Beasts of Beyond
I'M LOST INSIDE THE SANITY;; open - joining attempt - Printable Version

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I'M LOST INSIDE THE SANITY;; open - joining attempt - trojan g. - 02-19-2020

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
Roman recognized that he had moved too much in his life here on the island. There was a time before, when he would have stayed in one spot until he died, but that time had long since passed since he had found out who his father was, and had found out that he just couldn't seem to die. He'd be drowned too many times than he could count, and he had paid dearly for it, for his fear of water was a strong one, but he knew that if he wanted to control the souls within him, he would need to go somewhere that he hadn't been before, and try and live there, and that was the Typhoon. They were surrounded by water, and was a place his father wouldn't try to look for him because of it, yes? He hoped so.

Roman knew that the way into the territory of the Typhoon was one of traversing a large rail road track, spanning across the water that scared him. He had tried to pull himself together in order to go across it, but hadn't mustered the strength to go at it at a proper pace, and had, instead, found himself to be a cheetah, and he ran. Roman ran as fast as his legs would carry him across the railroad tracks, the water lashing up on his legs and causing him to cringe and shy away with fear.

Glad when it was finally over, he pad towards the large doors, grasping onto the rope that led to the bell, and pulled, and waited.
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: I'M LOST INSIDE THE SANITY;; open - joining attempt - michael t. - 02-20-2020

The male definitely knew what it was like, moving from place to place near constantly over the island. In terms of the major groups, he had only ever gone from the Pitt to the Typhoon, but in his days before all that? He had constantly been on the move, going from nameless little loner group to makeshift camp with Trevor and running and causing chaos all along the way. They could never stay in one place for too long, not if they wanted to survive to the next day. It had been a stressful way of existing, but Michael had loved it, to some extent. However, now that he was in the Typhoon...? He found that he liked this way of life a lot too. He liked being here, and allowing himself to grow attached to the others around him without saying goodbye to them the very next day. It would be perfect, if only he could have his old partner in crime back... still, there would be time to worry about that later. Time to go looking, once he wasn't such an injured state.

One might think that Michael shouldn't have been up and about after being so horribly injured, not only by the attack from that awful dire wolf creature, but also from his earlier torture wounds reopening. One would probably be right. However, Michael was the king of bad decisions. So, as soon as his legs had felt like they weren't going to give out from underneath him every other second, he had decided to go exploring. Just to stretch his legs out so that they wouldn't feel so stiff from laying in a damn bed all day. He had been out walking when the sharp ring of the bell had reached his ears, and the bobcat's head had snapped up slightly in surprise. He hesitated for a moment before he made his way over, blinking at the larger feline in front of him. His eyes very slowly scanned over Roman for a moment, silence filling the air as he categorized every little tic and possible weakness he could find, more out of habit than anything. Once he was done, his eyes flicked up to Roman's face, half hidden behind a pair of aviators with one wrapped over in bandages, still healing, "Hey there. I'm assumin' you're ringing the bell so that somebody will come, so... what're you in the Typhoon for?"

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: I'M LOST INSIDE THE SANITY;; open - joining attempt - trojan g. - 02-20-2020

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
Roman recognized the action of looking one up and down for attentiveness when Michael had come over to him. He knew that it was a look of 'if it came to it, could I beat this animal in a fight' and, if it had been just with pure strength alone, one couldn't tell. Roman, although four legged in this body for the time being, would likely have three legs soon due to his curse, and from there, powers were a thing. Although he didn't fully depend on them, Roman knew that there were times that he could do creative things with his powers, and he'd use that to his advantage at times.

But he didn't come here to fight, so when Michael had looked over him, Roman had simply done the same, just in case, before listening to the words that were spoken from the bobcats maw, and he would offer a small smile. "My name's Roman, and I'm here to join the Typhoon if you'll allow me to." He'd not mention things that he'd done in the past. That was behind him now, and they were things he didn't have control over anyway. He wanted to get inside the territory and far away from the edge of the island as soon as possible.
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: I'M LOST INSIDE THE SANITY;; open - joining attempt - ROXANNE R. - 02-20-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Like Michael, Roxanne definitely should have not been wandering around in her condition. Not only had she been severely injured, she was expecting and she could feel pains here and there often. She drew a soft breath with both of her curved ears perked forward at the sound of the bell ringing, the draconic jaguar walking over with her broken limb in a bit of a cast as she would stand beside the melanistic bobcat. Upon hearing what Roman said did she feel a sense of caution wash over her, after the whole incident with the dire wolf she found it horribly difficult to trust anyone though she figured that anyone would feel such a way if they had been nearly mauled like she had. Though it wasn't like Roxanne would deny someone for joining just because she had a bad feeling, she offered a slightly forced smile to appear on her maw as she would speak "Welcome to the Typhoon, m'names Roxanne but feel free to call me Roxie. It's nice to meet you, Roman." She would sit down slowly wrapping her tail protectively over her belly, she would watch Michael from the corner of his eye. He shouldn't be up and about though Roxie didn't have much to speak either since she was doing the exact same thing though she had promised to be careful not to reopen her wounds. She winced a bit when she out weight on her bad leg,  her whiskers, she moved her only good wing not really liking the heavy weight of her broken wing resting at her side. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I'M LOST INSIDE THE SANITY;; open - joining attempt - bubblegum - 02-20-2020