Beasts of Beyond
take the pain | open - Printable Version

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take the pain | open - Aleksander - 02-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL KILL MY ENEMIES WHEN THEY COME — 。+゚.[/glow]
run. hunt. chase. hurt. walk. crawl. sleep.
It was weak. Multiple fights had nearly brought it to the ground, for bloodloss and trauma did not bode well on the body. It was infected, sharp pains coursing through the multiple injuries scattered across it. It was starving. hungry. eat. hurt. walk. crawl.
The hot burn of infection touched its skin, heat radiating in waves from its large form. It had been travelling, existing off carrion and prey even slower than it. It was too slow to achieve it's prior take downs, the fight from past prey having crippled it.

walk. walk. crouch. crawl. bushes. hide. crawl. stop. sleep.
It was coated in mud, muck, and gore, not exactly an appealing sight to any who were to stumble upon it. It was tired. tired. sleep. awaken. sleep. It slept fitfully in the dense undergrowth that barely hid it, overtaken by fever. It was weak. hurt. tired. its head felt as if it was being cut apart and looked through, eyes, ears, brain, all thrumming with pain. sleep. sleep. sleep.

wake up
prey. near. close. closer. prey. hungry. eat. prey. get up. crawl. bite.
it bit down on the prey with the strength it could muster, bones crunching under its teeth. It could barely stand. it bit down. the leg came away in its teeth. eat. blood. fresh. prey. tired. hurt. the blood filled his mouth. wake up it was fading out.
wake up he hurt so badly. wake up where was he, had be been injured? his brothers must have been feeding him. wake up he opened his eyes. he locked his gaze with something, a creature. fight

it growled lowly, eyes blank. it couldn't get closer. prey. fight. hunt. tired. hurt. tired. tired.

Re: take the pain | private - deimos - 02-20-2020

The woods of Tanglewood were normally darkened. They were advised against, whether it be due to Beck's traps or just whatever dangers lurked within, Sam was unaware. She didnt really care, if she had to be completely honest. A painstaking trip into the woods to most people was just wandering to the Doecat. Eara swiveling, head stuck in thought, she didn't really realize she wasn't completely alone.

But it didn't take long for her to figure it out.

A low growl barely warned her. Her fatty haunch was torn through, teeth locked down and then through. Datk, dark marroon blood, artery blood, blood vital to her survival. A thudding heard running weak as she screamed, the curdling noise rushing through the woods. No, there was another reason not to enter the woods. Danger, danger. Adrenaline kicked in, the doecat swinging on her front paws, bucking her remaining doe leg at the face of the predator before falling over. No, not again.

She couldn't die here. Not without telling Goldie she loved her. She couldn't leave, like Dean left her. Tears pricked her mismatched eyes as she triee to crawl away.



Re: take the pain | private - Aleksander - 02-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL KILL MY ENEMIES WHEN THEY COME — 。+゚.[/glow]
face. hurt. ouch. it hurt. his eye. its eye. attack. kill. no. hunt. no. nononononono.
where was he. he'd just been with his brothers, where were they? fight something was bleeding near him. hunt

hunt. fight. kill. no. hunt. eat. kill. no. no.
it snarled at the prey cowering beneath its paws. hungry. hunt. kill. eat. nonononono. hunt. it went to stalk towards the prey, but couldn't move. no. hunt. no. kill? no. no. kill it had blood dripping from its maw, teeth stained a dark scarlet. most everything was scarlet, teeth, fur, skin, the dirt. its fur was thickly matted against its flesh, the only thing remotely clear being its piercing blue eyes. hunt. kill. eat. eat its three legs shook as it stood over the prey. no. stop it jerked aside, rolling over a raised tree root and landing with a hard thud. hurt. hurt. [b]stop[/b]

he didn't know what was happening. please, he just wanted his brothers.

pain. hurt. hurt. hurt.
the prey was close. hungry. no. not hungry. no? no. the creature was almost beside him. it was hurt, bleeding. he didn't know what to do. it hurt. it wanted to hunt. the pr-creature crawled-getting away-escaping. so much blood, from both of them. so much.

Re: take the pain | private - deimos - 02-20-2020

Sam's body was shaking with effort. Tears were staining her cheeks, as they had been when the Grey Man emerged. No. This isn't okay, she needed to go. The blood, the smell of blood, fuck her- there was too much. Too much blood, enough to make her wheeze, gag, even as she tried to drag her body away. But no, this fucker kept getting closer. And closer. But her eyes skipped back towards him. She was sick of running, sick of dying. This would be time number two, and she couldn't- no. Not another Dean. Not again.

Sam reached out, her eye narrowed as she tried to break his mental barrier. If she managed to do this, something snapping deep inside of her- she couldn't let this happen- every fiber of her being, every breath, every weak fear inside of her head screamed at him. To stop, to just stop. Lay down, leave her be- please, for the love of fuck. Her body heaved a breath, eyes rolling into her head, and for a steady moment, losing consciousness. At this moment, every beat of pain in her body transfered to him, and vice versa, the pain shocking her back away. And weakly, Sam croaked aloud-

"Somebody. Somebody help.. please.."

Sam's head slowly lowered to the ground, her eyes still welling with tears. She wouldn't see Gold again, would she? The rippling pelt, her soft feathers, the feeling of freedom when they were interlinked. It was gone. She had betrayed what she had promised to the Princess, and it was like burning ice on her lungs. Or maybe that was the blood loss. Slowly, Sam blinked, eyes narrowed and staring at the wolf. She hated him. She hated him, and everything he stood for, why would he do this to her. Why. Why- she wanted to scream. Again. But, she was too weak. She couldn't manage to lift her head so soon.



Re: take the pain | private - Aleksander - 02-21-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL KILL MY ENEMIES WHEN THEY COME — 。+゚.[/glow]
he couldn't stop. he couldn't stop his body from moving. he couldn't stop the hunger, the pain, the force that kicked him to the back of his own mind every time that he tried to take control. he didn't know where he was, he didn't know what he was, he didn't know what was happening. he wasn't aware of what was happening, what the other force in this body was doing, nothing. he surfaced for seconds, not long enough for him to register anything. he wanted his brothers. he just wanted his brothers back. he couldn't feel them, couldn't sense them, it's like they were just gone. what would he do without them? oh spirit, he hurt so much.

he was moving, moving, moving towards the creature. he couldn't do anything now. the other force was overwhelming and cloying, sticking and covering him in a dense net and tying him down. he was so tired. he was weak, strength waning more and more each time that he attempted to take his body back. his senses were closed off, isolating him from everything. he was caged like a songbird, unable to do but cry.

Until he wasn't.

a new presence. pulling, fighting, cutting. the force tried to hold on but it wasn't enough, wasn't strong enough for this brawl, and then it was gone. it was gone and he was free. there was so much now, so much pain, sound, light. the dirt under him, the crying of the creature hurt under him, the overwhelming pain that seemed to inhabit every one of his cells. it was too much at once, and he had nothing to fight against the demands in his mind. STOP. LAY DOWN.
he complied.

collapsed beside the creature, he began to shut down. his eyes closed, his breathing slowed. then a new connection was made, and he felt everything and more. pain, terror, anguish, anger, confusion, hate. so much pain. his consciousness grasped at fibres as he shook, unable to stop the onslaught. the creature hated him, she hated him. he had hurt her? he had hurt her! no, no, no, no, no.
this was too much for the damaged wolf and he could only manage a quiet whine. he couldn't move, she didn't want him near her. he had to stay laying down, although he couldn't really do otherwise. she was still bleeding, he was still bleeding. his once piercing blue eyes were dark with grief and regret as they met Sam's, locking for but a few seconds before giving in and looking down. oh no.

[open now. if you hurt wolfy, it'll hurt sam oop-.]

Re: take the pain | open - wormwood. - 02-21-2020

There were times where Aurum honestly wondered if Tanglewood had some kind of curse hanging over their heads. It wouldn't have surprised him, considering that they were founded by a centuries old spirit. It was entirely possible Beck could've done something to piss someone off, or perhaps there was some equally old witch that had once decided fuck Tanglewood, that place sucks. Either way, it was difficult for the proxy to think of any other explanation for why they were constantly, constantly being torn down by attack after attack. Not only from the Pitt and their kidnappers, but from feral and supernatural threats, constantly lingering in the shadows and waiting to latch on and tear at whatever they could. So very many of them had been hurt not only recently, but ever since he had first arrived in Tanglewood many months ago, and it made his heart ache whenever he thought about it for more than a moment. That was why, blissfully, he had been so relieved when he had found out that Moth was relatively unhurt from her Pitt experience. She had a concussion, yes, but things could've been so very much worse, and that was at least something he could take a small comfort in, if only to keep himself from falling apart. However, of course the peace could not be kept for long, and Aurum's sleep was interrupted by the sound of desperate, terrified, and panicked screaming.

