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Have I had enough? [o, joining] - Printable Version

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Have I had enough? [o, joining] - CAUSTIC. - 02-22-2020

// only need to read the last paragraph, everything else is set up!

They were able to get out of most of the territory without passing through the desert, and waited in the tunnels till nightfall, so that was safe to go again. Or at least, as safe as it could be. Blistering heat or extreme cold was harmful to either one of them, but the winter chill kept Octavio close to Caustic’s side. They pressed onwards until they were out of The Pitt’s territory, with Caustic giving one last look to the spiked border.

He wasn’t going to particularly miss any of them. Micheal had been alright, but he had disappeared already and Caustic wasn’t going to bother retaining any idea of acquaintanceship. Astair was insightful only in what laid beneath his skin, and Kydobi had done exactly what Caustic asked of him: to leave him be. Gael was fine, too, but the rest were children and the clan was overall, weak. He was unsure of what fate lied before the Pitt, but Caustic had no desire to be a part of it. Octavio rubbed his head against the wolf’s shoulder, an urge to continue, and turned, traversing into loner lands.

The uncharted territories were alright, but possessed some of his similar problems with the Pitt. A lack of anything useful to him, okay nature to passively enjoy. However, it seemed the prey was much more abundant, and when they stopped to rest for the day, Caustic set to perform his obligatory acts of survival.


Octavio, shockingly, had stopped him, standing between him and the den they were crashing in for the night. “What?” Octavio never gave him orders, how dare he-

“You stay here, I’ll find some food.”

“No.” He ended his retort with a harsh, wheezing cough, sputtering out of him like a dying engine. Caustic ducked his face away as he coughed, then returning to meet gazes with the cheetah. The wolf was weakened by his time in the Pitt, lacking proper food and medicine for his lungs, but he would not allow such weakness to be known to Octavio.

“No, you’re not. Mi rey, por favor you are too weak to hunt, let me do it.”
Octavio was pushing that boundaries. That was not how this worked. Caustic was supposed to be in charge, order where to go, where to stay, not the other way around.
He stared at the cheetah for many uncomfortable moments, the dots above his eyes pulled up in an expression of anger, his lips pulled back, baring teeth and inching ever so closer to snarling at Octavio like a deranged animal. His ears were tilted back, fur raised, and tail up.
Sometimes, he hated Octavio’s ability to look death in the eyes and smile. He was using that ability now to tell Caustic what to do. He weighed this out his out in his head, and found himself relaxing, shutting his eyes and sitting down.  “Fine. Go.”

Indeterminate time had passed, but it was enough time for Caustic to unstrap his bag and lay down on his side, lulling to sleep. He had been doing that more lately- it was uncomfortable, really. Extra sleep was time he could spend working, wasted away. When Octavio returned, he was limping just a little more, and a rabbit was held limp in his jaws.

Caustic’s tail couldn’t help but wag. They ate separately from each other, splitting the meal in half best they could. The wolf hunched over in the corner as the rabbit’s blood filled his mouth and its meat slid down his throat. It’s bones crunched under the pressure of his teeth, ripping the skin and tearing into it.
He hated eating. It was a level of savagery far below Caustic’s standard for brutality, it felt so unnatural, and a little part in the back of his head was too delighted to rip into it like jerky. Caustic had no issue with blood, typically. It was part of the job. The blood of other legends had been spilled on his hands many times before, he had ripped open Octavio’s body at the ribs several times over, digging his hands inside- but eating them? Never done before. Cannibalism drives someone crazy, and perhaps making the distinction that the prey they ate were feral would settle his moral quandary.
Licking the blood from his maw, Caustic looked over his shoulder at Octavio, gas leaking from the corners of his mouth in small streams. He had to eat for him, Caustic had to get them out of here, together. He had to do this for Octavio. They met gazes for the briefest of moments, then Caustic turned away, resuming to eat.

They fell asleep after. Octavio had come to lay down near him, but was getting too close, too comfortable. They had boundaries, and Octavio had already crossed them twice this week. His attempts to push the cheetah away, stare at him with his dots pulled up in clear annoyance, only brought Octavio closer, and continually try to touch him.
He allowed their backs to touch as they laid side-by-side. No more.

