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coldhearted - star chrono - Printable Version

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coldhearted - star chrono - fulzanin - 02-20-2020

cold hearted
if you want it done right just do it yourself
Exhaustion bit at her constantly. It didn't want to go away no matter what she did. No matter how much she ran around to get the blood pumping it constantly kept up. Her wings drooped and her tail would drag behind her as she fought against exhaustion. She hated sleeping. She hated feeling exhausted, too. It was an utter annoyance. Sleep was silly. She didn't need sleep. Sleep was for the weak! She didn't need such a silly thing.

Currently she was away from her home - yet technically was home at the same time. Her sister, the queen of all the Lighsni, had called her back to Sutaraito to help with some issues regarding the Frozen City. "I can't go there," Sirethea had told her, "because they don't acknowledge me as queen or some stupid thing like that." Those words had set Usira off, truly. Sirethea was the queen! There literally was nobody else present for the job!

Well. Spare her. But Usira really wasn't ruler material. She liked telling her cool puns way more. There was also Bubua. Poor, panicky Bubua. The smaller Lighsni was constantly in a state of terror. Usira couldn't begin to understand how horrible it had to feel to be that way. Always afraid and living in terror. It was no way to live, but there wasn't anything Usira could do to help her. Thankfully Bubua had Rags and Dealer helping her. A boyfriend and a girlfriend to  help keep her safe and ease up the feelings of panic.

Shaking that thought aside, the icy piyan used her icy powers to coldly knock open the gate that led into the city. Some of the guards there scrambled away from her as if she was some raging rampant beast that warranted such a reaction. Usira scoffed, rolling her purple eyes. Silly, they were. She simply had some orders from her sister to deliver. It was held in her free paw, the other still raised from using her powers to open up the frozen door. Talons clicked against the frozen and snow covered ground as she moved along.

The Frozen City didn't like her, either. She was a hybrid. Her webbed wings signified such a thing, alongside her scaly tail. However, she was far more Lighsni than Nitisian. Sirethea was more Lighsni than she was, yet they wouldn't listen to her. It peeved Usira off, and it was shown when she punted the door open to the Relayer's room. "Sophak! You sprakking chit!" She screeched as she watched the vibrant pink Lighsni scramble from his bed. "It's pretty cold of you to not come outside and meet me! I had to come and find this room all on my own."

Sophak held a paw over his core, taking in a deep breath to still his nerves. "Usira," he said shortly, "what is it that brings... you here?" Blue eyes took in her webbed wings, and it irked Usira further.

"You know exactly why I'm here," Usira snarled, the icy spires of her tail clicking together. "You haven't been bringing the Frozen City information from the meetings." She tugged loose the ribbon that kept the scroll wrapped up, unraveling to reveal a lengthy paper covered in colorful scribbles.

The other ice elemental scrunched up his face. "I'm allowed to take a break." He insisted. He seemed so confident of himself, playing the 'self care' card. His arms had crossed and he had returned to his somewhat frozen bed. Usira could feel her paws twitching and the ice creeping up around her feet.

"You've been on break for the past 3 weeks. Get on it, get back to coming to the meetings. You wouldn't want my cool grandmother having to come down here?" Usira replied coldly. She took delight in watching a wince go through the smaller piyan, a smirk on her face. "You know, Hanabi? The most hybrid of all hybrids, who certainly won't approve of how you're running things and probably appoint herself in charge?"

"She doesn't need to do that-"

"Then get off your butt before it gets frozen to the seat and get moving!" Usira hissed in reply. Her tail swung sharply behind her, and watched Sophak nervously gulp. "Good talk." With that she turned and took her leave, heading on back to the Capital so that she could return to home-home. She hated having to get that cold with people. Sometimes she could see why the Nitisians got irritated with the Lighsni and called them featherbrains from time to time.

The flight back was tiring, but she managed. Going back to her room and finding the Travel Stick was a little bit harder because she'd thrown it aside upon her arrival. Once she finished the Lighsni had to recognize her exhaustion again. Usira hardly slept. If she could help it, she'd be awake all the time. Bad things always seemed to happen whenever she allowed sleep to make her unaware. Her whole family dying, perhaps, was the biggest factor. Most of them were alive again now, but it didn't mean that it didn't cause worry. Especially when it came to her dearest.

Her beloved, Stitch, was a great medic. Her core was chilled at the thought - in a good way! The cold was good for her. It was comforting and comfortable and overall was all things good. Stitch could withstand the cold which, in Usira's mind, made them the absolute best couple to ever grace the universe. Constantly Stitch would berate Usira to go to sleep, and Usira would deny it. In retaliaton, Stitch had gotten her some energy boosting plants a while ago. The icy piyan moved over to where they were located. The ones next to them, though, were far more tasty. Usira wasn't quite sure what they were, but they almost reminded her of a gokir.

Yet again, to a Lighsni nearly everything was a gokir.

Sirethea turned over the scribbly report that Usira had brought back to her. She turned her attention to Hanabi, who was carefully writing something down in the scratchy Nitisian language. "The ice elemental Relayer still isn't here," she mumbled.

Hanabi lifted her horned head, setting the three merged pencils down. "Is that so. I told you that you need to be harder on them," she pressed, fluffy tail curling around the leg of the chair behind her. Her claws gripped the edge.

"I know. You should... you can go talk some sense into them, I guess."

"Then I'll be back for dinner tomorrow." A grin was present on Hanabi's face as she stood up. Her arms stretched infront of her, then grabbing the paper and pencil. Her talons clicked against the stone floor as she moved over to the nearest window. Webbed and feathered wings spread from her sides before she leaped from the windowsill, the strong afternoon breeze carrying her onwards.

being stubborn for what you believe in is a valid tactic to preserve your interests
at least until the bigger fish comes along