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come get y'all juice | salon time - Printable Version

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come get y'all juice | salon time - Charlot - 02-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
  Charlot was bored. he was bored, bored, bored, bored. There wasn't really a lot to do in this clan, with the hella sun n heat, plus the burnt up territory wasn't really too nice to walk around. He'd spent the last few days sleeping or relaxing in the shade, occasionally going hunting to try and find food but not usually being too lucky. The only interesting thing recently had been that weird merchant.. and Goatus. Praise be. The merchant had some weird stuff though, jars of thick pastes and old fabric bands n stuff.. hair stuff. Char had never used dyes but he'd used bands and done a bit of stuff on Camille before. After a brief demonstration of hair dye on Goatus, he was pretty sure he was good with the dyes.

  The young fox was currently set up with a pile of stuff, haphazardly sorted. "Yo! Come get y'alls salon stuff done. I'm bored and I wanna do them hairs."

"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: come get y'all juice | salon time - COSMIIX - 02-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]SHE ASKED ME, 'SON, WHEN I GROW OLD. WILL YOU BUY ME A HOUSE OF GOLD' ?。+゚.[/glow]
A salon?

Huh, he never thought there would be a salon in the desert but then again he never imagined himself actually living in a desert to begin with. Such a dreaded heat, Bumblebee couldn't even put on his helmet without feeling like he was suffocating and just when he thought the heat was bad. The cold that plagued the desert was worse, he often wished he had someone to lay next to and not wake up to the rough surface of his skateboard. It made him miss Carlos but Bee pushed the thought away as he would walk over with his fannypack wiggling side to side on his curvy hips, he would offer a timid smile for a moment only to open his mouth to speak "I'd absolutely love if you dolled me up," A purr would leave his maw as both of his ears perked forward, he would brush the fur out of his face feeling his face heating up just a bit. There was so many foxes in the Pitt, it made him feel just a little bit more special to be a cat. God, it was so hot. He would sit down wiggling his short tail at Charlot unable to hold back the now wide grin on his face. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: come get y'all juice | salon time - fulzanin - 02-24-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
The idea of a salon was lost to Astiar. He was a simple bug. Bugs didn't clean themselves much other than licking their legs and then rubbing their heads. Astiar did go a little further, sometimes rolling in the sand of the desert as if it would help his scales be buffed to perfection. Actual baths? No. He didn't know of such a thing. Neither did he know of a salon, but the level of noise that came from the source brought the curious bug over. A chitter parted from him, a form of greeting. He didn't know what the reason for the congregation was, but it was those that were members of the hive. It would be pleasant, then. He lowered his head a little, the dragon trying to get a better look at the supplies present. "FOOD?" Astiar noisily inquired with his shrieky, mental voice. His tail curled behind him before his large body proceeded to lay down. Antennae wriggled curiously from their position on top of his head. He had no fur to be styled, instead being covered in harden scales and exoskeleton. Interested Astiar was, nonetheless, red eyes unblinking while they looked between the first patient of the salon center.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: come get y'all juice | salon time - Clover - 02-24-2020

Clover wasn’t exactly the best at hygiene. Of course he bathed and sure he was clean but actually looking presentable? That was too much work for the lion to do without incentive. He didn’t exactly think much of it either. What people thought of him was no worry of his own. He did, however want to get to know the other Pittian better. It was only out of sheer luck that he caught word of a makeshift salon.

While the lion wasn’t exactly thrilled to do his mane himself, he wouldn’t mind having someone else do it for him. The least he can do after that is keep it clean but even then he isn’t exactly sure he would bother to redo anything that becomes undone. Either way, it would be a good way to socialize and meet some people he hadn’t talked to yet.

And so he strode up, his nearly signature lazy smile adorned. He shook his mane out and per usual made it even messier. ”You can do mine if you want to. I don’t mind if it gives you something to do.” Thinking about it now, Clover’s mane could take a while to do but considering the fact that the fox seemed bored, it sure wouldn’t be boring to do.

Re: come get y'all juice | salon time - nikolai - 02-24-2020

    Sweat clung to thick ruddy fur as the youngest horseman plodded aimlessly over dunes, each pant heaved from lolling jaws steaming the inner panes of his mask's lenses just that much more. Unlike the jargon-speaking creatures he shadowed, his body, while able to endure harsh winters and scavenge through snow, simply was not designed to withstand unbearable heat. Yet an inability to verbally express his misery and tendency to drool upon the sight of anyone edible left him alone in his battle to keep cool.

    Nikolai fanned himself with a broad paw, sprawled beneath the minimal shade of creosote and brittlebush with his mask perched atop his face, bottom straps unbuckled for the sake of not suffocating within the silicone oven. Even after all the hell he endured, he was going to succumb to the warmth of a sun he ached for when he worked in the ГУЛАГ. Well... at least he would not have to obey Him anymore.

