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snobbism // dual-joining - Printable Version

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snobbism // dual-joining - candorosa - 02-21-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]'We are going to get skin cancer, Char,' Camille sent the thought over to Charlot through their bond. He stared at the sun with a contemplative expression as he laid draped across Aphrodite's back, reminiscent of a rather rank fur coat. It was hot, too hot for the albino's liking. His dinky little parasol was stowed away in one of the many bags Aphrodite carried and it was just too bothersome to retrieve it.

"Aphrodite, dear, are we there yet?" Camille sent a pink glance over to their loyal steed. She replied with a lazy blink and a flick of her ears. The fox sighed in dismay. Not yet, huh? Ugh. This situation wasn't very cash money. Why couldn't it be...misty? Or foggy? Not rainy, because then his fur would get all matted and it was a real pain in the ass to comb it.

"Waaagh, big brother, can you make Aphrodite go faster?" Camille whined, trying to press his face into his twin's side. The fox opened his mouth to complain some more when Aphrodite skidded to a stop. He shut his mouth and peered down, trying to look for any physical signs of a border. Nothing. The smell was strongest here though, so he supposed this was their stop.

Camille straightened himself up, brushing sand out of his white coat. Finally, he scampered up Aphrodite's head and craned his head out. "Hello hello? My big brother and I are here to join! Can you guys please let us in? All this sun is messing up my skin," he called out, jingling his bootleg jewelry with a quick motion. Hopefully they had some mineral water over in the camp--Camille wouldn't mind drinking the cheap kind if it meant quenching his thirst.

//please wait until Charlot replies!

Re: snobbism // dual-joining - Charlot - 02-21-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
Charlot didn't really vibe with hot weather. Sure, the coin had landed on heads, but he had no clue just how hot it would be. He thought it'd be like a, y'know, 'hot' clan, so they'd just spend a bit more time indoor but no, instead it was Hell 2.0 and he wanted to die. 'Well I for one, think that skin cancer would be fun.' The albino retorted to his, also albino, brother. 'If we get supes lucky, we could get eaten by a vulture Smile' How did he send a smiley face? only god knows. It wasn't fun to be up at this time. Charlot was usually still sleeping in his nice bed in the dark, cool basement, with its silky sheets and thick mat. why? well because, as you know, early to bed and early to rise makes you a little bitch and he wasn't one of those.

"Aphrodite can only go so damn fast, big bro." Charlot said with a slight scowl, lifting his head from his sprawled position to stare at the dude beside him. "bruh, no!" He yelped as a face got pressed into his side, nearly rolling him off the swaying back of their steed. "Not vibin!" The sand was hotter than Aphrodite's back, he'd touched the grainy stuff once and that was enough for his precious paws. He'd rather be able to use them in the future than have them burned off tryna get into this hot-ass place.

They were stopped. Why? ah, it smelled and there was a head off to the side. Wait. there.. was a head. "Big bro, cool it with the beggin' n stop being a loser long enough to see the.. fascinating decapitated head over there." It was old and like.. baked by the sun. Gross, it truly did not pass the vibe check. "But yeah, uh.." He paused to look at the head again. He'd seen enough of them in his books but this was gnarly. "If whoever is nearby would be gracious enough to let us into this clan, we would mucho appreciate it.". It couldn't be any worse than this.

Re: snobbism // dual-joining - Kydobi - 02-22-2020


[OOC:  May I ask what exactly is Aphrodite? Also welcomeeeeee]

For once he would be the first to greet newcomers. Unfortunately, he often wasn’t nearby to arrive early enough to get everything situated.

Consequently, considering recent events, he wasn’t as thrilled to see newcomers as he once was. He hadn’t been keeping his eye on the fresh faces coming in and it came back and hit him in the face. So now he would be sticking closer to the borders. In order to avoid another brush with the Tanglers until he was ready, he would closely watch every recruit until he deemed them trustworthy enough to become full Pittians.

Of course, he did need numbers and the jaguar was also happy to see two... well three people who had intentions of joining. The conflict of emotions wasn’t the worst he had dealt with and he was fresh out of energy to be sad.

He would emerge from the jungle squinting in the sun with a snort. The intense heat immediately sank in his pelt and he huffed, loathing every second. The sun stuck to his melanistic pelt more so than it could’ve to the little snowy foxes. However unlike them, his paws were used to the harsh terrain. Years of use had hardened the pads to rough thick hide. That being said, he didn’t enjoy the heat rising.

Ears perked forward when he heard one of the albino foxes ask for assistance. Kydobi couldn’t be mad, in fact he was relieved if not slightly delighted by their honesty. It saved precious time and Kydobi hated to waste it. Especially nowadays.

“Of course. Follow me, it’s much cooler in the shade. We have plenty of water though, as for prey.. I must be honest we’re a little dear on those provisions but if you work hard enough you’ll have enough to survive.” Kydobi forgot about the disgusting spiked heads. A reminder of Jervis.. something he would remember to quickly get rid of.

He looked back and smiled at them, ”I must let you know, we have a infamous reputation. But I must also let you know that the treacherous history this group has is far from what we are now. We’re just people trying to live day by day in peace.”

He instantly eased up when his paws felt the cool dirt. There was small patches of thick jungle here and there, but it wouldn’t be as thick and wonderful as it once was unless it had some divine intervention or mechanics at work. However they would walk to the camp, where water was.

“I’m Kydobi, the Ardent of this group. The Pitt.”


Re: snobbism // dual-joining - candorosa - 02-24-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]//I think you already saw in the discord, but a Shami goat! And thank you!! :^)

Camille couldn't believe what he was mentally hearing. ' skin...' He sent back to Charlot, betrayed. He had sold all of his pretty beach rocks for a skin-care kit and he refused to throw away all of his hard work. Though, Charlot's next words made him crinkle his nose. 'If I'm gonna get vored, I'd rather it be by a super hot babe and not a stinky bird, >.>' he replied, as if that was any better.

Camille puffed his cheeks out and continued looking onward, paws itching to go through their bags and rummage for something to entertain himself. Charlot's accusation of being a loser snapped him out of his thoughts and he turned his head fast enough to give himself whiplash. "What do y-..." Oh. Yeah, that was a head. Um. That was a yikes from him. No wonder it smelled bad, that shit looked rancid. Like, like--a nasty ass raisin or their grandma or something.

He was still staring wide-eyed at the shriveled head when Kydobi spoke, which made him shriek like someone was burning the limited edition isekai manga he found in the trash. "My head's fuckin' empty man, it'll make a terrible decoration, like a moldy bagel, I--" he stopped his blubbering. Oh. They were just being invited in.

His expression instantly cleared. "Oh, thank you very much! What kind of water do you have? Mineral, I hope," Camille's prim words were at odds with the crudeness he had displayed before. The prey part worried him; he hoped they wouldn't have to fight for their food. He'd rather not have to relive his childhood days of getting into fist-fights with other orphans for some communion wafer scraps.

That was future Camille's problem though, current Camille's brain was offline and ready for a nap. As for the Pitt's reputation, well, that kind of shit gave you street cred. You have a topic of conversation for times when you go out to eat with your bougie friend and once you tell them where you live they act like you're living in the sewers eating fuckin' rocks and pooor you then they--

"Good! We like peace, right big brother?" Camille tried to give Charlot an affectionate jab on the ribs. "My name is Camille and this is my big brother Charlot, and this," he patted Aphrodite gently, "is the lovely Aphrodite." Nice, introductions were out of the way so now hopefully they could make like a tree and piss off to a place that had some shade.