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let the music play - nail painting - Printable Version

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let the music play - nail painting - fulzanin - 02-19-2020

Sanzu liked her green colors. They were pretty, and plant like. They allowed for the sun to easily work into her scales and provide a form of energy that not many others had the luxury of access to less they be on an equal level to plants. However, sometimes, Sanzu got bored of all the green. Her claws were green, her wings were green, her face was green, her wings was green. Everything was green! Her eyes were the only different color - her horns, too, but they were a yellowish green so she didn't say that they counted. Vibrant red eyes that glowed, allowing some sight within the depths of night. Her green body wasn't the best method of camouflage in the depths of winter and earliest days of spring. Hiding with a vibrant and lush green color pattern wasn't going to work.

Sanzu had come to a startling discovery while she'd been wandering around camp. She'd found some paint! It was simple paint, old paint, but it definitely was paint. Why it was here, what had caused for the lid to be cast aside? All were questions that Sanzu didn't bother to ask. The paint was a vibrant and pretty ping color. There was even a small brush that almost was easily able to be grabbed right next to it! Nobody would mind her taking this, right? The little dragon grabbed the handle of the paint canister and the handle of the brush with her jaws, before scrambling off. She had to find a nice place to set this up - not that much setup was required. A place with all the space for her to stretch out was always a necessity, one that this activity didn't truly require but Sanzu liked nonetheless. A warm and sunny place was the icing on the cake. Now that winter was ending, warmth was easier to come by. It helped a lot, even if she would like it a lot warmer.

The young dragon found herself a nice, warm spot to sit down on. The warmth of the sun was wonderful, filling her body with energy. Carefully she used the paintbrush's fluffy end to dip into the paint liquid within the canister. It was clumsy, and she wound up dropping the brush within the paint due to the gain of weight. Frowning, Sanzu reached into the bucket with her arm to try and find the brush. Her efforts were in vain, large ears dropping. However, an idea swiftly came to mind, and her red gaze turned to the fluffy plume that marked the end of her tail. It looked similar to the end of the paintbrush! Sanzu dipped her fluffy tail into the paint, and set to work on painting her green claws. The ones that weren't already colored vibrant pink due to reaching around within the paint can for the paintbrush. Once she finished, she lifted her claws to admire her work. A little messy, but Sanzu was far too pleased with her work to notice. "Does anyone wan' their claws painted? I'mmsa doin' pain'in right here an' I'mmsa can paint them!" She loudly announced with her paint covered tail laying in a curled position around the paint canister.

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19:

Re: let the music play - nail painting - Warringkingdoms - 02-20-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Just a few more pieces of freshkill, and the basket would be ready for tomorrow's trip to the Typhoon.

  As Rin walked through the town towards the mountain camp, however, she happened to hear Sanzu's call. Turning her head to glance towards the sound of the voice, she saw Sanzu sitting with a bucket of hot pink paint, claws gleaming with that same pink. And she wanted to paint others' claws the same color?

  Rin's first instinct was to leave- she had other things to do to get ready for the next morning, and there was no tactical advantage at all to having hot pink claws. After a few moments, though, she sighed. The basket was almost ready, and Sanzu seemed very excited about getting to paint others' claws... and Rin didn't know who else would be in the mood, if anyone. It couldn't hurt, she supposed.

  Approaching Sanzu slowly, she took a seat a few feet away from the bucket and nodded. She was going to have bright pink claws by the end of this- she had never thought she'd see the day. "Proceed," she said softly, extending her front paws slightly.

Re: let the music play - nail painting - nemhain. - 02-21-2020

Nemhain's form was, for the most part, an absolute cacophony of colors. It had been ever since she had first been fully formed into existence, and her large, beautiful feathers had curled out to their full length, bathing in the sun. She didn't truly know why this had been the form she had manifested in, and she doubted she would ever know the full reasoning behind it, but she hardly minded it. The colors sometimes made it difficult for her to blend into the background or become one with the crowd, but that was never really an issue when she was always on the front lines, always ready to face the action head on. She was never one that needed to be stealthy, so the possible disadvantages that something as unneeded as nail painting offered? Well, they were of very little concern to the persona, who was sort of just desperate for anything to lift her spirits as of late. Although she had not been around for the event in question, the brutal murder of a mother and child had sent ripples of shock throughout Elysium. Ripples that not only effected everyone as a whole, but Rin particularly hard, which meant that they affected Nemhain especially hard as well. She had been attempting to ignore the constant churning unpleasant emotions in her system because of this, but her defenses were weakening, and she needed something to drag her mind from everything, if only for the briefest of moments.

Thankfully, Sanzu had unknowingly jumped at the opportunity to distract others, something that made Nemhain feel even more affection for the child than she already had before. Nem had been a little confused at first, when the sound of Sanzu's chipper and squeaky voice rang out with the offering to paint the nails of others, but that didn't mean that her curiosity wasn't piqued. Besides, she could already see Rin heading over, and she was feeling rather protective as of late over the magna, knowing exactly how much the feline was suffering. Getting up from her sort of half laying half resting position, the fenghuang followed after Rin to where Sanzu was set up, looking over the messy "supplies" that were currently present. She almost snorted when she saw that Sanzu was using her tail as a brush, shaking her head from side to side at the child. It was ridiculous to her, but it also seemed so utterly fitting for Sanzu that she didn't comment, just slowly settling down near Rin. It was a little awkward, balancing herself on only one of her large but sturdy legs so that she could outstretch her talons, but she managed it anyways. It was pretty amusing, seeing the comparison between the size of Sanzu's tiny but still growing body and her massive, blackened talons. She cleared her throat for a moment before speaking, eyes darting over towards Rin, "I will participate as well... although please do not let my talons take up all your paint, if others arrive." She knew that her claws were comparatively much, much larger than anyone else's within Elysium, so she was fine with sitting this particular little event out, or only having one or two of her talons painted, if it meant that she would be fair to the rest of her clanmates.

Re: let the music play - nail painting - candorosa - 02-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Well. At least someone was having fun. The memory of the incident still ran fresh through his mind. He suppressed a shudder. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of that. Not now, not ever and especially not near them.

Lemy allowed his thoughts to float away as he watched the two gathered around Sanzu, gaze switching from the paint canister to Sanzu's paint-tipped tail. He didn't see the harm in participating. He'd get his nails painted and it'd be like nothing ever happened. And then sooner or later the paint would wash off, just like everything else. Plus, he didn't feel like ruining some kid's fun.

"Me next, me next, Sanzie!" Lemy called with a beam, shuffling over to Sanzu. He sat away from both Rin and Nemhain, pointedly avoiding looking at them.

Re: let the music play - nail painting - fulzanin - 02-22-2020

So many people had shown up to have their claws and nails and talons and whatever it was painted! It made her happy, her tail rapidly swinging behind her. The spare paint of her tail was splattered off, not that Sanzu truly noticed. "Oh, okay! Y' can be m' first customer!" The dragon happily chattered. She pivoted on her feet and dipped her tail back into the paint. The fluffy end was covered in the paint once she pulled her tail from the colored liquid. Then she grabbed her tail with her teeth in a manner most gentle, then began trying to paint the Magna's claws. It was difficult, of course, and a lot of the paint wound up on the other's paw rather than the claws. Still, it was a hard task that Sanzu sought to accomplish a best she could. Once she was finished, she stepped back with a grin on her face. "There y' go! It looks so pretty don't y' think!" Her large ears wriggled.

Sanzu re-dipped her tail in the paint, turning her gaze towards Nemhain. The big birdie. The one with claws that were so much bigger than her own. "Don' worry! There's a whole lotta paint here! No problems with usin' paint for big birdie. Her wings spread a little as she hopped towards the other's extended talons. Carefully she began painting over the other's mighty claws. It was a little easier considering the size, but was still a little difficult for the youth to accomplish. The colorful liquid still managed to get off the other's actual foot. Still, Sanzu was mighty proud of herself. "Pink looks really good on you!" The young dragon chattered, and then hopped on back to the paint bucket. She had to recolor her tail a few times over to fully paint Nemhain's claws. "Don'tcha think?" She asked around her tail that she held with her teeth, paint splattering off her tail and onto the other's claws and feet.