Octavio woke up first, obviously. The cheetah wasted no time in rousing Caustic, nuzzling his cold, wet nose against the wolf’s face. They had a new task- the scent of the Pitt had to be alleviated from Caustic’s fur.


“Hold still.”

Caustic’s ears were pinned back, looking away from Octavio as he tinkered with the wolf’s brush and scissors.

“I have to cut with my mouth, don’t move.”

The wolf rumbled, a low growl harbored in his throat. Too touchy, but he couldn’t do this by himself. His fur was still soaking wet, and Caustic’s over demeanor had been reduced by half. His fur clung to his skin, revealing his thinned frame and flattened stomach. It wasn’t caving, yet, but it had only been a matter of time before he died from the Pitt’s famine. He had to go. There wasn’t any other choice. Octavio was next to him, scissors in his mouth, carefully cutting at Caustic’s clumps of fur, and brushing it out. He hated how nice it felt, biting his tongue and giving a small, slow wag of the tail. He wasn’t sure how strong the scent would be, given the lack of shampoo. Oh well, Caustic could probably lie his way inside, and Octavio would vouch for him.

He wasn’t entirely aware of the clan history, but from an outsider perspective, the position the Pitt was in was overall depressing and doomed to die. Caustic looked down at Octavio cutting the last of the knots away. He didn’t want to ponder on the topic anymore. They would leave soon, taking the path going around the left side of the mountain.

His fur was still somewhat damp when they reached the tanglewood border, but mostly dried off. It was still a little wet at the ends. Octavio’s limp had festered throughout the journey, and both of them knew there wasn’t much to do about it. Caustic certainly didn’t have the fortitude to carry him, and it was just… not his style. Hopefully, Tanglewood could refresh his bandages. They arrived at the eastern side of Tanglewood, where he could see a lake vaguely in the distance. That would be nice, certainly more refreshing than the other bodies of water around here. Caustic sat down, adjusting the bag that carefully held his chemicals, letting the gas fume from his mouth like a resting trail of smoke. Get in, get settled, and take a good nap. All good plans. Then, he could send Octavio home, and Caustic could resume fixing the portal maker.

// Octane and Caustic have arrived at the border near the lake. Octane has a strange device strapped to his back, and both of them have bags. Caustic still smells a little like the pitt, BUT he's mostly dried off so his lost weight isn't obvious.

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - OCTANE. - 02-22-2020

He was in so much fucking pain. It wasn’t even good pain anymore, it was throbbing and biting into his blood and every step delivered another dosage of venom through his veins. Initially, Caustic biting down on his shoulder in a show of brute force had been fucking hot. The way the wolf’s demeanor had twisted into abject delight and emitting that deep, rumbling laughter at the discovery of his own venom. Caustic hovering over him as he watched the wound fester, touching it with his paws and pulling Octavio closer, to better observe. It was fun, to be stoned out on his cave floor from venom, head lolled to the side, tongue out, as the wolf acted as a pillow, letting Octane lay upon him. Caustic ever so dutifully watching him and transcribing verbal notes into his voice recorder. They were words and statements and observations that Octane couldn’t even begin to reciprocate or understand.

Pain was supposed to be a crescendo high, a beating heart in his ears, blood burning white with adrenaline until it was healed away in three seconds or he died and woke up in the med bay. Right now his shoulder was just continually stabbing him in the fucking chest with every step. They needed a better way to do this. Caustic was a hot stove Octane wanted to place his hands on, hold them there, but right now he couldn’t get the stove to turn on.

He hoped, moving Caustic to Tanglewood would solve most of their problems. Maybe it would make the wolf happier too, or at least, less angry. Octane adjusted the portal device on the back, the cheetah stretching out his legs with a grimace, and laying down next to Caustic, rolling onto his unbitten side, pressing against the wolf as they waited.