    Voices pricked bearish ears, the vocabulary meaningless to him yet intriguing nonetheless. His mouth watered -- no. No eating others. He shook his head, licking shredded lips dryly to collect any saliva lost as though he could wet his throat with it. The chatter drifted awfully close; he fastened the lower straps, huffing into the muzzling filter of his gas mask before shoving himself to approach, a wobbly limp still in his gait as he recovered from his incident at the swamp's border.

    A curious setup was discerned through fogged lenses, his single eye scanning over the unfamiliar and modern luxuries reserved for заможні. A prisoner did not deserve such amenities. But he worked beneath a new force now, free to act as he pleased as long as he did not tug at the untended leash.

    His pale sight flitted to gleaming blades -- recognizable yet lacking any word besides ножиці to associate. The wolverine slumped, folding one arm beneath his sweat-soaked chest and lifting a white claw to trace a message in the sand. A sun, its rays uneven and circle deformed, next to a sad face, its right eye replaced with an 'x'. He gestured to his shaggy flank, then to the blades and back to himself. Nikolai glanced to the keeper of the supplies, bowing his head in wait to see if his hieroglyphs and charades were understood.

Re: come get y'all juice | salon time - Charlot - 02-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
Oh gods, he had a turnout. sweeet.

Bee wanted to be dolled up, Astiar was.. Astiar, Clover wanted to be brushed and Niko Niko wanted to be, uh, clipped short? He could do all that.  It would probably be a better idea to start with what would take the least time, Niko and Astiar, and then end with the longest times, Bee and Clover. He had absolutely no clue what Astiar wanted to be done but he could totally sport a sick-ass ribbon. There were a bunch of supes nice ones that Char had lifted off the merchant. Maybe a purple one? definitely the purple one with butterflies on it.

Making his way over, Char grinned up at the big dino dragon dude. "No food but I got a ribbon for ya!" The big dude was thankfully lying down so the fox was able to wrap and tie it around Astiars neck. "You're the most beautiful butterfly, my bro." That was all good and done.

Niko had drawn the weird stuff in the sand that Charlot didn't really understand too well, but he got it when the scissors were pointed to. With an enthusiastic nod, Charlot would make his way back to the pile to grab his scissors but falter a bit as he looked at Niko Niko again. He was always wearin' that weird gas mask thing so maybe he didn't like to show his face? just like The Visored! Hella. He'd go last then.

Glancing over at Bee and Clover, it was a tossup to who would be done the quickest and that would probably, haha, bee the bee. Only issue is that he didn't know what Bee wanted. "Def, bro. What you want done?" He didn't wanna do anything only for Bee to hate it, that wouldn't be iconic at all. So, onto Clover he went. It was fairly obvious what Clover wanted to be done: Mane. Char was totes up to doing it, although he wasn't super sure how long it'd take. With a "Lie down, bro." Char began to work.

Starting with removing the basic debris and bits that had gotten caught up in it, He removed an unsurprisingly large amount of stick and bark. It was pretty easy to get the woody material caught up in all your places when you considered all of the burnt trees around. From there, it was the metal comb to start the process of brushing. It was a fair workout to make his way around the lion, up and beside and in front as he worked through the significant mass of hair. Tips to roots, he slowly removed the matts that clung close to the skin and any other snarls that remained. He felt a bit bad for taking so long with Niko Niko like, dying nearby, but he couldn't do a whole lot about that.

A bit later, Charlot would nod up at the big cat, with a now big and fluffy mane. He'd spit the comb out of his mouth to speak. He'd given him a quick all-over brush with a soft brush and he was looking pretty snazzy. "You lookin' good, bro! Gonna get all the babes like this."

"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: come get y'all juice | salon time - Mercede - 02-28-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

A salon? She had had no clue what such a thing was and yet it called to her. Quietly and with her head held high, she would walk over. the little cotton ball had been practicing her lady like walking lately. Perhaps it was a bit too dramatic, she looked a little stretched and strained but dear god did she feel superior.

“So you brush hair? Do mine please! Make be even more perfect!”

she’d like to see what improvements he could do. Anything the little puppy was up for! Mercede barely recognized some of these folks but she did know ugly Astiar. She was kinda scared of him, always offering to snatch up her and her sisters for the false Ardent,


Re: come get y'all juice | salon time - teef - 02-28-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] padding in after mercede, laeglin tipped his head, sniffing the air curiously, noticing clover and ducking his head. so ... it was grooming? it sounded like a lot of fun. listening to the fox kit, the serval hybrid blinked and looked over at charlot, ears wiggling in thought. he didn't really know these people but he wanted to. what better way than to adapt to their er, custom?

sitting down behind mercede, he tipped his head as if thinking hard, "i would like a ... whatever you want to do. i wanna show off to my mama. she'll be happy to see me, im sure!", he murmured, twin tails curled over his paws.