He was up and out of bed before he had even really processed that he was moving, his golden paws stumbling against wood floors as he threw himself outside, into the cold air of the darkness. He had recognized the screaming voice near instantly as Sam's, and that only drove him forward more quickly, wings carrying him towards the lingering bits of her scent on the air, and in the direction of the desperate calling. Before long, he came upon the scene involved both Sam and Alexander, the lion's eyes widening in horror at it all. He barely knew what to process first, from the sight of them both collapsed, to the creature riddled with wounds and blood, to the awful form of Sam, her chest heaving for life as blood poured forth from where there should have been a leg. Instantly the proxy was in between Sam and Alexander, snarling viciously at the dire wolf. He didn't hurt him, if only because it seemed like the thing was already on the verge of death. Instead, once he was sure no more pain could be inflicted on Sam, he rose his head to the sky, roaring, "Selby! Somebody, anybody with medical knowledge! We need help over here! Sam is seriously hurt!" His voice held a panicked edge, and he mumbled as he turned back to Sam, desperately trying to think of a way to stop the blood flowing freely forth, "Don't worry, Sam... don't worry. You're gonna be okay, I promise."

Re: take the pain | open - deimos - 02-21-2020

He had laid down. Sam cursed beneath her breath, barely able to process what happened next. To her, it felt like a blur, the movement of the direwolf above her, then beside her. Her eyes shifted, staring at him. Hate, anger- then bitter guilt, something fiercely sad taking over her emotions. Regret. Sam's ears flattened, even in her weakened state. Why did he feel like that? Some piece of clairvoyance touched her. It wasn't him. Whatever she had done, had torn 'it' from him. Her eyes shifted away swiftly, however, back to her leg.

A bitter taste filled her mouth. Either fear or bile, she didn't know.

And then there was the angel, landing in a hurry, a hesitated moment, then a snarl on his lips. Aurum had always been a light sleeper it appeared, catching her in her worst moments. She coughed, ears flat and eyes half-lidded. He was getting blurry, wasn't he? That wasn't good. She knew it was really, really bad. "You.. can't promise that. You know.. you can't." She uttered, giving him a side-eyed glance. She was going to die. She felt it in every labored breath, and did a double take.

The direwolf could feel the clear moment where fear turned into burning anger. Sam's withering gaze switched to him, before she lifted her nose to the sky and pressed her eyes straight shut, tearing up in anger. She couldn't leave her like this. "You.. pisspoor.. excuse of a predator..." She spat, turning her weak gaze to Alexander. "Couldn't even.. make it quick." But deep down, that felt wrong. Telling him he was shit, even though it wasn't him.



Re: take the pain | open - beck. - 02-21-2020

    There was no time to process nor to even think. Reflection upon the significance of why he switched paths and desperately sprinted to a scream could occur later.

    The little ghost practically burst from the surrounding reeds, his eyes stretched wide in momentary terror at his friend -- his friend -- bloodied and dying once more. Bile climbed up his throat; he swallowed it down before he could do so much as gag at the acidic tide in his mouth.

    Instinct tensed his muscles like a spring, his old ally of adrenaline kicking into his veins. Medical knowledge, he had medical knowledge. Beck almost shoved Aurum aside, had it not been for his own small stature, to crouch by Sam. Exposed arteries and muscle and bone, shredded in a single bite. The boy grimaced. Tourniquet, she needed a tourniquet. He hastily unwound the bandaging from one arm, looping the strip of gauze tightly around the remaining stump, tight enough to cause a valley in the skin and either ends to bulge with pressure. Something needed to secure it -- he snatched a fallen branch, its limbs bare fortunately due to the wintry chill. His paws trembling, he tied the makeshift anchor into the final knot, praying to whatever God looking down that his memorization didn't fail him.

    Adrenaline seeped, he glanced to his front and his paws, drenched in his friend's red, oh-so red blood. Was she still bleeding? Was it blood that already spurted out? Was it too late? No, God no, he couldn't lose another. A harsh wheeze escaped him, rising to a shriek, "F-find her leg and keep it cold! And get that thing out of here!" Binge-watching medical dramas proved to be beneficial yet again.

    He gathered the remaining bandages from his still-wrapped arm and pressed it against the stump, putting all his weight upon it to force clotting. He didn't hear whatever she said or yelped, the breathless noises of pain telling him that she still lived, she still fought. God, he admired and thanked her stubborn fight for life, reminded of himself as he dangled limply from a tree branch. Beck held the gauze even as his arms tightened in exertion, as the world carried on around him like always.

    All that mattered now was saving her life.