Beasts of Beyond
FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY // open - Printable Version

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FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY // open - APHRA CIPHER . - 02-22-2020

whoops, she had disappeared there for a while. aphra knew that almost as soon as she returned to the typhoon, she basically went to her room and stayed there, not to be seen by anyone else. which was strange, given how she was, but at least aphra hadn't left the group like she did last time. to be frank, hanging around the typhoon with her children around was a bit stressful, even if she didn't exactly care for them like a mother should. it was stressful mostly due to the stares she got from her crewmates, them whispering about how horrible of a mother she was. it was frustrating and aphra had gotten tired of it.

now that she was back though, aphra knew there would be a couple typhooners (npc or not) that would remember how she treated the children she gave birth to - but she told herself that she didn't care what they thought. after all, why should she care about kids that she never technically wanted in the first place? it was dumb of her to switch into another body that she knew was fertile, rather than stay in her birth body, but regardless - what happened, happened, and it was done and over with now.

aphra found herself laying on the beach, close to the ocean. she wasn't sure how she had gotten so lost in thought and ended up here, but at least the sound of the ocean's waves crashing on the shore was soothing. maybe it wouldn't be bad to get herself out there again. after all, what's a queen without knowing her subjects?

i rambled oops but this is also a way for me to get back to rping so!!! hello again everyone!!!
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY // open - ocelot . - 02-23-2020

He didn't particularly care for the beaches in this place.

It was the sand, he reckoned. It was soft underfoot, and colder than what he was used to. Not cold, by any means, but not quite scorching either. The sound of water beating on shore, coming and going, was alien to him as well. The breeze was cool, salty, and carried with it a vivacity that was unheard of where he was from. Frankly, it put him off. Everything was so other, so similar to the earthy deserts he originated from, and yet, to him, as different as could be. Still Revolver came here sometimes, wandering the beach, not out of any misplaced nostalgia, but because he figured this was where people gathered, to have fun, to relax. To cool off, even with the sun beating down from above.

"Howdy," he said to Aphra, who proved his little "people go to the beach" theorem. Didn't know her name, of course, hadn't ever seen her around, but still decided to speak to her. Networking was important in his profession, important to his goals, and so he subjected himself to it, even on days when he'd rather not be introducing himself to strangers, when he'd rather not be putting on the facade of the friendly if a bit dopey cowboy. Still, he kept his posture loose, relaxed, his smile pleasant, hiding any distaste for the setting with the perfection of someone who had been doing it for many years.

tags - "speech"

Re: FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY // open - michael t. - 02-23-2020

Michael had never really had any particular soft spot for children. There were exceptions, of course, like he hardly minded Roan being around him as long as Roxie was too, but overall, kids just... weren't his thing. The simple American dream of a wife and kids was tempting, but honestly he also knew that sort of life probably wasn't for him. He wasn't some all American hero, he was just a thief and a liar, who had lied his way into having people who cared about him, like Roxie. He was perfectly fine with just loving them back, rather than worrying about some little kits running underfoot. So, overall, the bobcat probably wouldn't have cared much about how Aphra had treated her kids, had he been here when that all had been happening. As long as she wasn't beating them – like his father had taken such delight in doing to him – that was pretty much good enough for him.

Although he probably wouldn't have taken any issue with that, he probably would have taken an issue with Aphra's overall queenly attitude. He didn't like people lording over him, and probably never would. Seeing as how he didn't know about that little portion of her personality yet, however, Michael found himself wandering over after Ocelot without so much as a second thought. The melanistic bobcat found himself curious whenever he came upon someone new within the group, and introducing himself to others was far more entertaining than remaining inside, waiting for his wounds to heal. Michael had a faint limp to his step as he came over and sat, a bit of distance between him and Revolver, just so that he could be more comfortable. His healing wounds were still itching, and he didn't want to whack someone with a limb in an effort to scratch at them. "Hey there. Don't think I've seen ya around here before. At least not out and about... my name's Michael."

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY // open - ROXANNE R. - 03-02-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne never had good parents but even then, she knew that she would be a good mother to Roan and the unborn cubs she carried now. She never raised her voice or did anything that was seen as wrong in other's eyes when Roxanne was around her son, she did the exact opposite since she never wanted to be like her mother that had just tossed her out because of her flaws. Roxanne definitely would have ridiculed Aphra for their own parenting methods but it wasn't exactly in her place and Pincher had taken the children from the start too, so, she was there for their young lives as an aunt. And did the best she could before she seemingly disappeared into thin air. She held a large disdain for Aphra, whenever she saw the stark feline it made her feel like she was on fire or set the femme on flames but Roxanne lacked the ability of producing fire to begin with. Absolutely frustrating. She would have loved to burn her pretty little ass to a crisp.

She had seen both Revolver and Michael standing a ways from one another, Roxanne not really knowing who they were talking to but she was curious. She approached them with a lash of her spotted tail only to inwardly wince seeing that it was no one else but Aphra, she could feel her face growing heated and her claws digging into the sand underneath her. The pregnant femme taking a seat next to Michael only to curl her tail over her swollen belly protectively, she watched the other through narrowed pupils only to say with obvious venom dripping from her maw "Aphra." [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY // open - OCTANE. - 03-04-2020

Okay, so, Octane had a weird relationship with kids. Kids really liked him, for some reason. His hot-shot and dangerous persona and his marketing made him the dare devil plastered across tee shirts aimed at boys in the 8-12 group. He had toys and action figures, he had a line of rabbit care supplies, his own Build-a-Bears and plushies, and kids ate all that up! They always asked for his autograph and were scared to meet their hero!
Octane just couldn't talk to them that well, outside of a quick hello, name, signature, next. He didn't have any siblings to grow up with and never saw kids outside of work. So... perhaps a neutral feeling, overall? Although, when it came to other people, Octane was just as bad. He hadn't been here for long but no one had like.... made the initiation to approach him. Maybe he was just too weird, too new, maybe he'd fit in eventually. So, he staved off this crippling loneliness with the running, and that's where he ran into most of the other members. Like now. He slowed to a halt on the wet part of the shore (the sand was compact, easier to run on), adjusting his mask with a claw and pulling his goggles up. Okay, there was Micheal, Roxanne, and two he didn't recognize.  Okay- they seemed to already be mid conversation, maybe he should finished his run first.
"Any interesting happening over here or...?" Waste of time.