Lemy was the next one to show up. It was easy with far less paint within the bucket to weigh it down. So the young dragon was again able to dip her tail into the paint. The other not looking at the other two present, far too into her activity to notice the qualms of the adults around. Her ears wriggled a little, excited with splattering paint all over the other's paws and claws. Soon there was pink paint all over the feet of those whom had come to her little activity. "There you go!" A grin presented itself on her scaly face, Her tail was now wriggling madly behind her in delight and once again spraying paint as a result. "An' I still got paint left! I c'n do second coats on everyone!" Sanzu happily chattered, her bouncing on her claws a little in delight.

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19:

Re: let the music play - nail painting - Warringkingdoms - 02-24-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Watching Sanzu apply the paint to her claws, Rin twitched her whiskers. Sanzu's technique wasn't especially precise, but nonetheless it was impressive considering she was using her tail as a brush. The paint had splattered her paws a bit, but at least it was hot pink- not easily mistakable for red.

  Once Sanzu had announced that she finished, Rin inspected the paint job. Yes, her claws were undeniably painted. While pink wasn't really her color, Sanzu had been thorough, and that much ought to be commended. "Yes, it does," she remarked after a few moments, with a flick of her tail.

  Remaining in her previous position to let the paint dry, she turned her head to watch Sanzu paint Nemhain's claws. Evidently the two of them had had the same idea, unsurprising considering the nature of their relationship. Her eyes flickered briefly over to Lemy, then back to Sanzu. Nemhain's talons were easier to paint than her own claws, of course, but moreover Sanzu's technique seemed to be getting more precise as she went.

  Soon enough, Sanzu was finished with Nem too. Rin tilted her head slightly, comparing the hot pink paint to the rest of the colors on Nem's figure. She was no artist, but she thought it matched well enough- ultimately, though, Sanzu had asked Nem's opinion, not Rin's.

  Once Sanzu finished with Lemy and offered second coats, Rin shrugged. "If you'd like to, I won't stop you." Second coats or not, the paint would have chipped off by the time she made it to the Typhoon anyway. Still, if Sanzu was having fun... she might as well play along.

Re: let the music play - nail painting - nemhain. - 02-25-2020

Nemhain felt an odd sense of anxiety settle in her chest as Sanzu came bouncing up to her, mainly because of the huge size difference between the two of them. Even though she was carefully holding her body in such a way that it would hopefully prove not to be an issue, all manner of awful scenarios flashed through Nem's brain as she stood there. She could fall forward and crush Sanzu, or her claws could accidentally pierce the poor little dragon's scales... just that was enough to make her hold as still as a stone statue, only moving when she had to shift her other leg forward to be painted. She knew Rin would definitely be able to feel the worry rolling off of her in waves, but hopefully the magna would be able to see where she was coming from and see that it was a relatively small issue, and not anything to freak out over. Nem was doing far more than enough of that for the both of them, after all. Not to mention that Rin didn't need yet another thing on her plate at the moment, no matter how small. Thankfully, it seemed as though things went off without a hitch, since soon enough Sanzu was bouncing away from Nemhain's huge talons, her attention now focused on Lemy. The fenghuang watched Lemy for a long moment as Sanzu worked dutifully at his claws, a faint sense of pity working its way into her chest. He really did enjoy being childish, didn't he? Not even bothering to meet either of their gazes.

Realizing with a start that she hadn't yet answered Sanzu's question about the end result, Nem tore her gaze away from Lemy and let it fall down on her freshly painted talons, tilting her head curiously to one side. The job was a little messy, with paint slightly creeping up and over the rough skin of her long folded legs, but it fit decently enough with the rest of her. Besides, it was practically impossible for any color to truly clash with her, considering she had such an odd smattering of colors all over her already. If anything was going to clash, it was already doing so on her feathers. Shifting around a little but, she chirped out praise to Sanzu, resisting the urge to chuckle when she saw the look on Rin's face, the magna obviously wanting to comment herself but resisting, "Pink is a very good color for me, Lady Sanzu. Thank you very much for choosing something so appropriate." She then sat back a little bit on her legs, glancing again towards Rin before Sanzu was bouncing around with a happy flourish, evidently quite eager to get to work on a second coat, if her rhythmic bouncing was anything to go by. A deep laugh echoed through Nem's chest, and she nodded along with Rin, "Yes, if you would like to do a second coat, I would also be happy to remain still as your model for a little longer."

Re: let the music play - nail painting - candorosa - 02-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Lemy watched as Sanzu worked on Rin and then Nemhain. He refrained from snorting when the paint coated their paws and feet. Sanzu was...bad at painting claws, evidently. At least she had the enthusiasm to make up for it, he supposed. He eyed the paint splatters and after a brief beat, shouldered his cloak away from his paws so it covered his back but didn't put it in the splash zone.

Once she came around to do his claws, he watched with slight amusement as she splattered the paint into his paws as well. He shouldn't have expected otherwise though, and he doubted he could do a better job himself. He sent Sanzu a wide smile, brandishing his coated paw like a medal. "Yaaay! Thanks soo much, Sanzie! I love it!" He giggled, awkwardly shouldering his cloak away from the fresh paint after he accidentally shifted it.

No use though, Sanzu was spraying paint everywhere with her bouncing. He'd just wash it later. "I'd love another coat! Annnnd," he leaned in as he drew out the word, a mischievous smile dancing on his maw, "if ya've got any paint left ya should do some face paintin.' Draw some pretty things on all of us!" He wondered if the other two would refuse. Lemy certainly didn't mind getting his fur covered in paint, but any other color looked better on him than his hideous pale complexion.

Re: let the music play - nail painting - fulzanin - 02-26-2020

Taking the time to paint everyone's claws and nails was a little exhausting. Now that Sanzu was paused, waiting to hear about the declaration of second coats, it was beginning to wear on her. All the tiredness of bounding around and ever carefully manipulating her tail was beginning to pull at her. The dragon's large ears dropped a little. A sharp shake was used to try and rejuvenate her energy levels. More paint was splattered around due to the violent shaking of her tail. Again the little dragon started lugging the paint bucket around, her claws scrabbling as she moved back over to Rin. Her tail where she'd previously been holding it with her teeth was sore, Sanzu noted, and so she tried to find a different position to hold her tail with.

If she had been messy the first time? It was a much worse splattering of paint the second time around. Her webbed wings rested loosely by her sides as she returned to splattering a second coat of paint on the Magna's paws. Briefly Sanzu had to pause, yawning causing for her tail to be dropped. More paint splattering on herself and the ground as a result. Her grubby claws stretched for a minute, before again plucking up her tail to continue painting. Sanzu wasn't sure if she'd have enough paint to do a second coat on Nemhain's claws, but the young dragon certainly was not to be deterred. Again she started dragging the bucket over, tail dragging behind her. "Okay! Rin has a sec'nd coat on her claws so now it's big birdie turn!" Sanzu chattered in delight, no matter how hindered by drowsy feelings that she was. Lastly she had to go back to Lemy again. Nemhain took up quite a lot of paint due to how big she was. Which was fine! The dragon had to scramble to reach into the bottom of the bucket to get the last of the paint for the second coat for Lemy's claws. It was difficult but, again, Sanzu was not to be deterred.

Finally finished, the dragon plopped her rump down and reached up with a paint covered talon to scratch her head. Sanzu stretched her talons out in front of her, then clawing absently at the grass beneath her. "I think I got enough lef' for face paintin'! I just needa minute," Sanzu insisted. Slowly the youth folded up on the grass, laying her head down to rest for a little while. Lugging a big paint can and carefully - by her standards, of course - painting everyone's claws was quite tiring. "Maybe I c'n go find some more colors oth'r than pink. That way I'mmsa can color the face paintin'!" Sanzu chattered, rolling over a little from where she had taken up rest on the somewhat speckled by paint ground. Just a brief rest! Then she'd totally be good to go! Her tail was still splattering paint from where it slowly drifted across the grass, but it was far better than how sporadic it had been when she'd been bouncing prior.

today the sun is shining my way

TAGS 9/19/19: