Beasts of Beyond
LADY LUCK IS ON MY SIDE - JOINER - Printable Version

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LADY LUCK IS ON MY SIDE - JOINER - Clover - 02-22-2020

A male lion, not yet adult but grown out of childish behavior, sits on the very border of The Pitt. There he waits with practiced patience. Truly the only thing that suggested he was alive at all was the slight movement from discomforting heat. His curly, disheveled mane did little to help and so the male shifted as waves of rising temperature constantly bugged him.

Still, Clover dealt with it as he waited. His fur was a faded cream with hints of warmer tones, auburn, red, orange, and the like. His entire look could only be described as a mess, as the male obviously didn’t bother with his appearance. A slouched posture and a frankly sickly look was clear. Still, he had a lazy smile on his face. Clover had gotten to his destination with minimal trouble and all he had to do was wait...

Welp, waiting was boring and there really wasn’t much else to do. With a prompt huff, Clover laid down on the hot ground. Practiced patience truly didn’t matter if there was really no reason to be patient. With that thought, Clover closed his eyes and went to sleep. He figured that with his amazing luck, he would be fine.

His life was odd in that way. While things didn’t always seem to work out as he plans, it usually works into some sort of advantage. It doesn’t mean he is invincible by any means, it just means that if he doesn’t act completely stupid then he won’t die. Well...Clover isn’t stupid by any means.

He just happens to be a little strange.

Re: LADY LUCK IS ON MY SIDE - JOINER - gael - 02-22-2020

The vulpine had taken to regular patrols on his own.  The sun sank into his fur, altering red and black to molten flame and smoke, hazel eyes glinting golden.  The desert failed to agree with the faerie but the constant trips were necessary to him.

Whether to prevent trespassers or to notice newcomers -- borders required diligent observance.  As his ink colored paws trod across the sand, he caught the sight of an unfamiliar feline, lying across the ground.  In the sun, Gael hardly considered taking a nap to be directly intelligent.

With a blink of his cold eyes, he came to a halt a few steps away from the lion, who he could now confirm for fact was indeed taking a rest.  His ear flicked, and quietly, the vulpine cleared his throat in an attempt to raise the feline from his slumber.

"Do you have business here?"
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: LADY LUCK IS ON MY SIDE - JOINER - Charlot - 02-23-2020

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Charlot was bored. It was hot 'n sweaty all the time and there wasn't anything to do but wander. He'd already gotten stuck in a tree and hung out with some clanmates, spent time with his brother, so he was following some random dudes around. He got distracted and lost most of them, not really caring enough to track them down again, so he'd just choose somebody else to follow. Most just stuck to the main camp, not wanting to wander into the sun-beaten sand, but the dude that he was currently following had. Still, Charlot was bored enough to get a sunburn again.

  The white fox would come up to stand beside the non-white fox, was he red? black? yeah, and stare at the large cat on the border. Big, fluffy mane, big, must be a cat of some sort. Watching the older vulpine try and wake him up by choking? no, clearing his throat. That probably wasn't that effective cuz this dude was asleep and wouldn't hear ya. Flicking his gaze to Gael for a sec, Charlot would go to step forward and gently shove the big cats leg. He probably wouldn't feel it much considering it was like, 100 times Charlot's weight but that was fine. "Bro, you gotta quit vibin and talk 'bout why you here!"

"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: LADY LUCK IS ON MY SIDE - JOINER - Clover - 02-24-2020

The big fluffy lion groggily rose to full height before slouching in posture once he found out that full height was too much work. The tiny kick had done work as Clover happened to be quite a light sleeper. His tired eyes swept over Gael and then Charlot before a lazy smile worked its way onto his face. He shook out his mane a little bit, which in all honesty did nothing except make him look a bit more disheveled, before he spoke. ”You two are with The Pitt right?”

He asked the question but a gleam in his lilac eyes told that he already knew the answer. He could smell it on them, the same smell that was on the border. He had done his research before he came and it only took one glance at the gruesome arrangement that lied near the scent to know he had arrived. This meant that he also knew that the group had a reputation. He had decided long ago that he wouldn’t just walk up through the border or else they might take it as an attack.

He didn’t really want his head on a spike.

”I’m Clover.” It would be better to introduce himself first, that way they didn’t take him as a threat. He was glad that they were here though. His luck had pulled through once again. He wasn’t harmed in his sleep and the two didn’t seem hostile enough to outright deny him entrance. ”I’m here to join.” It didn’t take him long to announce his reason for being there but he just couldn’t contain it. He had been traveling for awhile now to get to the territory and now that he was actually here?

He was glad to say the least.

Re: LADY LUCK IS ON MY SIDE - JOINER - Charlot - 02-26-2020

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Charlot grinned as the big-ass cat woke and stood up. He looked pretty cool, sorta sickly but it just reminded Charlot of his brother. Him and his brother weren't exactly the healthiest of foxes, and it had been a bit worse when they were little. Nevermind that, the fluffy dude at the border commanded a bit more attention. "we're totes with The Pitt, my good cat man dude person!" The young fox would nearly shout in response to the cat's question, more of a statement though tbh.

It was easy to forget about the heads and stuff on the border.. They should probably deal with that soon but the intimidation from it was pretty good. "Yooooooo, Clover. Sick name. I'm Charlot and you're totes able to join The Pitt." Hopefully he didn't turn out to be weird.

"speech" 'thoughts'