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She Got Arrested [o, joining] - Printable Version

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She Got Arrested [o, joining] - Vathmos - 02-23-2020

Vathmos didn't want to leave Tanglewood. No, that wasn't right. She wanted to leave Tanglewood, to leave Snarl. She didn't want to leave Aurum. Tanglewood didn't want her. If they wanted her, they would have made the effort to see how she was- no. That was stupid. They didn't need her. They were a clan, closely knit together and Snarl had taken her place.
Snarl was just doing what all hyenas did, and by Lamashtu, if she just could have fought with her, put her in her place. Kaz had gotten in the way, she hadn't meant to hurt him. He didn't do anything, he just got in the way.

It would be awkward for her to continue to stay there. Looking at Snarl only brought anger because they liked her and she wasn't hungry all the time and she wasn't- the hyena straightened up, releasing a heavy sigh, letting her paws dig and sink themselves into the sand.

She came out here to die. She left Tanglewood and just kept walking. She still reeked of the clan, her fur matted and coated with Tanglewood's swamp and mud, turning an otherwise dusty-pelted hyena into a dingy brown. Vathmos lifted her paws, continuing to move until she reached the edge of the burned jungle. She moved further, placing herself inside of a hollowed out log. She could rest here, probably.


Re: She Got Arrested [o, joining] - Kydobi - 02-23-2020


[OOC: Im honestly really excited to see how she develops here Smile ]

The stench of Tanglewood was bitter on his tongue. Considering recent events he would be quick to address it. They wouldn’t be met with too much kindness either. The bullying was ending now and Kydobi was fed up.

Silently and with too much ease, he would see a lone hyena. A lone dirty hyena. For a brief moment he thought it was snarl, never had he seen her so dirty though. His feline tendency to keep clean was totally disgusted and irked by someone allowing themselves to reach such a unhygienic state. His nose curled up for more reasons other than his snarl.

“You have five seconds to tell me why you’re here before I tear your hide and drag you home for my people to eat.” , lord knows they needed the meat. But he wouldn’t really offer his friends and family such sour source of nutrients. Really the idea offended him so much that he nearly corrected himself.

“Because your people have been nothing but cruel to us.”, a deep growl would turn like a engine as he warned her. His eyes slitting against the sun. She was in a log, easy pickings. He could just drown her in the soil itself. Right now. But that would bring terrible consequences and the children didn’t deserve to pay for it.

“Now.” it bothered him to just find an enemy so close to the edge of the border.. just hiding in a fucking log.


Re: She Got Arrested [o, joining] - COSMIIX - 02-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]SHE ASKED ME, 'SON, WHEN I GROW OLD. WILL YOU BUY ME A HOUSE OF GOLD' ?。+゚.[/glow]
With the excess fur on his head placed into a neat bun, Bee had decided to make himself a bit more acquainted to his surroundings especially since he had never lived in a desert to begin with. It made him question his own ways wondering why he had done it though he didn't find himself minding it, he was surrounded by other youth around his age. There was a very small amount of of adults in the Pitt now, which was rather saddening since that meant they didn't even stand much of a chance against the other groups. Speaking of which, Bumblebee was rather curious about said other groups but he knew that the Pitt wasn't the most favored group and it would be in his favor if he didn't leave the safety of his new home.

The desert was burnt of the only food resources and thus most things were scarce, it didn't bother Bee much at first though it was slowly getting to him. He would take a deep breath flicking his ears back for a moment until he could hear voices further ahead of him, he quickened his pace nearly tripping in the process though fortunately he had caught himself. His nose twitched at the sight of both Kydobi and a dirty animal, a frown finding itself on his maw wondering what would happen to the hyena if she was a trespasser. He winced slightly when Kydobi told the femme that if she didn't answer him quickly, he would have fed them to his clan. First of all, gross but he supposed it would be something to eat after a long while though Bee refused to resort to cannibalism. He'd rather starve.

Still with a frown on his maw, he would sit down flicking his ears back with his mismatched gaze fixated onto Vathmos. He wondered if she would answer willingly, his gaze shifted slightly towards Kydobi who would have the final decision of what would become of the hyena. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]