Beasts of Beyond
YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - Printable Version

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YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - trojan g. - 02-18-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"][[ hey! So really quick, we've got a case of long posts on our hands running rampant here in tanglewood. I love long posts! They're great and they're full of detail, but, sometimes, a break is needed, and it's hard to make long posts and you want to make a short post but can't quite get yourself to do it because all the other posts are long. So this thread is for SHORT POSTS ONLY. ONE PARAGRAPH MAXIMUM ( 5-7 sentences and CANNOT be super long ones )

So, just as a rule, if you make a post that's more than one paragraph in this thread, sorry I'm gonna delete it. One paragraph and maybe one sentence on the side is fine for flavor, but nothing more. Have fun :^) ]]

Despite the February weather, it was rather warm, so Moth had decided to host a picnic. She made sandwhiches and packed up bags of other food, grabbed a blanket and made her way out and set it all up. "I made a picnic for whoever wants to come!" The pregnant female would shout out, smile on her maw. They needed something to keep spirits up after that fight at the bonfire.

[[ retro to capture ]]

Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - ABATHUR . - 02-18-2020

Many things that most people considered common knowledge were, to him, complete mysteries - which of course meant that he was endlessly intrigued by them. Such was the case for this so-called picnic, as he wandered over, crawling at the lax speed he was accustomed to these days. "What are picnics?" he inquired, calmly, taking a few steps forward but stopping when he reached the edge of the blanket.

tags - "speech"

Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - beck. - 02-19-2020

    A faint smile appeared on freckled features at the sight of such a laidback event, while his ever-hungry stomach growled for the refreshments provided. "S'where you sit on a blanket and eat outside, Abby. And hi, Moth." the little ghost hoarsely chirped in response, plopping himself on the spread fabric and rubbing at his nose with a paw. He sighed in rare contentment, exhaustion shadowing a youthful face as he glanced up to the clouded sky. Before long, a clammy paw inched towards the offered food, snatching a sandwich constructed of ham, cheese, and lettuce -- the three essential fillings for any good sandwich. Unless it was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, in which case his throat always swelled and itched after eating one. Drawing his limbs in close, he busied himself with the sandwich, head tilted to the right to keep a mess from spilling out his missing cheek.

Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - wormwood. - 02-20-2020

A picnic. Aurum couldn't actually remember the last time he had been a part of a picnic, if ever. Perhaps back when he and Poetking were cubs, and they would go out far exploring in the pride's territory before they ate far away? He wasn't really sure if that counted, and he knew that those little encounters were far from the beautiful and delicate event Moth had set up here. The lion felt a calm smile on his muzzle as he moved over, sitting at the edge of the blanket before he spoke gruffly, "A picnic, huh...? Wow Moth, you did good. This is really cute."

Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - THEM - 02-21-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]ooc. oh thank god

The bonfire was supposed to be something good in a lengthy drone of stressful days; the exact opposite had jolted Kazuhira back into reality, and reminded him that such pleasantries were in the past. He could remember better days, long ago, where everything was bright and new. They had been little pleasures, those things that indulged him - a picnic on a rocky beach, a pawful of beetles he'd gathered on a sunny day. The nostalgia clings to his chest, sucks out the air, leaves only the memory of air in his lungs. But still, he can try to make respite out of this. "...Thank you, Moth." The cheetah, seemingly subdued, takes a seat and says nothing more.

Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - fulzanin - 02-22-2020

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Feza adored picnics, as they were such an easy and simple concept yet were absolutely festive. It warranted her approach, bounding over in leaps aided by the flaps of feathered wings. "What sorta food is there?" The guardsman inquired. She was curious, her fluffy ears perking to aid her question with interest. Hopefully it would be super good food! The kind that, maybe, if there were leftovers, she could bring back for her caterpillar neighbors.

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Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - toboggan - 02-22-2020

If there was one thing that Leroy relished more than spontaneous get-togethers, it would only be spontaneous get-togethers involving food. The wolfhound had tried his hand at the culinary arts before, and died in the process - not that those two events were related in any light, yet he saw the coincidences as a bad omen, and swore to never touch a piece of silverware again in the foreseeable future. Though, he was more than fine with trying other people's food, especially on an occasion as mirthful as a picnic; and thus, he held his head high whilst approaching the assortment of Tanglers. "Better be somethin' worth while," he says, adding on to Feza's question, "'cause I'm hankerin' for somethin' good."

Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - trojan g. - 02-25-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]Moth was happy to see each individual turn up to the picnic that she had prepared, though she found herself longing for Selby to be there with her at this time, she pressed on, in the hope that he would show up soon. Listening to the questions, Moth would simply nod to Beck in appreciation at the answer to the question, before speaking once more. "Mostly sandwiches, the kinds you'd see at picnics, as well as some that you wouldn't normally see at them... basically if you know a type of sandwich it's probably here..." She'd drift off for a moment, thinking of what else there was. "In one of the baskets, there's some fruits, and there's some jarred drinks. Water, fruit juice I made before winter and sealed up. Stuff like that." She hoped that there was something for everyone here.

Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - ABATHUR . - 02-26-2020

"Interesting," he mused, shuffling his limbs a little at the unexpected nickname from Beck, and poking a pedipalp out at the blanket in front of him. So that was what it was for. After the many Tanglers approached, and didn't die upon touching it or get killed for trespassing or anything, the spider figured it was safe, and so stepped on as well, tapping around to search for some form of fruit juice as Moth had hinted there being. He couldn't eat any solid foods - at least not without ruining the appetites of everyone else gathered - and so decided to settle for a drink. Hopefully it wouldn't upset his stomach too much.

tags - "speech"

Re: YOU CAN EBB AND I CAN FLOW;; open - picnic - wormwood. - 02-26-2020

Aurum's eyes swept slowly over the picnic scene before him, faintly registering everything that Moth was saying in the back of his mind. The lion was unused to eating anything but straight up prey, even after all of his time spent in Tanglewood. It wasn't that people around here didn't cook some good stuff – with the exception of Leroy, perhaps – but he just preferred to eat whatever he was able to catch on his own. It was easier, and usually faster, since he didn't need to go through the process of cooking or gathering anything except for the prey beneath his claws. Still, the set up that Moth had laid out here was pretty damn good, so he didn't mind figuring out what he would enjoy. Leaning forward a little bit, he sniffed at a few of the different sandwiches, trying his best to figure out what they were just from the scent and appearance. He eventually snatched up a turkey and cheese sandwich in his jaws, leaning back into his usual sitting position. He took a firm bite from it, nearly slamming his teeth together thanks to how easily the bread and meat gave way to his fangs. He was so used to tearing through muscle and bone that it was disorienting to not have to. He found himself smiling anyways, mumbling after he finished his bite, "Mm... this is pretty good. You did a good job setting this all up too. It reminds me of the cute little pictures of families having pictures I'd see in my old storybooks."