Beasts of Beyond
take all steady - star chrono - Printable Version

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take all steady - star chrono - fulzanin - 02-19-2020

you don't know me but i definitely know you
There was something right there. In the water. Simple and easily able to be seen, even by one with only one eye. Slowly red talons helped the creature move closer towards the river. It was a fearsome predator, one that all the fish within this water source certainly had to fear. Another slow movement forward, the water rippling from the fish that swam just beneath the surface of the water. Careful was the approach.

Then it striked. Fore leaped from the shoreline and into the shallow river. Sharp teeth snagged the fish and tore through it's slimy scales. Then it scrambled back to the shore, struggling against the heaviness that it felt as a result of being wet. Rocks sank in water. Carefully constructed was this river to be shallow enough for Fore to not sink, but deep enough for it to be enticing to fish. Slowly it lowered down the fish, swiftly ending it with a sharp slash of the head being cleaved. Fore sat back, prosthetic leg shaking out some of the remaining water.

The pile was pretty well sized today! It felt mighty proud of itself, and a smile presented itself on its face. The youth grabbed one of the smaller fish and snapped it right up, tail wagging behind in delight. Bones and all, including scales and eyes. Fore wasn't a picky eater, of course. Whatever it couldn't digest would just be thrown right back up later. The bag that had been sitting on the shore was grabbed. The fish that had been caught were stuffed inside. The baby rock demon turned on its heels and bounded off into the denser woods.

This was where it and Bogey, its sibling, made their home. It had been dug and exploded out of a massive hill. There was a river to fish in there, too, but Fore only liked to use it when the weather was bad. The grass and dirt turned to stone, and its eye swiftly adjusted back to the darkness of their home. "Bogey! Bogey I'm back!" Fore screeched, moving to where they kept all of their food. One of the Lighsni that their dad had been friends with had come and given them a pretty neat set of shelves. Whatever was put on them didn't spoil. How it worked? Fore didn't know. Bogey said it was magic, and got edgy with that word being used, but Fore wouldn't complain about having eight shelves stocked full of food.

"Fish again," the smaller of the two demons grumbled, "why can't you bring in the apples from the garden for once?" Bogey huffed. Their tongue pushed against the front of their mouth. Fore had been the one to notice Bogey's small fangs growing back in. It had been exciting especially for Bogey as they finally were able to eat hard food again after years and years and years of being restrained to mushed up or smaller articles of food.

Fore rolled its eye at its sibling, spiky tail swinging behind them. The bag was set down, and they began unpacking all the fish. "Well y'see, Bogey, the river was literally right there. Didn't wanna go all the way around the back of the house to get some apples," It answered. It eyed one of the incredibly plumpy fish, mouth watering. "Are you sure that we have to store up this much food for winter? Look at this one, I'd love to eat this one right now." Fore waved the fish around, it flopping from the sporadic movements.

Bogey huffed, moving over to snag an already sliced piece of orange from one of the many shelves. "Yes, Fore, because it's gonna be really cold soon and all the water'll be frozen over. Then you're not gonna wanna fish an' then you're gonna steal my food an' then I'm gonna be hungry." Bogey explained, then nibbling on the orange.

"Look, that was only the past two years. It'll be different this year!" Fore insisted. It set the fish down on the shelf - not that it truly wanted to - and hopped closer to the younger of the two demons. "It might be really warm this year. No one knows. We might have all this food and then we gotta hibernate. Like a bear."

Bogey winced, swallowing down the rest of the orange a moment later. "Fore, no. Don't even talk about bears," the small piyan whined, shaking its head. When Bogey noticed Fore's irritated expression, they stood up onto their toes to raise to a position nearer to eye level. "I don't care that you managed to beat it and make it go away! I don' want any bears getting in our house again!"

Fore's gaze turned away from the stern face of its younger sibling. "Okay, okay," it assured, a paw waving in a manner that was considerably nonchalant. "Hibernate like a deer, then."

"Deer don't hibernate, Fore," Bogey grumbled, but saw no point in arguing further with its sibling's antics. Which meant that Fore was triumphant, and a grin was upon the baby rock demon's face at that thought. Bogey could only sigh at the sight of such an expression present on Fore's face. "Anyways, you can at least help me come get th' apples now that you've got the fishing out of your system."

Fore pulled the last fish from the bag, setting it down on the shelf. "Alright, alright. I'll help you get your apples. And then I'mma go fishing agian." It followed Bogey further into the cave. Their home was very nice. Dark; perfect for their light sensitive eyes even if they both had one eye each. Bogey had the removed eye covered with bandages. It reminded Fore of their father. He wore bandages over his face constantly. Even with bandages and scruffy blonde hair, Fore had usually been able to read and figure out if there was a smile constructed of overgrown teeth hidden behind them.

It shook off the memories, following Bogey up the staircase that was in conjunction with the underground river that functioned as a fishing room. Fore had dug out that river, and it was home to quite a lot of fish. Emergencies only, Fore had to remind itself, and lowered onto all fours to clamber up after Bogey.

Bogey carefully opened up the door and scrambled out into the small yet wellkept garden. The light from the lanterns briefly stung Fore's eye, but it was shook off after turning away for a couple seconds. It was closer to the surface than the rest of the cave, but certainly still underground. Small holes were present in the ceiling, constructed out of straws and other random metal bits that the two had found. Raiding places for materials was fun, Fore would claim - no matter what Bogey had to say about 'it being illegal' or 'endangering'. The underwater river came through here, supplying water to the trimmed trees that were set up around.

Fore's sharp claws were easily able to grab into the bark of a nearby tree. It hoisted itself up, careful to mind the magical strings that had been tied into the branches. To always supply food once every three days, or something like that. Fore hadn't really been listening when they'd gotten it. Aslisk always brought them cool stuff when she came to visit - whether it be from Ichigo or another one of the magical Lighsni. Mostly for Bogey, which was fine by Fore's means. It had food and shelter and was safe. What more could it ever want?

Fore grabbed an apple and tossed it down to Bogey. It was a common procedure since Bogey couldn't climb up the trees all that well due to the lack of claws. "Hey, Fore?" Bogey then spoke up, red eye looking upwards at its sibling in the tree.

"I know I know, be gentle with the fruit and all," Fore huffed, crawling over to another branch. Sharp red claws helped to cut the fruit from the rest of the tree, and other article of sustenance was handed on down. Fore's tail hung loosely below as it crawled through the dense branches of the tree.

Bogey sighed. "No, no." It said in a tone that swiftly warranted Fore's attention. It dropped down from the tree, prosthetic catching most of its weight. "I miss Yuki, Fore," Bogey mumbled, holding the apple in a manner that Fore could almost consider an embrace.

Fore moved closer, a frown present on its face. "Oh, come on Bogey! You know Yuki'll be back soon! Whenever he's done with whatever it is he's out there doing. You know, making the universe safe for us. For you, probably." It then added with a nudge given to the other piyan. Sadly, the joking demeanor didn't seem to ease up Bogey's distress. "He's fine. He'll be home soon and then you two can catch up and do all this apple hunting together."

"I really hope you're right," Bogey mumbled, wings tucking close. "I just really wish he was here." A squeak sounded from the smaller of the two when Fore grabbed Bogey in a hug, lifting them with ease off the ground.

"He probably does too."

"I miss him, Fore! It's not fair that everyone's left!" Bogey whined, fidgeting a little so that returning the hug could come with far better ease. Tight was Bogey's grip against Fore's shirt, demanding a means to exert the sharp and sudden wave of less than pleasant emotions that swamped the younger of the duo's mind. "First Tetzu an' then Ma'aru an' now Yuki an' I bet one day Aslisk's not gonna come 'round no more!" Bogey shoved their face against Fore's shoulder.

Fore lifted up its head a little. Oh, it was not equipped to deal with this. It was way better at performing brute force things and keeping people safe than dealing with its sibling's issues. "You know they'd be here if they could, Bogey. It's good to miss them though. Means they mean a lot t' you." Fore spoke slowly, picking their words out carefully and with utmost delicateness.

Bogey sniffled, and then tapped Fore's shoulder. The baby rock demon set the other down, watching the younger of the two wipe their tear filled eyes. "Yea. They... they would. Let's get the rest of these apples."

if people leaving cause you pain then you know you've established a means of connection
whether these feelings are shared are up to the other party to decide