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don't let me let you down / ooc task & open - Printable Version

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don't let me let you down / ooc task & open - Margaery - 05-06-2018

(i highly recommend listening to this while reading!)

[color=#b14767]"Standing here like I'm supposed to say something
Don't hold your breath, I never said I'd save you, honey."

Margaery had always enjoyed singing. To her, it was a form of stress relief- a way to release that pent up frustration and anger and sadness and fear without harming anyone in the process. She knew her more beastly side would much rather prefer to fight and to kill and to feed, whispering in the back of her mind that that was the only genuine way to overcome the emotions holding her back. But she realized how deceitful her true self was and she knew with the utmost of certainty that entertaining even its very desires would only weaken the mental shackles she had it tightly bound in.

[color=#b14767]"And I don't want your money
If I was you, I'd run from me or rip me open
You'll see you're not the only one who's hopeless."

Her voice was growing louder with every line, her confidence building. She was good at this, she knew that. But she'd be lying if she said that the song didn't trigger something in her... some feeling of wistfulness, of longing. Her vampirism had accounted for nearly all of her issues as of late- tempting her with ideas of mindless blood-lust... an escape from her life which was far from perfect. If she hadn't been her Mother's child, she wouldn't be like this. She would just be Margaery Folie, mother, friend, peaceful gardener. There wouldn't be any innate need to play god, to decide who lives and who dies simply to sate her burning hunger.

[color=#b14767]"Be sure to put your faith in something more
I'm just a girl and you're not as alone as you feel
We all got problems, don't we? We all need heroes, don't we?
But rest assured, there's not a single person here who's worthy."

Tears. There were tears now, pooling at the corners of her stormy gray eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. She didn't want to be like this. She didn't want to be this awful, awful monster. She'd do anything to escape her curse, even if it meant sacrificing everything. What did she have to lose anymore? Her children were gone or hated her... her wife was a bear whom she had actively avoided for the last week... there was nothing for her, it felt, and she had inadvertently brought her turmoil upon herself.

[color=#b14767]"Hey baby, I'm not your superhuman
And if that's what you want
I hate to let you down
I got your hopes up
Now I got you hoping
That I'm gonna be the one to let you down."

Curse Caroline. Curse her Father. Even curse her aunt and uncle who had been the only ones to see the good in her underneath that monster and to accept it, not encourage her to extinguish her own light. It was their fault that she was like this, their fault that she was suffering... that she was nothing more than a polite beast. Had they not already been lost to the sands of time, she would have killed them herself.

[color=#b14767]"Oh, it's such a long and awful lonely fall
Down from this pedestal that you keep putting me on
What if I fall on my face? What if I make a mistake?
If it's okay a little grace would be appreciated."

But she couldn't do anything about it. She was born to be a monster and it was up to her to control it, to refuse to give in to what she was made to be. To do. She needed to understand that, to let go of the bitter hatred she had developed against her own family for something they struggled with as well. Her Mother had been just like her, she remembered, but it was the allure of darkness that claimed her. Not anything else. Not anyone else. And Margaery was stronger than Caroline ever was. She knew that for a fact.

[color=#b14767]"Remember how we used to like ourselves?
What little light that's left, we need to keep it sacred
I know that you're afraid to let all the dark escape you
But we can let the light illuminate these hopeless places."

She was genuinely enjoying herself now, even dancing along a bit to the song that she so loudly sang. So what that she was like this... so what if she needed to kill to survive. She was strong. She was strong. She was strong. Margaery had lived once like this and she could do it again... she'd command her affliction with all the graces she had at her disposal and prove to herself and everyone else that she wasn't as much as a monster as she made herself out to be.

[color=#b14767]"Oh, no, I ain't your hero
You're wasting all your faith on me
Oh, no, I know where this goes
Think it's safe to say your savior doesn't look a thing like me!"

Re: don't let me let you down / ooc task & open - Suiteheart - 05-06-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The first emotion that found its way to her was confidence. After a week of feeling nothing but fear and anger and sadness, this emotion blindsided her. Her own emotions often reflected Margaery's as their bond was so tightly knit, but as of late, they were two separate entities again, only barely feeling the others emotions and thoughts. That being said, as she stewed in her own feelings of hopelessness, this new self-assurance filled her with something akin to hope.

Curiosity tugged at her now. Margaery would not have so easily allowed Suite to feel this way out of the kindness of her heart - not anymore. The pair used to think of happy and good things before sending it out into their bond so the other might experience some relief. But now? Now that was a simple memory that was all but forgotten.

As Suiteheart made her way toward her wife, she felt tears well up in her eyes. She could not explain the reasons for this, but she knew it was from Margaery. The tears were accompanied by self-hatred, and it made the polar bear quicken her pace. And all at once, she could hear singing.

The Starstruck Guardian stopped completely. Margaery was singing? Some strange emotion rose up inside her. Bittersweeness, she supposed, but she couldn't be sure. It had been so long since she had heard her wife sing. It had to have been a couple of years at least. The thought crafted an ache in her heart, and the only remedy would be to listen to the rest of the song. So the large creature picked up her feet and slowly continue onward.

Acceptance and enjoyment found her next, and Suiteheart felt relief course through her soul. Margaery was okay. Or she was beginning to be okay. That simple affirmation made her feel so much better about everything, and she half wondered if she should stay away to not ruin these feelings. She wanted her wife to be happy and at ease, and her sudden appearance might shatter whatever fragile peace Margy had accumulated by singing... But she had to try, didn't she?

Didn't she?

"I miss hearing you sing," Suiteheart murmured, voice low, soft, loving. As she gazed upon the chocolate point, there was nothing in her eyes except love. Unconditional. True. The being before her meant the most to her, and it mortally wounded Suite for the simple fact that she could not be with Margaery without destroying her completely. She was so very sorry. All she did was take, take, take from her wife: take her happiness, take her peace, take her life from so long ago. It made Suiteheart want to break down in tears, but she upheld her facade.

Re: don't let me let you down / ooc task & open - Luciferr - 05-08-2018

Re: don't let me let you down / ooc task & open - Character Graveyard. - 05-08-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
During most of her childhood- Luna would sing, for her mother and her brother. She did not think highly of her voice, yet she was often being praised and others would tell her she had a lovely voice.

Singing was a form of art. A talent that some could have and others wouldn't have it in them. Luna had been one of the many who could sing. She found comfort and relief when she sung.

The white serval had come across Eternalwar, Suitheart and Margaery sitting around and she took note of the fact that Margaery could sing. "You have a nice voice." Luna said with a soft tone.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: don't let me let you down / ooc task & open - BASTILLEPAW - 05-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_opv2xqe1mz1rcqt1po5_1280.gif]
[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]WALKING STORM™
angstendants — #demotebast2k18 — rapsheet
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille was indifferent towards singing, honestly -- but he recognized Margy's voice, and felt compelled to trace the source to the femme. Although he didn't care much for the singing itself, she had a soothing presence all on her own; even when there was so much turmoil built up in her soul, so much tension. Besides, it seemed that where she was, Suite was, and when he arrived he found both of them along with Etty and Luna. He came to a stop beside the latter, ice blue gaze locked on the wives before he focused a little more intently on Margy. She sang so sadly, but he supposed that wasn't surprising, giving current situations. He wasn't stupid enough to point it out, and instead drawled idly in agreement, [b]"Yeah, she does."

Re: don't let me let you down / ooc task & open - ★ HAZEL - 05-09-2018

ooc cries because when i clicked on the link youtube showed me an ad for poptarts and it took me far too long to realize that it was an advertisement, and the entire time i was just thinking “flo wants me to listen to a poptart ad while reading a one shot???”

Hazel had joined The Ascendants a beat too late to realize the complicated past between Margaery and Suite. She had been aware there was a past there, of course, but the history remained a mystery. Even after her private encounters with the two and discovering they were married (and man, that made a puzzle pieces slide into place), Hazel still couldn’t figure out the tension between them.

To her, marriage had always been a fantasy thing, as it was to most girls. Not necessarily the white picket fence and backyard cookout every Sunday night type fantasy, but the gravity defying, world traveling, heartbreaking, adventure seeking Romeo and Juliet tale that was full of love and lust and pain. So many times, Hazel had dreamed that if Mother had a spouse, she would have been happier. She would have treated Hazel right. They could have been a family, not a broken piece of one.

This was why she couldn’t understand why Margaery sang so sadly, or Suite spoke softly and forlornly. She couldn’t understand why Suite and Margy weren’t dancing together, singing at the top of their lungs. They both loved their family so much - Hazel had seen it, had heard it, when Margy had told her about her kids and when Suite showed her the pictures inside the locket.

Hazel approached on the other side of Bastille, unconsciously keeping her distance from Eternal’s size and threatening appearance. “I didn’t know you could sing, Margaery.” Hazel said quietly, curling her tail over her paws. “You should do it more often.”
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers