Beasts of Beyond
leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - Printable Version

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leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - Orion - 02-20-2020

[div style="font-family: impact; font-size: 47pt; color: white; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; position: absolute; margin-top: -36px; max-width: 625px; text-align: center; margin-left: -20px;"]MARINA X GOLDENLUXURY
[div style="font-family: impact; font-size: 47pt; color: #F2F9DD; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; text-align: center; height: 50px;"]STORY
Upon uniting the Typhoon, Tanglewood, and Elysium, Goldenluxury managed to successfully launch a takeover against the Pitt in efforts to remove the corrupted head of Jervis and their slaving traditions. As she takes her claim in the Pitt, watching them over as she watched for a formidable ardent, she very rarely got rest, refusing to sleep next to those that had been her enemy for so long. And thus, whenever she may seek ease in her true home, the Typhoon, she would gladly indulge herself with the affairs of her crewmates, wanting to be around those she saw as friends as much as she could. During one particular exhausted visit, the female ran into Marina, observing their ocean views, resulting in a light conversation between the two, and leading into a slightly spontaneous decision made afterward. And thus, a surprise would begin to form. Goldie has sights for another, and after suffering a miscarriage over a year ago, is at first upset by the discovery, however learns to accept it. Marina and Goldie, while a bit fast-paced and awkward, did manage to form a friendship and care for each other, even if not necessarily intimate in the end, and remain mutually at one another's support.

For this litter, Marina and Goldenluxury will be having tiguars. Tiguars are a hybrid between tigers and jaguars. You can interpret this concept however you please, but please make sure to include at least one mutation concept from the parents. Options include: Marina's bodily leaves / leaf mane, Goldenluxury's slitted pupils, Goldenluxury's wings, or heterochromia. We also highly encourage getting creative with the tiguar concept! A mix of stripes and spots, long fur length, body size, and more.

Goldenluxury will be the mother of the this litter. She is currently the captain/leader of The Typhoon. Her current body is a golden tiger with wings. Her uniquely slitted eyes are two different colors, notably being green and blue.

As well as being The Typhoon's current leader, Goldenluxury holds many other relations. Along with that, she is also currently the head of the Roux family and is a child of former Typhoon leader Pincher Roux and Guru. Her siblings are Coldblue, Connor, Desmond, Cleo, Sylvina, Katherine, Rocky, Valerian, Donovan, Theo, and Aita Roux (former Sage of The Typhoon). Goldenluxury also happens to be a step-daughter of Jacob Roux-Wickliff-Corleone (former leader of Snowbound), niece to Rosemary Roux (former Soothsayer of The Typhoon), Vandal Roux (former Striker of the Typhoon), niece to Roxanna Roux (former Privateer of The Typhoon), second cousin to Crow Roux (former leader of Tanglewood), cousin Roan Roux, and Selby Roux (current Sawbone of Tanglewood).

Marina's body is a male jaguar for this litter, identical to her main body due to shapeshifting. Her base is a white jaguar with a gradient of spots ranging from a light green, yellow, orange, and red. Along with this, she has cascading leaves down her neck representing a 'leaf mane.' Similar to Goldenluxury, Marina also has heterochromia. Instead of having two separate eye colors, her eyes are an identical color gradient to her spots. Furthermore, her paw pads are a light blue color and her tongue is a neon yellow color with a strange sour citrus taste to it.

— The naming theme for this litter is based on The Typhoon's ocean and pirate aspects. You can use regular names or Warriors-style double names.
— These babies will carry the Roux last name.
— Children will be able to start roleplaying at three months old.
— Please keep your child active. If you fall inactive, Reggan and Orion have every right to rehome your child. Please post every other week to be considered 'active'.
— Please stay within The Typhoon until eight months old.
— Do not kill off your child early.
— This litter is not first come, first serve.
— Remember, quality of application over quantity!
— All site rules apply.

The form for this litter is free-for-all. Please at least provide the basics, like your character's name / gender / appearance / personality. Other categories are also appreciated. Make sure to also follow all rule and provide significant genetics.

Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - ROXANNE R. - 02-20-2020


Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - MARINA - 02-20-2020

Shapeshifting momma check. Smile

Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - bubblegum - 02-20-2020

TRACK for golden mama

Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - spacexual - 02-20-2020

also track on main account

Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - deimos - 02-20-2020

track on golden mama's real lover >:^(

Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - MARINA - 02-20-2020

[member=4834]samantha[/member] im gonna fight u

Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - deimos - 02-20-2020

do it u wont

Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - spacexual - 02-20-2020

[Image: original.jpg]

Re: leader / hpr || GOLDENLUXURY x MARINA || colorful tiguar hybrids - spacexual - 02-26-2020

booping this