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highway- open, joining - Printable Version

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highway- open, joining - deimos - 02-20-2020

It hurt, the smoke in his lungs. Fingers outstretched from his one hand, towards the open door of the burning barn. He was stuck, trapped, the skin burnt so bad he couldn't feel it. His eyes were full of tears, sobbing and shaking. He didn't want to go yet. Charley didn't want to go. Where was his brother? Where, in this world, where he could have been otherwise? He wasn't ready to go. The sweet girl up the street- they were supposed to have a date.

But it was too late, too fast. Too bittersweet.

Charley woke up screaming, in the sands of the desert. It was just as roasting hot as it was there. He could see the burnt jungle just past the sands, his breathing unsteady and shoulders tense. His eyes had opened, just as wide as they had been when he was sobbing in the barn. But he wasn't crying now. He was strangely silent. Somber, still. Charley's ears flicked a bit as he pushed himself up, groaning softly. The deep southern accent matched up with his words. "God, what a headache.." He sighed, trying to push himself up to walk on two feet, but instinct took over.

Curses flew from Charley's mouth, the no-longer-biped falling over in a hurry. Four legs, paws? Fur? His body shook for a moment, and he bit his tongue. "Where.. where am I?" He asked, no one in particular. With this in mind, he stood, shakily taking a few steps. He headed towards the burnt jungle, looking away warily.


Re: highway- open, joining - CAUSTIC. - 02-21-2020

Caustic's intro to this dimension was just as forceful, unwelcome, and annoying. He had debated the possibility of ending himself, just so that he didn't have to continue in this forsaken reality. It was too much and Caustic was too old for this. He desperately wished to return to his own world, so he could continue his experiment below in the ring. It was a great retirement plan, overall. Continually die and revive, perfecting his magnum opus each time.
The Pitt had been hard on him, though. The lack of food was getting to him, and Caustic had lost an uncomfortable amount of weight. His fur was beginning to tangle in knots, matting in awkward places around his belly. For now, he needed food, anything-
Footsteps. Caustic's green eyes scanned over the desert, locking onto a sheepdog, a cloud of gas releasing from his mouth in a heavy sigh.
"You have found yourself in the Pitt. I am Dr. Caustic."

Re: highway- open, joining - Kydobi - 02-22-2020


[OOC: ]

More and more often he was coming across dogs. Not that he minded but he was hoping to have more powerful creatures join. He wouldn’t verbally complain.

However the Pitt had a large population of canines... another feline. Something else. It would be nice to have multiple species with different talents. Multiple assets.

But dogs were loyal creatures and they did have Caustic. He had potential to be a powerhouse and his gas.. helpful on the field.

Or so he thought.

Kydobi hadn’t been struggling half as bad in the sudden lack of food. He had become leaner, yes. But he was malnourished.

He would look at Charley and give a warm but curt nod to them before wide eyes looked at the wolf. Genuine concern hidden deep in them.

“Caustic? W-why are you so thin? Are you okay?” it alarmed him immensely. How many other Pittians were degrading?

“Come find me after I’ll find you something to eat... that doesn’t look good at all.”

His attention turned to the more domestic canine but the worry didn’t fade, “hello. May i ask what your business here is?”


Re: highway- open, joining - deimos - 02-25-2020

The approaching figure made Charley freeze. Fuck, a wolf, in the desert? He had only seen and dealt with coyotes, nothing like this. Charley stepped backwards, his ears pushed down and tail lowered. All instinct, and Charley had no idea he was feigning submission at the first introduction. But, much to Charley's surprise, the wolf spoke. Didn't just speak, spoke to him. And he understood. At first, Charley couldn't believe it, then his eyes blinked slowly. 

"What?" He questioned, the thick southern accent slurring his follows words. "You're.. a doctor?" He almost fell over at the sight of Kydobi. The wolf was easier to handle, but a fucking jaguar. He had only been to zoos long enough to see panthers and all that, but one being face to face with him, and expressing concern with the wolf- didn't he call himself Caustic?- made Charley take another step back. But once he focused on him, Charley's legs sure were frozen in place.

"My.. m' business? I.. uh.." Charley stared for a moment longer. "M'.. m' business..." He stared at Kydobi for a few more moments, his jaw working. What was his business? After he died, he had accepted he'd go up to the Good Place, y'know, heaven n' all that. But noo.. here he was. A dog. In the desert. Talking to a wolf and a jaguar. Charley coughed a few times. "Survival." He managed weakly. "I.. have no fuckin' clue where I am. So uh. Survival."


Re: highway- open, joining - CAUSTIC. - 02-25-2020

In any other circumstance, Caustic normally wouldn't have minded the presence of Kydobi. The jaguar stayed out of business and was one of the few here with a functioning, adult brain. His ears tipped idly in the jaguar's direction, giving him attention, but upon the remarks made about Caustic's physique, in front of a stranger, the wolf felt his tail go down and ears back in a defensive posture. The dots above his eyes pulled back in an angered expression, head tilt to match. "It's none of your concern, Kydobi."

His head returned to pointing at the stranger, face returned to neutral, but his ears and tail still down. "Of science, yes. Anyways, this is the Pitt. You can either join the group here if you so desire, or leave."


Re: highway- open, joining - Charlot - 02-26-2020

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Charlot had been a whole bunch of weird lookin animals in his brief time in the Pitt. The clan went from the normal, and numerous, foxes to a giant tree eating dino thing. It was weird as hell and not exactly easy to get used to, but everyone was generally nice? usually. They didn't mind him following them around anyways, he liked doing it. It was boring in the burnt camp, he couldn't hunt and Cam was always doing something, so he had gotten into a habit of following around his clanmates. Not for weird shit like the bathroom or anything, but just when they were gonna go on patrol or chill. He'd met a fair few joiners because of it, most recently was a big-ass lion, Clover? yeah, that was probably his name.

Charlot was following the big buff leader dude today, Kyobi. He was fun to follow around but he didn't usually seem to like it a whole lot. Char followed him regardless. Followed him through camp and down to the border, the fox was pretty content and look! there was even a joiner at the border. sick.
There was a big dog there, bigger than Char if that meant anything significant. He seemed pretty confused and had a weird accent, cool. "You should totally join The Pitt, dude!" Char said as an addition to what one of his other clanmates had said. "We got super cool stuff 'n you'll have a way better chance at not burnin' alive on the sand."
"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: highway- open, joining - Kydobi - 02-26-2020


[OOC: ]

Kydobi was slightly taken aback. He had only been trying to help, he could understand why the brute may have been offended but it wasn’t like anyone couldn’t notice. The jaguar cleared his throat, “you forget who I am and who you are. Your health is my concern as your leader.”

Kydobi looked at Caustic, slightly annoyed that they were attempting to control the situation. He appreciated the blunt boldness but the smaller dog’s words did touch home a little.

“We’re all trying to survive here. But Caustic is right. We don’t have much to spare for those who are not dying and do not wish to join.”

The jaguar smiled at Charlot, a nice little hype of the whole situation. But he didn’t want to mislead folks.

“You won’t find a more loyal group of people. We’re like family here- but that’s because once you’re considered one of us no one will accept you. The rest of the groups will put a target on your back because they believe we’re savages. But I encourage you to see for yourself.”