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - toboggan - 02-23-2020

Already was the general seeing quality results of his little holiday to the Pitt, and it satisfied him. A sickly smile that seeped satiety stuck itself below his snout as he approached the two strangers within the border's vicinity. The faint scent of Tanglewood's enemy hung high in the air, though this did not aggravate him. For it was the wolfhound's very own request that those pining to not die a brutal death leave the Pitt - these two (or just one of the mammals before him) were simply listeners, and evidently held no loyalty to that horrid place. That, coupled with the fact that he did not recognize those present as one of the troublemakers the tribe put up with in the days of yore, spared them from any aggression.

Leroy says nothing as he approaches, instead arriving in silence. His chocolate hues fixate on the peculiar device fixed to the wolf's spleen, wondering what secrets it may hold. They then flicker to the cheetah, who was presumably the wolf's travelling companion. Was he here to join as well? "Hullo," the canine greets in an impassive tone of voice, "I'd tell ya where ya are, in case ya were unaware, but I'm guessin' ya already know that." The smile had yet to dissipate from his maw, and remained there whilst he spoke. Already, the Pitt's population began to lower. This was excellent, because the desert-bound tribe's vulnerability had only amplified itself. "I'm Leroy," he continues, "and I'm the general of this place. State your business, if ya got any."

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - RB Graveyard - 02-24-2020

[div style="background: #646160; padding: 8px; ext-align: justify; color: #D3CECB; padding: 8px; font-family: Courier New;"]EULOGY - Female - Bengal Tigeress - Tag - [member=8943]Eulogy[/member]
[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; color: #646160; padding: 8px; font-family:Courier New;"] Maybe she'd go on a stroll, yeah? Eulogy hadn't really been socially and physically active since January. She had lost weight and her whiskers were terribly frayed, she looked like an old crone! The tigress was far from it but, right now, she could care less. Eulogy padded out from the fair house she had moved into; no rugs, no bed. Not even any plants.

Slinky her figure, hungry she was. Yet she was still exhausted. Dear gods, she was turning into a tired, grumpy ol' elder! The sound of Leroy's voice drew her in like a bee to a flower. The tigress hadn't spoken to the general, well not directly anyway.Eventually the she-cat found the general, but she run up to the group like she usually would have. Eulogy merely padded up and sat down, nodding and smiling.

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - wormwood. - 02-25-2020

Aurum had been... vaguely recovering, ever since that unfortunate little visit to the Pitt. The visit had set his blood aflame with rage, seeing all of the Pittians staring at them with feigned innocence in their eyes, Kydobi at the heart of it all, claiming that he knew nothing of what had happened. The proxy wasn't sure what was worse. Kydobi lying, or the other being truthful and having no fucking control over his own group. Either way, Aurum almost yearned for the day when the other would take a misstep, and he could dig his teeth and claws deep into his flesh once more. It was an especially brutal thought for the male who was usually so kind and loving, but he couldn't help it. Bai Shi had been the one to pour the gas of his hatred, and Kydobi had been the one to ignite it, with his snide smiles and false words, acting like he was in the right of everything, even as he led a shithole like the Pitt. Ultimately nobody seemed to remember that Kydobi had been like a right hand man to Jervis. A betrayed right hand man, but a right hand man nonetheless. He still hated them, and he would show his true colors soon enough. The angel of vengeance just hoped that everyone would've already abandoned him by the time he finally snapped.

Leroy's newest declaration about accepting former Pittians as members... or hadn't exactly sat well with Aurum. He didn't agree with the entire thing on principle, but he especially didn't agree with it when none of the rest of them had been consulted in the slightest about it. Still, he wouldn't argue, figuring at this point it would just do more harm than good. He could disagree with Leroy all he wanted, but they still had to present a unified front to others, and Aurum didn't mind faking a little bit until he managed to settle again. Besides, he figured he was being a bit hypocritical, considering he had certainly preached in the past that people should get second chances. Just because these particular people were Pittians didn't mean that they were lesser. However, this didn't stop the way that his pelt slightly pricked as the faint scent of the Pitt reached his nose, nor did it stop the tenseness in his shoulders as he came up beside Leroy. However, he could also smell the thick, saltwater scent of the Typhoon, so he found himself nodding his head to the pair anyways, "...Hey there."

