Beasts of Beyond
PERMANENT VACATION // new home - Printable Version

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PERMANENT VACATION // new home - eggplant18 - 02-20-2020


After his experience on Haven Island, Ska’arq had slowly crossed the dock back to the main island as the sun rose slowly but steadily. He had thought he saw shadows leaking through the wooden boards beneath his feet, but as time went on, they faded away. He could still hear the accusatory words shouted at him within the jungle, but logically knew none of it had been real, despite how real it had felt.

By the time he had reached the Capricorn Tavern, he was exhausted. The siamese from the prior night was sitting at the bar, who waved as he trudged past and up the steps. Climbing into the bed he had chosen, he slept until late that evening. It was only the sun, a few hours away from setting, that awoke him. Heavy eyes opened and squinted against the rays that shone on his face.

Peeling himself from the mattress, the dragon grabbed his sack of belongings and left the Tavern. With no rhyme or reason behind it, his new goal was to find a house to claim as his own.

Ska'arq asked the nearest NPC, who promptly gave him directions to Barracuda Bay. Soft sand filtered itself between his fingers and toes as he crossed the beach, looking left and right at the various and numerous huts scattered about. Some looked newer than others, presumably built to accomodate for the growing island population.

Huts that were occupied were generally easy to pick out, and he walked right past them. The hut that caught his eye, though, was further back from the beach, partially in the foliage of the jungle. Brushing past a fern, he momentarily looked at a peculiar palm tree that sprouted from the sand nearby. It may have been crushed as a sapling, he mused, as its trunk was mostly horizontal to the ground. The tip, however, was turned up to the sun like any other tree.

Dragging his attention away from the oddball palm, he climbed the steps to the hut's porch, peering into the windows. Empty. No furniture, except for a single table in the corner and an aged rug. Unclaimed. Decidedly, he let his burlap slack slide off and onto the porch with a thud.

Pushing the doors open to his self-proclaimed new home, he set to work making it hospitable.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #6e65b5 - TAGS
[i]note - ska'arq does NOT have the necklace as shown in his pfp

Re: PERMANENT VACATION // new home - roan ; - 02-21-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Ever since his birth, – which really, in the grand scheme of things, hadn't been that terribly long ago – Roan had always just ended up living wherever his mama lived. Their little hut had been where he had spent the grand majority of his first few months, and when they had moved into a bigger space to accommodate all of the growing and changing going on in both his and Roxanne's life, he had been perfectly happy with that. It had never really been the buildings he had grown attached to, but rather the loving mother that lived inside of them, and the warm atmosphere that she always fostered for him. Needless to say, because of this, Roan had never really thought about what he would like when he became old enough for his own home. He had, at this point, seen more than a few joiners adjusting to life within the Typhoon and carving out their own particular little niche among the huts or aboard the ship, but he wasn't really sure what qualifications everyone looked for in where they chose to lay their heads. Was it just the size of the home? The history? The general feeling of it? It certainly filled the boy with a sense of curiosity, and he had begun to make it a little bit of a habit to watch new joiners when they arrived, curious to see what they would pick out for themselves in the end.

Ska'arq was one of those afformentioned new joiners, and Roan had felt himself grow curious about the dragon ever since the other had first arrived to their group. After all, he was a bright purple dragon. It wasn't every day that you just saw one of those, and who knows what type of house he would pick? So, Roan had lingered outside the tavern for a while after Ska'arq had returned from his jungle juice experience, allowing himself to be distracted by whatever was around him in order to pass the time. It wasn't the most exciting thing ever, but he did manage to hold out until Ska'arq reemerged, looking like he was quite ready to pick a place out. Roan was practically vibrating with excitement as he followed the other from afar, his feet sinking into the warm sand as they headed for where the rows upon rows of huts lingered. He watched as Ska'arq passed by many of the already occupied little buildings, before he eventually came along to his choice. As soon as he saw the dragon head inside, Roan found his shoulders slumping slightly, the faintest bit of a pout coming to his face. Really? He hadn't expected somewhere so... mundane. However, it wasn't as if he was going to change the other's choice.

Figuring it would be rude to just follow Ska'arq around and not say hello, the small draconic kit made his way up the front steps of the porch, stopping once he reached the doorway. Sitting down, Roan tilted his head to one side and looked around before speaking, "Hola, Ska'arq! Are you making this place your new hogar dulce hogar? (Home sweet home?)"

Re: PERMANENT VACATION // new home - candorosa - 02-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]The architecture of the small group was fascinating. Bokarsi was not sure if the animals themselves built the structures, or if perhaps humans had long ago, but obviously the residents have made themselves comfortable within them. They had not yet chosen a dwelling, content in simply looking at the different huts and jotting down the visible differences.

They were in the middle of a report when a thud caught their attention. Bokarsi peered up from their little book, eyes widening upon seeing the purple dragon. They had caught a glimpse of the creature before, when Ocelot had been throwing his knives, but they had not had the chance to properly study him. Bokarsi packed away their journal into their satchel and toddled over to where Ska'arq and Roan were mingling.

The feline(?) was in the process of asking what they assumed was a question. They did not recognize some of the words and that made them temporarily frown in confusion. Is my translation spell failing? They absentmindedly asked themselves. They would have to look into that later. Shelving the thought for later, Bokarsi hopped up the porch and peered inside the hut, taking Roan's initiative as an invitation to do the same.

"Are you going to furnish this home?" Bokarsi asked, frowning at the distinct lack of personal accents the house held. They were itching to learn the preferences of their temporary groupmates; Bokarsi would have to do their own sleuthing if asking gave them no satisfactory results.

Re: PERMANENT VACATION // new home - eggplant18 - 02-25-2020


Ska’arq had no sense of preference. If it was the first available, or simply in working condition, he would take it. As he stepped into his new home, the first thing he noticed was the dust, which promptly made him sneeze. The sun, stretching and straining to rest on the horizon, sent sunlight streaming through the thin curtains covering the windows, and he could see the dust particles floating through the air from the disturbance.

Back at his original home on the cliffside, the shallow cave in which he and his sisters resides was relatively barren. With no nearby civilization to speak of, anything they owned was hand-crafted or a rare find. Their mother had many tools made of stone. He recalled the lesson they were all given on how to make the tools; a rather strenuous task, but he learned fast.

The dragon’s only concern was making this home feel like the other home. While the tavern had been an odd experience, he was still under the notion that all homes should be barren, save for the necessities.

Pulling the curtains back to look outside, searching for a spot to make a fire pit, he spotted the draconic kit bounding up the stairs. Pulling his stare away from his sandy-grassy turf, he watched as the child pushed his way inside. Maintaining his blank stare, he replied, ”I am unfamiliar with much of your vocabulary. Please explain the meaning of ’hola’ and ’hogar dulce hogar.’

At the same time, he moved Roan from where he stood, which was right on the scrappy carpet in front of the door. He dragged it across the room and shoved it under the desk, to be dealt with later.

When a second voice called out, he turned his head. This one was unfamiliar. Briefly, he scanned them up and down. Hmm. ”I do plan to make it resemble a normal interior, but the shape of this den is not what I am used to. I will persist, regardless.” The dragon abruptly turned around, looking over the relatively small space. ”I will need many rocks and stones. Primarily, I must find materials to make a nest with. I must also construct a fire pit,” he mused. While he was mainly speaking to himself, he glanced back at the two smaller animals behind him. ”Are either of you familiar with the best locations to acquire nest making materials?”
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #6e65b5 - TAGS
[i]note - ska'arq does NOT have the necklace as shown in his pfp

Re: PERMANENT VACATION // new home - roan ; - 02-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan was very much used to a house with lots of extra character packed into it, to the point where the place could basically be considered bursting at the seams. It made sense, considering his home contained not only he and his mama, but also Michael and occasionally Greed. They all had their own little bits of stuff strung around, which not only made the place feel lived in, but also made it feel more cramped than someone like Ska'arq probably would've appreciated. Perhaps that was why Roan seemed so confused as he peeked his head inside the house, the little dots of his eyebrows coming together in a sort of baffled look when he saw nothing really substantial inside. One could say that was just because it was a new house, but it actually seemed as though the dragon was taking things out of the building, rather than adding more. He opened his muzzle to question Ska'arq, but only managed to let out a soft yelp as he was moved carefully off of the rug he was atop, the dragon only pausing to ask him what his words meant. Roan frowned slightly, tilting his head to one side. He had honestly figured that everybody knew Spanish. It seemed, however, that he had been wrong. Still, he could deal with that. Smiling brightly, the kit meowed eagerly, "Oh, well, hola is hello! And hogar dulce hogar is home sweet home! So I was asking whether this was gonna be your home."

The draconic male again looked up when a new, unfamiliar voice reached his ears, his head practically whipping around with excitement in his frantic curiosity. He always liked meeting everybody knew that came around, since usually they represented something new that he could learn about, like a new society or culture that was out there. He beamed at Bokarsi for a moment, trying his best to look friendly, before Ska'arq had moved on, musing out loud in response to Bokarsi's question. Roan once again felt vaguely confused, shuffling his paws a little bit in frustration. Lots of rocks and stones? What exactly was Ska'arq planning on doing with this house? Still, the boy supposed that it wasn't as if he had to live in it, and it would be rude to question the dragon's styling choices. He decided he would help instead. After all, he had done plenty of exploring of the island ever since he had finally been allowed outside the constricted area of his and his mother's old home. Gesturing a paw towards the line of the beach stretching out on either side, the male said enthusiastically, "Well, there's plenty of big rocks and stuff on the beach if you look a little bit! I've even found plenty of big shiny ones in the past that are really pretty, but they were always too big for me to try and pick them up... I bet you could get them real easy!" Roan didn't seem to realize that the other was trying for simple and muted, the entire concept seeming so foreign to him.