Beasts of Beyond
everybody's got a secret // arrival-joiner - Printable Version

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everybody's got a secret // arrival-joiner - teef - 02-23-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] his lungs burned and burned, fire reaching up his throat and spilling out into the air in pained gasps, his legs seizing and the muscles buckling under his thin weight. teal eyes were blown wide, body dragging air in and out of his respiratory system, panic weighing down his heart. where was he? where was his family? what had happened?

taking a deep breath, he hissed in agony at the stinging in his ribs and sides, his tails flicking as dust and sand invaded his mouth, coating his throat and tongue. he had followed someone to this land, and he thought he had been sneaky, dodging into a ditch to avoid detection from the male he was following. after that, the ground had disappeared beneath him, and a great loud noise had occurred and well .. he couldn't remember. he just remembered following … someone? a male? sniffing at the air, the kitten huffed, whimpering in pain as he got to his own paws, "c-clover?" he remembered that name, despite the sand filling in around him and the dust filling his mouth. beginning to sob, he pawed at the sand around him, quickly filling the hole he'd made, in and covering him. "clover!" he wailed, throat aching from the force of the yowl he'd called out with.

sorry it's short! I kept getting distracted lmao //

Re: everybody's got a secret // arrival-joiner - Clover - 02-23-2020

Clover, being new to the surrounding areas, had decided it would be a good idea just to take a little peak at some of the other groups. Visiting the Pitt‘s allies was something that he felt would just be good strategic work. Considering the fact that he knew their background, it was always good to be cautious.

Of course, he wasn’t the most stealthy lion. His bright fur tends to stand out and it wasn’t like he was necessarily hiding either. Just a quick peak at some of the groups was all he was doing anyway. Of course... he noticed that he wasn’t entirely alone on the trek back home though. Clover thought that the child would only follow him so far before turning back but the child had decided to follow him further and while Clover wasn’t necessarily concerned about the little one, it was always good to keep tabs on one‘s surroundings.

When they got into the more sandy areas near Pittian territory, Clover thought nothing of the path he took. Atleast until the little one fell behind. It only took a quick glance for him to realize that something wasn’t right. Clover even heard his name being called, wailed even. He didn’t hesitate to turn round and attempt to find the kid.

The cries helped Clover locate the child and with steady paws digging into more stable sand, he reached in and pulled the kit out of the widening hole in the sand. He plopped the child on the ground and with a light touch began to knock off the sand that coated the little one‘s fur. Then he carefully watched to see if the kid was okay.

“Are you okay kid?“ Clover wanted to make sure they could speak and all. Sand in your throat and lungs was not a pleasant feeling and it almost made Clover feel sorry that the kid just happened to step onto unstable ground. Even still they were close to the Pitt‘s border now.

Granted, Clover didn’t want to have the kid in danger again so he plucked the kid up and set the kid on his back. That way, Clover didn’t have to worry about him stepping on unstable ground again. Plus, they could get to camp quicker since the kid could just recuperate while he rode on the lion‘s back.

Re: everybody's got a secret // arrival-joiner - teef - 02-23-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] coughing multiple times, his hackles raised and he gagged, spitting out mouthfuls of muddy sand, tears of pain in his eyes. he felt strong teeth catch his scruff after big paws dug him out of the sand, his lungs heaving to empty themselves. sniffling, he caught the scent of clover, the lion's scent sending a wave of calmness through the hybrid kit, his body hanging limp in his jaws, his ears twitching as his body was wracked by coughs.

clearing his lungs finally, he sucked in breaths, startled by the sudden softness around him as his body was swung up onto the lion's back. knowing to keep his claws sheathed, the kit curled his paws into the lion's mane, raspily beginning to purr. oddly enough, he felt far safer up here, even though his game of hide and seek had been cut short in the most horrible fashion out there. ugh, he didn't think he'd escape memories of this for a while. "c-clover … why did the ground try to eat me?" he squeaked, paws curling into his mane to help him adjust his tiny body between the male's shoulders and into his curly mane. slowly drawing his body forward to curl up in his mane, nose buried into the fluff.

he didn't know this strange scent, but he knew it sorta matched the scent on clover's pelt, although clover's smell wasn't at all on the same level of stinky. burying his nose deeper, he made a soft whining sound, "ewie. what's that bad smell?" he was young, he didn't understand scent borders, or that his own scent although thoroughly mixed with the scent of fresh water and milk, now diluted by sand, was just as strange and jarring to others who didn't know it or didn't grow up around the scent. clover's scent to the youth was sweeter, more plant-like, more earthy. maybe because his nose was clogged. nestling into his fur, he rubbed his cheek against him, purring softly. he was safe, and he was up high.

maybe he'd see his mama. he didn't know where they were going, but their game had been fun until the ground had tried to swallow him up. kneading with sheathed claws, he purred louder, a bit of a draconic rumble present in his tiny sounds, his ears twitching as he closed his eyes, 'i'm okay .. long as I got you, i'll be okay." he mumbled softly, unaware of the weight that his words might carry for him later in life, "hey clover … can I be your friend?" he whispered, as if afraid the world might hear him and strip him away as it had his other friends.