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - CAUSTIC. - 02-25-2020

Caustic had lulled himself into a nap in the time it took for them to arrive, one after the other. A mere tilt of the head back, a vanquish of all thought, and sleep. While Caustic hated wasting his time with restful naps, but it was better then fidgeting his paws and waiting. Doing so came rather easy to him, and it certainly gave him an excuse to avoid entertaining Octavio. Keeping the younger mentally stimulated was a task all its own, as Octavio's brain needed constant attention and validation. Staying awake gave Octavio all permission to bother him, ask him questions, attempt to hold conversation, get too personal. He, physically, wanted all boundaries removed from them, but emotionally? Caustic wanted him as far away as possible. Trying to rationalize any amount of meaningful emotional contact with Octavio was a mistake, as his mind was too twisted by drugs and danger. Octavio only cared about others on a surface level, and didn't bother to be patient and listen to others, unless commands were supported by brute force.
He was awakened by Octavio shaking him, pushing against him with both fore paws. "Caustic, come on, they're here."
Caustic's deep rumble was instinctive, blinking the grogginess from his eyes, briefly noticing the brown fur and scissors in the grass near Octavio's paws. Was he cutting his fur in his sleep? Was he that bored? His eyes narrowed slightly, the dots on his forehead pulling together, lips upturning for a moment, then locked his gaze on the members before him. Gas puffed from his mouth upon each slow exhale. Caustic stood to his paws, puffing his chest out on reflex, his tail wavering at level. He assumed General meant Leroy had some position of power, but the exact rank was still unknown to the both of them. Green eyes glanced between the lot, and Caustic felt himself being outweighed by the tiger and lion.
It had wings. How interesting.
Eyes back to the dog.

"I am seeking to join your group. I am Dr. Caustic, this is my companion, Octavio."

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - OCTANE. - 02-25-2020

Caustic going to sleep nearly immediately after they had settled down to wait was a fucking nightmare. He was so bored. In the Typhoon, he would have just gone for a run, try to burn off that energy curled inside him, a spring wound tight with intent to break.
In his previous life, keeping himself entertained was easy. He played on his phone a lot, keeping in contact with his agent as she planned press events and commercials, interacting with fans, doing a live, anything to quell his brains need for anything of substance. No there was no technology here, and Octane had nothing to do. He tried pulling out the grass and counting them but was boring so fucking fast. He would have dug in their bags to fins Caustic’s recorder, and listen to the mad scientists musings about his venom, but that bag was strapped to Caustic’s front and he was resting his head on it as a pillow. Octane dug in his own bag, looking for anything of substance, and found himself playing with Caustic’s scissors. He tinkered, carefully cutting at the wolf’s fur. It certainly didn’t need the treatment, but Caustic could stand to lose a few locks while Octane played with such a sharp object. He was only trimming, really.
It kept him busy enough until they arrived, and Octane dropped the scissors, pressing his fore paws to Caustic‘s side shaking him violently.

” Caustic, come on, they're here."

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - ABATHUR . - 02-26-2020

"Doctor?" Came his voice, any dreg of innocence in its curiosity thoroughly drowned out by its sheer depth, its monotone, giving off a different impression, even if his interest truly was innocent in nature. In his time in this swamp, the spider had read a great many things, immersed himself further in his studies of biology and evolution up until the day he woke up, vision blurry, and the day after that when it just got worse. Nowadays, he longed for a good read, fiction or otherwise, but he had made a sort of peace with his inability to do so. He'd just have to remember how the words looked, felt to his eyes, the fonts, the diagrams, should the book contain those. Even still, even with his deciding to stop his studying, the prospect of another man of science certainly enticed him. He wasn't one to zero in on intelligence, nor brag about his own, exactly, but even going just by application of brainpower, Tanglewood wasn't exactly impressive. So yes, his curiosity was piqued upon hearing the title used by the wolf himself, enough to where he pushed past to stand next to Aurum, giving the lion a friendly tap with one of his posterior legs.

He hummed to himself, a deep grumble, smooth, easily melodic should he choose to turn it to a series of notes instead of a single one, before further asking, "What does subject study?" There was a good chance that he was an MD, and even if he wasn't - well, accreditation was very rare in these parts, likely due to the whole "no education" thing, so Abathur was setting himself up to be impressed. Still, he crossed his fingers it was something more interesting. While medicine was fine, it wasn't exactly preferable to, say, any form of biology.

tags - "speech"

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - wormwood. - 02-26-2020

Aurum watched with interest as both Caustic and his companion got up to their paws, his tail flicking from side to side behind him as he looked over Caustic's dark figure. The other was smaller than him, as most others were, but the angel still found himself interested, his eyes lingering upon the strange smoke the other seemed to produce from his mouth. The lion couldn't exactly say much, considering that he often found himself with lava pouring forth from his mouth, staining and charring the ground beneath him and leaving destruction in its wake. However, that particular little elemental reaction usually came as a result of some kind of intense emotion, and wasn't just his default state. Caustic, on the other hand, seemed utterly unfazed by the smog he spewed forth, seemingly entirely used to it. Aurum was fairly sure that wasn't because of some kind of emotional reaction, since the proxy saw hardly any real emotion behind the other's gaze, save for maybe a little bit of annoyance and a speck of curiosity. As soon as Abathur came crawling over and gently tapped against one of his legs, the lion was struck by the similarities between the large arachnid and the newcomer. As if demonstrating that, Abathur immediately chattered away with interest, wondering what exactly Caustic was a doctor of. Aurum bit the inside of his cheek to keep from chuckling, a small smile gracing his muzzle. Perhaps the two could become friends at some point.

Focusing his attention once again upon the joiner at hand, Aurum gave a friendly nod before he spoke again, "You're more than welcome to join, Dr. Caustic. Provided you'll be peaceful and willing to help out... is your companion joining as well?" Aurum doubted it, considering the scent of the Typhoon that clung to Octane's fur, but he figured that he might as well ask. After all, he himself had a dual alliance with the Typhoon, even if he mostly just used it as an excuse to visit back and forth on occasion. It wouldn't be unheard of for the cheetah to express an interest in being within Tanglewood as well, especially considering his apparent attachment to Caustic – Aurum couldn't parse out the meaning of that attachment right this second, but it was obvious that there was one there. The male then continued, rumbling warmly as he flicked his tail back in the direction of the town, "As for me, my name is Aurum. I'm the proxy, or second in command around here. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Re: Have I had enough? [o, joining] - CAUSTIC. - 02-26-2020

Caustic's ears perked at the mention of his title, and he couldn't help the way his pupils bloomed at the site of the large spider. It was something familiar to his home- Gaea had been populated by dangerous creatures of all sorts outside of the cities, the first version of his toxin was made from a Scarabaeidae Arachnia. They were commonly delicate creatures, and Caustic any creature considered a nightmare by the insects that surrounded him, literal or metaphorical.
Vanquishing insects had been part of his job once, oh so many years ago. Insects then became test subjects, and test subjects were people, and now test subjects were also prey. Caustic's tail wagged idly as he was approached by the spider, green gas scanning it up and down. "Indeed. I have a PhD in both Chemistry and Biology. Chemistry is my main focus of course, quite a fascinating subject to real life, but alas," Caustic couldn't help the way his chest puffed out and his tail wagged faster, and his lips upturned in what would have normally been a smile if he was human. Catching himself, Caustic returned to his neutral glare, gas puffing from his face. He raised a paw to his snout, covering his face as a cough released from him, following a wheezing breath. Caustic's eyes glanced to Octavio, who's ears had tilted back and was giving him a concerning look. "Do not call me a subject though, I am far from that. I am a scientist." Caustic was the experimenter, not the test subject. His enemies and the other contestants were test subjects, not him.

His head turned to look at the lion now, tail falling flat. Back to business.
He was a little... offended by the insinuation he wasn't peaceful. Maybe it was just a default warning to all joiners, but the dots above Caustic's eyes pulled together in a frown. Not to say Aurum was wrong to worry, of course. Caustic oozed an aura of threat from his skin, and he was naturally accustomed to violence in all manner. He turned his gaze back towards the cheetah as his prospect of joining was questioned. "Up to you, but I would like you to leave after I have settled in."