the big creature under him threw itself at the tree. This was how it would end, with him a beautiful white puddle on the ground because Astiar ate the tree from under him. Rest in peace, Charlot.
Or Bee could help him down, That could work too. Or Bee could get stuck too, shit. "Bro, you're a cat, how do you not know how to climb down trees. I swear to the gods, if this gets us eaten then I am NOT gonna be happy.""

He wanted Astiar to eat the branch under them? what the hell! "BRO, WHAT! You want them to eat our branch, we gonna splat!" They probably would.

"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: if a tree falls | char's stuck in a tree - fulzanin - 02-26-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
Astiar had a habit for getting very, very focused on things. When he had brought an ant covered log into camp, he had been so absorbed with watching the ants crawl over him that he had barely noticed when people had yelled at him over it. He was a simple creature with simple thought processes. The stick that he had snatched off the tree had been small, and it had not taken the dragon all that long in order to crunch it up to eat. How his gums escaped splinters was a wonder in and of itself. His wings were still buzzing idly, his head having lowered to inspect for any of the branches that had fallen from the tree. The rapid waving of the branch that Bee had grabbed grabbed his attention, antennae flicking above his head. Chittering noises sounded from him, the dragon pivoting and moving closer to the tree again. His claws sunk into the tree as he hoisted the rest of his body up, looking at the rapidly waving branch. Food! He was very, very hungry, it was a constant for him. Always hungry, always wanting to eat.

Astiar's antennae twitched, listening to the words that were being presented to him. Bee's words were easy, simple. He could understand them with marginal ease. Chittering sounded from him again, his hind legs shuffling a little to better balance himself. The first one to get stuck in the tree was talking, too. For a few moments more Astiar managed to ignore the hunger that plagued him, presenting his confusion for the concern the other had. He had experience with picking up small branches, using his mandibles for grab such a thing. His actual jaws sank into the branch that the two were currently positioned on. Claws dug into the bark of the tree, slowly starting to pull the larger branch from the trunk of the tree. Astiar was struggling, for this tree was quite stubborn and certainly 'fighting' against him. First he couldn't knock it down, and now he couldn't even break a branch off! Grumbling noises sounded from the dragon, tugging sharply on the branch with little progress. His head was close, thankfully enough, and all the spikes along his spine pointed away from his head and so skewering would be hard, if not impossible. Astiar was being helpful, even if it wasn't fully intentional anymore. Driven by hunger, doing exactly as feared - eating the branch that the two were standing on.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: if a tree falls | char's stuck in a tree - toboggan - 02-27-2020

"Just jump down!" rang an angered high-pitched cry. The holler arose from the maw of a particularly pissy pipsqueak, who unenthusiastically trudged towards the source of all those deafening howls for help. When she realized the predicament at hand, and the sheer lunacy of it, the child couldn't help but stifle a handful of foul guffaws. How did a fox manage to get up there, and why? What business did this dickbag have that required his presence a good few metres off the ground? Whatever business it was, Noor wholeheartedly hated it - the fuckface's screeching had interrupted her search for a toad. Now that every toad in the vicinity had probably fled for Tanglewood because of the screaming, the Callahan now had nothing to focus her energy on - save directing all of it towards hating on Charlot.

A rotten grin emerged on her visage once she realized what Astiar was attempting to accomplish. That dumbass's hunger for wood compelled it to start gnawing at the branch below Charlot - an act that, if fulfilled, would surely result in injury for the trapped vulpine. Looks like our oversized lizard friend needs some words of encouragement. "That's it, bug!" Noor yowls, her tone brimming with faux confidence, "keep tugging! Keep tugging!"

Re: if a tree falls | char's stuck in a tree - aine. - 02-28-2020

I'll come back when you call me
The buzzing of Astiar's wings often snatched Aine's attention with ease.  The petite vixen blinked and began to follow the sound, ears flattening at the sound of raised voices.  Yelling always made her uneasy.  With a frown, she craned her neck up to assess the situation.

"Oh." Astiar was just close enough.  Bumblebee was a genius. "Jum. Jump on his head, Charlot!" She offered up shyly, shifting her paws beneath her.  She didn't have any herbs on her if someone did get hurt... Maybe she ought to find her father... Astiar wasn't far though, she was sure the fox could easily reach him safely... Right?
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —