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A mother & her fawn - JOINING.. with a twist - Printable Version

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A mother & her fawn - JOINING.. with a twist - Sunburned.Lily - 02-18-2020

  Abigail nudges her fawn over a particularly large rock as they approach the base of the mountain-- Elysium's border. They each are looking to join, having from the neutral territory surrounding the Pitt. Life was harsh there. But, it is where she happened to give birth. Now that her little Rosy is old enough they made the journey-- and here they are. Both Rosy and Abigail's necks are loosely wrapped in soft woolen scarves. Abi has a straw hat, as well, to keep the sun out of her eyes. Their overall appearance is that of charming innocence. The perfect picture of a single mother trying to fight her way through this world, for the sake of her daughter.

"I'm really tired, mama." Rosy whines. Her mother simply smiles as they pass over yet another rock. Her own legs have begun to shake with exhaustion.. she has barely slept, for the sake of keeping watch. This is not a kind world to prey animals.

"I know, sweetie. We're almost there."

Her ears prick, nose twitching, as she spots someone in the distance, between the sparse trees. "Look Rosy!" She nudges her baby girl forward. They break through the treeline, the ground beginning to slope upwards.
"Hello? This is Elysium, right?" She calls, wary, but so very excited.

Re: A mother & her fawn - JOINING.. with a twist - Warringkingdoms - 02-18-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin had evidently picked a good time to patrol, as the scent of deer caught her attention. Lifting her head to gaze towards the forest, she perked her ears. Deer were technically prey for some of the species they had here in Elysium, but she didn't know any Elysites who cared to hunt them down. Far more likely, these deer were sentient- and that probably meant visitors, maybe even joiners.

  That, or attackers. There was no harm in being cautious.

  Approaching the forest, Rin watched as a fawn and an adult deer emerged into the open air, their scarves and the adult's straw hat giving a... quaint first impression. The scarves weren't surprising, all told- it was cold up here, enough that her own habit of wearing a scarf pretty much all the time was well-suited for the weather.

  At the adult's question, Rin nodded. "Yes, this is Elysium," she answered. "I suppose you're here seeking shelter?" They looked like they'd traveled a ways, so it was a fair assumption to make, she thought.

Re: A mother & her fawn - JOINING.. with a twist - Aleksander - 02-18-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I'LL KILL MY ENEMIES WHEN THEY COME — 。+゚.[/glow]
It ran. It was cold. it ran. It was cold. it was so hungry. It ate. It killed. It hunted. It ran. It smelled.

It was mindless, on a rampage of hunger and lack of wit. It ran, killed, ate. Ripping the life from its prey, one crunch at a time. It left behind scarlet letters, smears in the snow that let those around it know that it was there. This was its domain. It ran. It ate. It smelled. Prey.

Run. Run. Run. Hunt. Smell. Chase. KILL. Prey.
The deer broke under him. It painted him, the ground, the prey beside it. The prey ran. Small. Chase. Run. Crunch. It ate. It Hunted. It was full for now. It fled.

The scarves of the two deer lay twisted and stained in the snow, straw hat coming to rest over the broken body of the elder. It had happened in but a few moments, not long enough for anyone to react. It killed.

[got permission]

Re: A mother & her fawn - JOINING.. with a twist - Reed - 02-18-2020

Oh my gods. It was supposed to be nice. Two deer at the border, a doe and fawn, looking to find themselves shelter from the bad weather. They looked kind. He had seen them standing there, scarves and everything. He was walking over to them and- they were gone.

It smelled like blood, there was so much blood. The bodies lay upon the snow, spilling life and memories with each passing second. "Oh my gods. Oh my gods. oh my gods." Reed would panic, a statue as he stood beside his sister. What was he supposed to do in this situation? They were bleeding out and torn open. He couldn't save them. The little one twitched. Stopped twitching.

"Oh gods. What, what just happened. Sister, Rin. Oh gods."

Re: A mother & her fawn - JOINING.. with a twist - candorosa - 02-18-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]The scenario seemed like any other. Two joiners or visitors, mother and daughter. He had approached casually, observing those who had arrived before him.

One moment they were there and another moment Lemy found himself staring at piles of mangled flesh and bone, gory remnants of the pair. The tang of copper hit his nose instantly.

Lemy took another breath and promptly threw up the contents of his empty stomach.

He was no stranger to bloodshed—he was a self-admitted warmonger after all. But—”They got eaten—right in—they—!” Lemy shrieked, bile burning at the back of his throat. They were sentient, they were just there and now they were—it wasn’t fair.

Just like—just like—

Stopstopstop—pleasefath— Echoes of memories he had pushed into the recesses of his mind trickled out. All of a sudden, the taste of bile morphed, almost as if he himself had taken a gulp of blood.


He had to go. He had to go. As soon as he arrived, Lemy scrambled away from the cadavers, ignoring both Rin and Reed.


Re: A mother & her fawn - JOINING.. with a twist - Warringkingdoms - 02-19-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]/tw: graphic violence in italicized bits

  The words left her mouth, an invitation to speak further. Rin could see the words forming from the elder doe's mouth-

  -then crimson spilled from her lips as she fell forward, child and mother slaughtered in a single blow.

  Rin took a step forwards, reaching a paw out- for what? to stop this? There was no stopping their fall, collapsing into the grass, the blood spattering on

  her own paws.

  She's covered in blood, the tendrils creeping up from the ground below. Claws rip into her skin, but her eyes stare helpless, horrified, at the victim. A head on a pike, viscera scattered about like party streamers. Intestines spilling from their torn-open flesh. There's blood on her paws, she repeats to herself, as if to ground herself. This is a nightmare? This is

  Fractured ribs ripping open lungs, a fallen leader she can't save. Mangled, broken bones from the impact. Rebar slices open organs, the hanged man dripping blood on the soil below. She can't save him. She can't save them. Any of them. They're all dead and gone and it's all her fault.

  A strangled cry escapes her maw. Helpless. Useless. That is all she is and ever will be.

  You killed them, she hears them repeat. You killed them just like you killed us. Burning up, screeching, suffering in a fate that she brought upon them. You killed us. You KILLED us.

  She screams aloud, and yet is unable to hear her own voice.


  She felt a sudden detachment.

  She was still screaming but her mouth shuts of its own accord. She moves forward towards the bodies, her eyes glazed over, her face blank. She places a paw on each of their necks. No pulse. There is no saving them now.

  With a small nod, she turns to the side and begins digging into the soil, slowly forming a hole large enough for the two victims. Once they are given a proper burial, then she can attend to her brother and Lemy. They'll need to be taken to Idyllfields, most likely, but they aren't hurt. Afterwards they can deal with the intruder who did this, and finally, after that, she can tend to the other voice still screaming in anguish inside her head.

  After finishing the hole, she glances briefly at Reed with blank eyes. Probably best not to ask him for help moving the bodies- he's scarred enough as is. Turning back to the bodies, she gently takes the mother and drags her over to the grave.

  /tl;dr: Rin kinda just... goes blank
  /what the other characters will see is Rin reaching for the bodies, screaming, then abruptly going silent and blank-faced for long enough to start burying the bodies