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dramaturgy // joining - Printable Version

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dramaturgy // joining - candorosa - 02-20-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Hello, sir Cekirse! This is Bokarsi, it has been approximately two days since my departure and I am doing well! This realm is rather cold, compared to Ismene, but it is nothing I cannot handle! I was chased by a boar the other day after I tread too close to her childrenー

Hello, sir Cekirse! This is Bokarsi. It has been three days since my departure. I have not encountered any of my peers yet, but perhaps we keep missing one another. That aside, I'veー

Hello, sir Cekirse! This is Bokarsiー

Bokarsi scribbled the last of the words with a smile, closing their mental link with their camp leader. Today would mark the fifth day since their departure from the camp, and they have continued to dutifully record their activities for the elders to peruse. They had not gotten any signs of criticism yet, so Bokarsi could only assume that their work was satisfactory.

Imagine that! Satisfactory! "Gold star for me~ stars and gold and medals too! Good job, Bokarsi, doo di doo~!" The youthful dhole sung off-key, head bobbing to a non-existent rhythm. They put away their journal in their satchel and peeked inside to make sure their items were all there. After all, rule #3 of grave-keeping was to be prepared! Or was that rule #2? Maybe they should write it down...

Humming to themselves, they began their journey once more.

They walked and ran and jogged, taking in the different smells and views. Over time, the scent morphed into something entirely unfamiliar. Something...salty?

Was this...!? They sped up their jog, following the salty scent and listening to the foreign sounds. They skidded to a stop. Stars entered their eyes upon seeing the expanse of blue, mouth widening into a toothy grin. "The sea!" Bokarsi exclaimed in a breathless whisper. They had only seen the sea in picture books and bedtime stories. But hearing about it and seeing it with their very own eyes were entirely different beasts.

They scrambled over to the shore, watching with fascination as the waves crashed onto the sand. They inched closer, giggling as the water lapped at their paws. The water receded back. "Ah! Wait, please come back!" Bokarsi pleaded, trailing after the water like a duckling. And promptly yelped when the water came roaring back, tripping over themselves in a vain attempt to not get drenched.

How interesting! Despite being dripping wet, Bokarsi's fascination with the sea was not quenched. They jumped right back into paw-deep water, giggling and splashing around. The sea was so very different compared to the lakes of Ismene and Junise. The realm itself was different compared to their home--the sun, the plants, the denizens. A shame that their current trip would be their last.

"I see~ the sea~ the big blue sea~! The sea says hi and bye, today and tomorrow, night and day! Hi and bye..." Bokarsi sung as they splashed about, repeating the words to their little ditty. The child did not care about getting their satchel or their staff wet, too busy playing in the ocean.

(Far, far away, Bokarsi's camp leaders were having a mini-meltdown. They had, unbeknownst to Bokarsi, actually lost contact with them. Cekirse was in the process of being written up to HR and would probably lose his job. Bokarsi would not be able to return home.)

Re: dramaturgy // joining - michael t. - 02-21-2020

There was a dog splashing around in the ocean. Rather, there was a creature that looked a lot like a dog splashing around in the ocean. For the briefest of moments, Michael allowed himself to hope when he caught sight of the dhole, because a dhole, from some distance, could look like a coyote. Michael had been hoping for days now that a certain coyote would somehow magically appear on the border of the Typhoon and start yelling at him, furious that the bobcat was even still alive. However, as Michael found his way closer and closer to where the sans met the ocean, he felt his heart sink in disappointment, a soft sigh slipping put of his muzzle. That most certainly wasn't his coyote. It also, however, wasn't anybody that Michael had seen before in the last few days he had been getting used to the Typhoon. Granted, he had now spent several of those days recovering from injuries, but he still liked to think he had met quite a few new faces who had begun to feel familiar, so the distinct lack of familiarity was what drew him to Bokarsi, figuring he shouldn't just let some strange kid bounce around in their ocean. They didn't seem to represent a threat, and Michael certainly wasn't gonna be able to have any sort of intimidation factor in his current state, but hopefully someone else would follow after him to help. Hopefully.

Crossing the last bit of distance between he and Bokarsi, Michael came to a stop once he reached the edge of the ocean, his black paws sitting carefully where the waves lapped at the shore. Perhaps previously he would've gone out farther, but at the moment he still looked half mummified with the bandages that covered his injured form, and he wasn't dying to get all of those wet or salt water in his wounds. So, the bobcat just peered over the top of his aviators at Bokarsi, his blue gaze trailing down over the canid creature as he usually did with newcomers, identifying any prone weaknesses. He filed them away as usual, but resolved to hopefully not have to use any of that information. After all, Bokarsi seemed young, and Michael wasn't a huge fan of fighting kids. Once that was done, the bobcat cleared his throat, raising his voice above the waves as he called out, ""Hey! Hey, uh, could I talk to you?" His throat sort of ached from calling out like this, having gone rough and hoarse from disuse after the attack, but he certainly wasn't stepping out any farther, ""You're on the territory of the Typhoon... I don't got anythin' against having a nice little swim out in the waves or splashin' around, but it might be in your best interest to introduce yourself first, ya know?"

The scene around them could be considered to be, for the most part, serene. The sun was high in the sky, the waves were blue and sparkling and beautiful. Yet still, Michael found that he couldn't relax or be put at ease, thanks to the creatures he could still imagine lingering in the shadows. He knew that the wolf had technically been caught, but what if it had friends? What if the tanglers came for him? He couldn't relax even for a second, even in the presence of a seemingly innocent kid. He needed to be ready for anything, to protect himself, and now Bokarsi, if something came lunging forth from the edges.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: dramaturgy // joining - candorosa - 02-21-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Bokarsi perked up at the voice, head swirling to face the stranger. They tilted their head to the side as they processed the words, watching the bobcat with faint curiosity. Their first contact with a resident of the realm! (Boar notwithstanding.) Oh no, what were they supposed to do? They were not briefed on what to do if they encountered a native.

Bokarsi floundered for a moment, hopping out of the water on three paws, their fourth paw reaching to rummage through their satchel. The child took out a small book and started madly flipping through the pages. Typhoon, Typhoon... Unfortunately, they could not find any information on the so-called Typhoon. At most, their emergency book advised one to keep their distance from the locale.

Ah! They paused their flipping with a jolt. What if this is a drill? Of course! It made sense: they were being tested. After all, spirits were a tricky lot, they were just like mortals but a whole lot more unpredictable. They had to learn how to deal with different scenarios at some point.

Bokarsi returned their book into their satchel and approached the stranger with a beam. The staff strapped to their back swung back and forth with their steps. "Yes, sorry, my name is Bokarsi!" They bounced on the heels of their paws, eyeing the man's jewelry. That, combined with his dark coloration would mean a pale wood would suit him best, no? Or perhaps a red wood with gold trimmings?

They snapped out of their thoughts. They could contemplate coffins some other time, they still had to secure information. Oh dear, they hoped the man would not ask for paperwork--they were not sure if the man in front of them could read their emergency contacts. "I am sorry, I am afraid I do not know much about the, er, Typhoon...Is it a nation? Or a city? Bokarsi asked sheepishly, resisting the urge to reach out and touch the man's bandages. How did injuries look on this realm?

Re: dramaturgy // joining - michael t. - 02-23-2020

Admittedly, Michael had not welcomed many people into the Typhoon yet. Not because he didn't have the desire to – although meeting new people always did put him on edge, worried they were in the grand majority that wanted his head on a platter – but rather because he hadn't been here long enough to see many come around. However, even with his relative inexperience, the male felt like something was off about this particular encounter. Michael knew full well that he could sometimes get a little stuck inside his own head, too focused on his thoughts to really think about what he was doing, but Bokarsi seemed to take it to a new extreme. As if their head was always off in the clouds, processing far too many thoughts at once. At least, that was the impression that Michael got as Bo looked at him, their eyes flicking from his fur, to his jewelry, before finally landing upon his bandages. It made him shift uncomfortably, feeling vaguely like he did when Caustic had looked at him in the Pitt. It wasn't quite the same feeling, but it was unnervingly similar.

Thankfully, he was wrenched from his worries before long by the sound of Bokarsi speaking up, finally introducing their self. Bokarsi was an... odd name, but that was far from the most obvious thing to judge about them, so Michael just let it slide, nodding his head mutely. When asked about what exactly the Typhoon was, the bobcat found himself floundering a bit, wishing there was someone else here. It wasn't as if he didn't know about where he was, but Roxie's lessons had been slow, especially with both of them injured. Still, he pushed through, faking a little toothy smile as he responded, "Ah, well... we're not exactly either of those things, but we do live on this territory, which is kinda like a city. The Typhoon is a group, y'know? We're all together in one clan and we live here. We got a leader and a tavern and all that shit... generally I think we don't like havin' people here much without them joining." He could've been wrong about that particular little detail, but it sure didn't seem like anybody was too keen to just have strangers wandering around their territory around here.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: dramaturgy // joining - ROXANNE R. - 02-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
A nation? A city?

That wasn't the Typhoon at all though it had quite the variety when it came to everyone here, Roxanne was never too far when someone new came along. Sure, getting around proved difficult sometimes but, she could always make do. Taking a deep breath, Roxie arrived at the scene looking between the possible joiner and Michael,  she couldn't help but snort what he said to the stranger. A smile would appear on her maw as she would speak with a slow nod of her head "Hello there, my name is Roxanne." She would brush up against Michael for a moment only to sit down curling her tail over her stomach with a nod of confirmation to what Michael said, yeah, the Typhoom didn't enjoy trespassers though she was sure that they let people stay for a few days or so, if they didn't want to join. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]