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WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - Printable Version

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WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - Kydobi - 02-23-2020


[OOC: ]

He hadn’t really gotten to know his new litter. Hadn’t seen them since birth really. That was far from ideal. He wanted to be a good father and although he never intended.. his kids were shoved from his priorities.

Mostly because he had kids to worry about in the Pitt. Which was fine. They were safer away from the Pitt within the protection of Bai Shi.

He would let out a roar or as close as a jaguar could get to one. Calling for [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] . He had finally come to see his sweet children.

[member=1712]LEOKU LINGRE-KYRZOBA[/member] [member=11016]Veris[/member]


Re: WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - Veris - 02-24-2020

Veris didn’t really have much to do except for watch. Watching is all she did and honestly, it was getting a bit boring. Luckily for her it seemed like something was happening today!

She heard the call, and although it wasn’t directly for her, Veris was too curious not to show. It took everything in her power not to run towards the sound out of sheer excitement at something new, but she knew her position and thought about the dangers.

So that’s why she was unknowingly striding towards her father, tail swaying at the prospect of something exciting happening. It didn’t take her long to find him but when she didn’t take her long to figure out who he was. Her own shadowy coat bore semblance to his and she instinctively changed her stance a little to mimic his.

She hadn’t seen him in so long but Veris wanted to make him proud.

Re: WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - Cosmic - 02-27-2020

Leoku carried himself as he always had- head held high, paw steps light and his stance regal with obvious practice, as though he had been waiting for just this moment. He looked proud, but not to the point of being smug. He carried himself as he wanted to be seen as- a Prince worthy of respect and noticed by those that mattered. Ever since he was born, he had this... feeling within his soul, and he never ignored or dismissed it. He instead chose to follow it.

He knew this jaguar, whether or not the male acknowledged him as such, was his father, and Leoku his son. His proud, fox-dragon hybrid prince. He wanted him to be proud of him too, and he gave a wave of his tail and a dip of his head, showing protruding antlers beginning to sprout, a few dragon scales here and there on his body, and multiple tails.

As much of an oddity he was, he hoped that Kydobi would recognize him based on his intense energy and presence. Perhaps even by his voice as he spoke,

Hello. I feel like I know you somehow. Have we met?” Of course he was playing dumb- he wanted to see the Ardent’s reaction. He wanted to see a smile or a gesture that showed pride in who Leoku was at this moment, and what kind of prince he was becoming.

Re: WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - Kydobi - 02-28-2020


[OOC: if I forgot any of their siblings please tag them for me haha ]

It was hard to not be excited. To see what you created be growing and evolving into something amazing.

He was more than thrilled to see a little black cub strut his way. The biggest smile one could ever see was spread across his maw. Probably terrifying considering all his teeth but the joy in his eyes was unmatched. She was gorgeous in his eyes. the contrast of the vibrant scales again his dark fur all in her body was art in itself.

She would steal hearts, like her father. He smiled, remembering her name. The little cat stood out during the hatching. There was no doubt she was his on his part, “My little Veris. Come here and give me a hug.”

Then another would come, he hadn’t been to sure of Leoku. That much he could recall, but he couldn’t bring himself to treat them different. The child had been all over him from the start and he knew that if none would take him then he would raise them like his own son.

Kydobi smiled when they spoke, he enjoyed their little voice. Horned fox was unique as well, “I was there when you were born little one.”

He smiled at them and would reach forward to pull the kids closer. Attempting to pull them both onto his chest as he fell on his back softly.


Re: WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - teef - 02-28-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi, regina & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
hearing the male, they would appear silently, the shifter in their jaguar body. keeping their distance, the kingpin watched over their own children approaching their father. laying down before their legs could give out, they kept to the shadows where their mostly dark pelt helped them to blend in. oh how they wished that they could have given each child a full loving home, but the children would meet their other parents as they came to visit.

the shifter was ill, another reason for keeping their distance, not wishing to startle kydobi or their children anymore than they already were. keeping silent except for a soft call for [member=11210]KEKHAI ![/member]  they laid their head upon their front paws, dearly wishing that they could see.

short but they're just overseeing //

Re: WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - Cosmic - 02-28-2020

My name is Leoku! Prince Leoku!” The small fox hybrid had a huge smile on his face and giggled a bit when Kydobi said he had known him already. He didn’t expect any less of him. He was just incredibly excited to see the huge jaguar- his father. He was proud that he was his dad, and his presence made him feel safe, protected and loved. He felt secure.

Before he could make a comment though, he was willingly grabbed as Kydobi made a soft landing onto his back- Leoku was now the top dog! He squealed with glee, even though it was just a small movement by Kydobi, it was still enough to cause excitement in him. He wanted to savor this moment as much as he could, and he rested his head against the jaguar’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. Instinctively, he curled into it, and tried to grab and hold onto his dad’s paw.

A powerful presence he had indeed, and he didn’t take notice to it just yet. But it was still as strong, if not stronger, as the day of his hatching. He still had a piece of the egg hidden somewhere safe, as a reminder of his roots.

I love you, dad. Are you proud of me?” He knew Bai Shi always was, but he wanted to hear it from Kydobi.

Re: WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - Kydobi - 03-06-2020


[OOC: ]

He couldn’t help but smile. A true smile, not the half hearted “thank you” he so often gave.

When Leoku took to him, even if he had his doubts, he couldn’t do anything but that. He nearly cried. The joy was overwhelming, this feeling was what he had been searching for. The last time he felt such happiness... he had been in the embrace of his own father.

And at this moment in time he was deeply reminded of it. A thought buried so far in his mind that only intense feeling could dig it up and throw it back into his conscience. His smile quaked and he nearly got up to leave. A massive mitt almost bigger than Leoku would go limp, allowing the little fox to cuddle it as he pleased while Kydobi fought the sudden turmoil within.

Fear was brought back. Fear that this wouldn’t last. That there was some catch. That something would ruin this and he would be left alone again because he wasn’t good enough.

Lips lined in tar would quiver as he forced himself to speak, “I’m very proud of you my son..”


Re: WORKIN MY RIGHTS •• kyd[o]bi parent visit - fulzanin - 03-10-2020

KEKHAI   dragon-jaguar hybrid - alithís evgenis - they/them

Kekhai took a little while to scramble over. They were quite small, after all. They certainly behaved the youngest out of all their siblings. Silver scales had begun to grow the tiniest patches of fur in equally as snow colored values. Their small talons flung them along towards the call of their name. They chattered absently until one last charge brought them close enough for them to actually see the sight. Leoku was here! And Bai Shi! And some other person they didn't know! Their rapid sprint pivoted a little, blue and red eyes looking up at the jaguar. Who was this? Kekhai loudly sniffed. "Feh," they comment, gaze flickering to their brother. Did he know who this stranger was? Their ears wriggled in confusion, and their head that was beginning to grow fur gently tipped to the side. "Tee?" They questionably chatter, tail wriggling behind them a moment later. Were they playing? Could Kekhai join? The hatchling rapidly began bouncing on their feet, weight rapidly altering from one side to the other in a manner most playful.

TAGS 2/3/2020: