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tearing apart your lights - o, territory sweep - Printable Version

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tearing apart your lights - o, territory sweep - fulzanin - 02-18-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
// last three paragraphs are really the only important ones - the rest are 100th post shenanigans. tldr: Aslisk is calling for a territory sweep to make sure the person that killed Redvox is no longer around. Essentially border patrol.

Days like these were good. They were days where the comfort of home was outweighing the other desires well. A deep desire that had been burned into her to bite and tear and kill and soak talons and clothes with blood. The demon was taking the time to relax, even if the sun hurt her eyes. She'd need a new enchantment for her bracelet soon. One that hopefully, this time, would be fireproof. Aslisk couldn't expect her friend to think of absolutely everything. She already thought of a lot - such as the prevention for the pain of sunlight in the first place. It had dimmed the world to her red and nocturnal eyes, allowing for her to see in the daylight as if it was the depths of the night. Thoughtful. How thoughtful was the coral colored piyan that contently was sitting next to her. They weren't doing much. It was just peaceful.

"You know, back home," Ichigo began explaining, "there were pretty days like this all the time. Not even clouds half the time." She raised a paw, gesturing up to the few clouds that were lazily floating above. Aslisk craned her horned head up to look. She quite liked the clouds for they provided a moment of dim light to her eyes. Especially now that the bracelet that magically dimmed the world was now burned and discarded somewhere on another foreign planet. "I wish I could go and, you know, be home again. I think it's all been destroyed though."

A huff parted from the taller piyan, her sweater's blue sleeves crossing infront of her chest. "It's not destroyed. No one's got the fucking guts to destroy an entire planet." Aslisk retorted. She blew air from her mouth, moving her bangs away from her eyes. When her purple fluff fell right back into her gaze, she hissed and rapidly shook her head. It only wound up causing her hair to flair out even more. It earned a snicker from the Lighsni beside her, and another huff sounded Aslisk's defeat. "We could always go and check. Worst comes to worst we get a little chilly from winding up in space for a little while."

Golden eyes locked with Aslisk's for a long moment, before a giddy grin grew across the smaller piyan's face. "Oh! Yay! I can't wait to show you everything! The Cliffside City is super pretty and awesome! You're gonna love it!" Ichigo chattered. Her feathered wings spread from her side, aiding her expression of joy. A toothy grin presented itself upon Aslisk's face. This was a good act, on a good day. Besides, she'd never even seen where Ichigo had come from. It'd do her good to learn. Maybe she could even find a nice present for an upcoming special day. Nitis forbid that Aslisk forget it for the third year in a row. This year would be special. Aslisk refused to forget this year.

Teleporting across planets was easy enough. Across vast distances, such as space itself? It was quite exhausting. Taking Ichigo by the paw, the demon teleported them both off. It was difficult nonetheless due to the lack of shadows present for Aslisk to even use for her ability to work. If the sunlight on the last planet had been bad, it was thrice as worse here. The demon clenched her teeth hard and ruffled her hair to try and provide some shade for her sore eyes. "Okay, we're here. I think. I'm pretty sure we're here. Either that or I just teleported us onto a fucking sun considering how bright it is." Hissy was the demon's statement, but the complaint died out as she watched the Lighsni practically run over to a nearby tree.

"Asli look! This is a gokir tree! It's like, it's literally the symbol of everything! We use it for measurements and food and, and you can't actually eat them." Ichigo trailed off, her expression falling. She reached up to grab one of the reddish orange fruits nonetheless, absently munching on it's soft shell. Her attention raised up to the sky and Aslisk winced. Looking right at a sun had to hurt, but Ichigo seemed absolutely unfazed by such a thing. "I've always wanted to visit the capital! We should go there! I bet it's just as pretty as the books used to say they were!"

"Probably just as bright as the fucking sun, too." Aslisk's complaints died out as she followed her companion. The grass changed hues depending on the rustling of the wind. The colors were nice, and she had to be tugged along to break her from her admiration a few times over. Soon the forest parted to a massive ocean - and there was an island, and there were a lot of silvery buildings outlined on the horizon. "Holy shit I forgot how fucking terrible the featherbrains build stuff. Like, just- look! It literally looks like it would fall over in a solid minute if a strong breeze blew by!"

Ichigo craned her head so that she was now striding backwards along the flower covered bank of the ocean. "Well that's just to, y'know, have the element of surprise."

"It sure is fucking surprising me." Aslisk huffed in retaliation. Soon the flowery bank turned to sand, then back to grass and flowers again. The shore was jagged with swells of sand forming random piles that reminded the purple piyan of random deposits that humans would make while digging things. The thought made her teeth tightly clench together. Aslisk forced it down, not wanting to ruin such a good day. The two came across a wooden bridge, eventually, that had tall sticks with flames encased in glass randomly sticking up from the sides. "Why are there lights here if it never gets dark on this planet?" Aslisk grumbled, spiky tail flicking sharply behind her.

Ichigo, still walking ahead of her, had to pause. Thoughtfully her golden gaze raised up to look at one of the lights of queston. "I... honestly have no idea. Maybe it's like a landing strip for people landing in a hurry?" She suggested, a small shrug of her shoulders following. Her many tails flicked to accompany her uncertain motion, and she resumed walking along the wooden bridge. The gate that led into the capital was quite shiny and reflective, Aslisk having to raise an arm to shield her light sensitive eyes. "Was there always this much rope laying around? Where even is everyone?" Ichigo asked as they trotted deeper into the city. There were lots of odd ropes littered about. Silver ropes hosted up by wooden pegs that crossed around and were tied off in random places. Some of the buildings looked collapsed to Aslisk, like giant beasts had been slammed into them. Ichigo didn't seem to notice and Aslisk decided to not ruin it for her.

"They're probably all asleep," Aslisk offered. Her arms were crossed again, looking around slowly. The many reflective lights off the buildings was absolutely blinding. She couldn't see anything at all. unless she sharply looked down. The grass was still present, entwined with small stones. "Sleepy featherbrains. You're the only good one out of the bunch."

Ichigo chirped at that, a paw reaching up to rub one of her horns in an absent manner. "Fesva was pretty nice too- LOOK! There's someone! Hey! Hey!" Suddenly the Lighsni was off, racing away as fast as her many tails and dense wings would allow her. Aslisk had to pick up her pace to follow after. She forced her red gaze to lift, trying to see who Ichigo was chasing. It was so bright and it felt like needles were being jabbed into her eyes. Aslisk reminded herself that she'd been through a lot worse than that, and dealt with the sharp pains of her pupils narrowing far more than the norm.

The other stopped, turning slowly to look at the duo. Aslisk swiftly identified them as another Lighsni, another featherbrain. Made sense, considering this was where they lived. Or, did live, considering the demon's knowledge of how most of them were dead. Wordless was the other, who wore a tattered cloth across their face. The dress that was worn was ragged, looking almost destroyed. In one paw there was a notebook loosely held, and the other had small glowing claws materializing. Aslisk slowly stepped infront of Ichigo, earning a squawk of protest. "Who the fuck are you?" The purple piyan spat. Something didn't feel right. Something was awfully, awfully wrong. She could feel it, like she wasn't seeing something that she needed to see right this moment. It felt like if she just looked a little harder at this stranger, she'd be able to see it.

The notebook was dropped, and a hiss sounded. "You have a lot of nerve coming around here after what your people did!" Their voice was filled with utmost rage. Claws materialized over the fingers of the other paw, and they began to shamble forward. Aslisk bared her teeth, her green talons digging into the dirt beneath her. "You are the filth that plagues this universe! You are the scum that shall be destroyed as you should have been long ago!" The demon brandished her golden blade, and her silvery wings shoved Ichigo away from behind her.

"Asli," Ichigo had begun to protest, but was cut off when the stranger leapt forward. Aslisk slammed the handle of her golden blade down on them, knocking them into the dirt. She raised a foot to try and pin down the tattered fighter, but the swing of a scaled tail knocked her down too. Aslisk scrambled to return to her feet, but was punted with a blast of fire that came from the stranger's paws.

The stranger began striding towards Ichigo, and Aslisk again launched herself forward. "Get away!" She screamed. Fury took hold, she could feel the anger and the desires to kill flaring up within her. Teeth sunk into a feathered wing, and a part of her relished the taste of golden blood spilling from the wound. Claws swatted to try and force release, and the demon bit down harder. She was thrown off again with another forceful kick, and Aslisk again came charging forward. Time and time again, with golden and bloody wounds dripping off the stranger. It was then Aslisk noted that Ichigo hadn't left, and was still standing there frozen. "I can handle this! Go!"

"Oh, she will go, alright," The stranger hissed. A foot slammed against the dirt, and the very ground began shaking. An earthquake. It was something that Aslisk took a moment to recognize. It took less time to realize that Ichigo was now falling. The demon began racing forward, ignoring the surging pains of blows that had not healed because of the lack of shadows. She was grabbed, and slammed into the edge of a steadily growing crater. Claws grabbed her horns, forcing her to be pressed right against the edge. Aslisk struggled profusely, but she couldn't move. Ichigo fell, and fell, and fell, until the difference between light and dark was so great that the demon could see her no longer. "That is the fate all your traitorous kind deserve," the stranger sweetly hissed.

Aslisk was yanked upwards by the horns. Her entire body felt numb. The stranger's claws turned into a jagged knife - just as jagged as the grin across her face. A swift strike across the face was administered, and then-

The wyvern fell off the makeshift bed with a resounding thud. She was breathing heavily and hard, and her talons hastily raised to feel the burning scar across her face. It was hurting bad today, and a sharp and jagged hiss of pain sounded from her. It stung to touch as it always did. Breathing hard, the wyvern stood up. She realized that she was bracing for more pain, and then came to the swift realization that there was none. Her red gaze turned to where the most prominent of her burn wounds that had previously been her front. Not even the sour looking yellow blisters was there anymore. Delight sprung up from the core of her being, a grin spreading across her face. There were no pains from the sharp flaps of her wings, no jagged breathing that had to be caused from the injuries. She was healed. Entirely healed. Back in her best condition. Aslisk felt a deep desire to do something. No more stupid bed rest, no more stupid pain. What was there to do? Her last combat session hadn't been too long ago. Something that would be beneficial - something to get her mind off the dream that had clawed at her mind and woken her up.

Just as swiftly as she had been having a desire todo something did the weight crash down on her. She had responsibilities to attend to, now. There was no running off to do her own thing. It was a crushing weight as realization struck her again Redvox was dead. He had died in a blaze of fire, burned to absolutely nothing. The image was cemented in her mind of the charred corpse and of how she had been frozen so stiffly. Was that why she'd been given that dream? Because yet again someone that she had opened up to had perished? It wracked her scaled form with fury - or so such was what Aslisk deemed it for certainly she would not allow herself to feel anything less. A part of her wanted to take that anger out on the pile of bowls that were collected near her bed, but she settled herself. She could be calm. She could be collected. She could be calculating. Breathing hard, deep breaths, calmed the wyvern back down. The new Harbringer had responsibilities to people that she had to attend to. Talons clicked against the floor as she strode and teleported down towards the lobby, and then outside.

"Anyone that isn't feeling ill, or isn't injured, I want gathered up! We're doing a territory sweep!" The wyvern bellowed, head tipping upwards to aid how her voice would be carried. Aslisk wanted to establish that nobody, absolutely nobody, was going to get away with killing someone. Not someone of this group, not someone that she'd cared about. If they didn't find the person now, eventually Aslisk knew she would. People got cocky. Eventually she'd get to sink her teeth in and watch the life leave the eyes of someone who truly deserved it. Her tail, doused from the flames that had been there for a long time, swung sharply behind her as she waited for the group to manifest before her. If they didn't find the culprit today, she was certain that she'd find them eventually. Assuring the safety of the group was top priority - establishing herself as the new leader was second.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: tearing apart your lights - o, territory sweep - breena - 02-24-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #7b66a8; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 3.3px;"][b]I will try to be the brightest
Ill might've described how the badger felt.  On a good day.  Something in her mind had... Clicked recently.  Locked in place.  Understood.  She'd never hear Redvox's voice again.  Or see his smile.  Or click her tongue at him for something that seemed altogether reckless, like jumping into those caves.  Redvox was gone.

She'd been sad.  Distraught.  Stubborn even though she'd been the one to say there was nothing they could do.  Bitter.  This was grief, she supposed.  In her youthful ignorance, Breena had never lost a friend to death.  Such was the result of a secluded life.  Now.  Now she had.

As Aslisk's voice called for a gathering to sweep their land, the Arch-rouge didn't feel sad or ill.  She felt numb.  Oddly detached, as though her feelings had shut off for a while.  Maybe they had.  Maybe that was okay.  Breena wanted to help keep everyone afloat.  It shouldn't be left to Aslisk to pick up the pieces alone.

The petite druid trotted forward, dark hues gleaming with a steady, if somewhat distant, light.  She offered no smiles.  Only a short nod to Aslisk.  She was here.  She was ready.