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Cakie's guide to writing, structure, and grammar! [wip] - Printable Version

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Cakie's guide to writing, structure, and grammar! [wip] - Cakie ! - 02-18-2020

Even if you're confident in your English skills, there's no harm in touching up every now and then! Everybody makes mistakes. Thanks for stopping by to check this thread out!

Fair warning, this will be far from professional. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Without further ado...

Welcome to Cakie's guide to writing, structure, and general grammar! In this thread, I'd like to assist you with, and/or teach you things you might not know, or strengthen what you know already.

This 100% won't touch on everything! I'm no English major, this is just to help a little. If you have an idea of what other sections I can add, feel free to DM!

Whether or not I'll actually finish this is unknown, but we'll just have to wait and see.

1. Paragraphs
2. Punctuation
3. The Tricky Stuff

Re: Cakie's guide to writing, structure, and grammar! [wip] - Cakie ! - 02-18-2020

Paragraphs: basics, breaking, and structure
this post is subject to changes and edits at any given time.

Let's start from square one. What is a paragraph?
"A distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering."

Many people struggle with paragraphing. Where should I start a new paragraph - when? Why? What makes paragraphs necessary?

While a paragraph can certainly be large for long-winded descriptions or scenes, a typical paragraph shouldn't be much longer than 6 full sentences. They can also be as short as one sentence!

Here are a few reasons to start a new paragraph:
- A change in speakers (a different character is speaking)
- A change in ideas (scene, description, narration...)
- To add emphasis to a given idea in the current paragraph
- When the reader needs a pause in reading (paragraph is getting too long)

By the time we're done here, you'll be a pro!

Let's take an example of a piece of writing with no paragraphs.
Did you read it all? Probably not. Was it easy to read? Definitely not. How many times did you lose your place? Did you struggle to follow what's going on?

Let's take a step back.

Paragraphs are used to separate ideas from each other, to add distinction and flow. On top of this, paragraphs make your writing easier to read and more inviting. When faced with a wall of text, a slower or disengaged reader may become intimidated, resorting to skimming your work rather than reading it.

Breaking your writing into pieces will also add visual interest.

Let's shorten that same writing piece to half of what it was.
We're going to take this writing and break it into pieces based on the ideas within it. Down below, I will make a key and explain why I broke it up the way I did.

Color coded

Why did I chunk up the writing like this?
Here is the full piece of writing, broken into its distinctive paragraphs.
Down below, I have some more examples of different paragraph styles in writing.

Dialogue breaking:
Emphasis and dialogue:
Emphasis and dialogue:
Emphasis and interest:

Re: Cakie's guide to writing, structure, and grammar! [wip] - Cakie ! - 02-18-2020

Punctuation: basics, types, and examples

Punctuation: we all know the basics. When we get down to the grit, however, it can easily trip us up. What is punctuation, exactly?
"The marks, such as period, comma, and parentheses, used in writing to separate sentences and their elements and to clarify meaning."


Re: Cakie's guide to writing, structure, and grammar! [wip] - Cakie ! - 02-18-2020

The Tricky Stuff

From 'your' to 'you're,' 'there' to 'their' and 'they're,' all the way to general do's and don't's. Things that easily trip people up, or things you just might not know!


Re: Cakie's guide to writing, structure, and grammar! [wip] - Cakie ! - 02-18-2020

Word Choice and Sentence Structure
