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Build me on your cowardice [Woestyn Invite] - Printable Version

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Build me on your cowardice [Woestyn Invite] - Olalla - 02-17-2020

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 15pt;text-align: center;"][align=center][div style="background-color:#212121;width:90%;overflow: auto;color: #C1F0F6;"]

Call Me Mr. Rattlebone
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The beast blinked a bit, he had to admit. It was fun being the head honcho of his own pack even if there was no one in it at the moment but Olalla knew that one way or another he'd have at least one member. Salt and wet fallen leaves filled his nose. The breeze from the mountain and the smell of the sea put a smile to his face. He also had to admit that Elysium had a pretty little Sea Town, but he wasn't here to gawk at the Seaside cabins. He needed to get up in those mountains; needed to get up to their Magna.

He wasn't planning on climbing today but it seemed he was going to go on a hike up Elysiums gigantic fucking mountains. With a huff, the beast walked through the small puddles that dappled the space between the sea side and the mountains. What an odd spot, almost instantly the mountains rose from the sea-bed. A beautiful mix of two completely different ecosystems and geography; two different formations. Olalla let out a sigh as he felt the land slope upward through his legs. This was only the beginning and he already didn't want to climb this.

Laziness would get him nowhere though, literally nowhere. So the beast picked up his pace to a speed walk, jumping up on top of fallen logs to give himself a small break if he felt he needed one. In about an hour or so he was half way up a small plateau within the mountains. Taking a small stop there, Olalla thew out a grumble of regret deep within his chest. But he had to finish, had to get to the top. Thankfully the mountain camp wasn't too far up from where he was standing. After starting up the mountain side, in a few minutes he was on the edge of the mountain camp heaving himself up on another flat spot. He huffed and the dirt around his muzzle was thrown into the air and clouded up before falling back down. "Ugh!

Re: Build me on your cowardice [Woestyn Invite] - Warringkingdoms - 02-18-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Strangers had turned up inside the territory surprisingly often as of late- they probably needed to set up actual, physical signs on the border, at this rate. Still, Rin had yet to see anyone unfamiliar appear as deep in the territory as the edge of camp.

  Until today, at least. Approaching the odd-looking creature, she quirked a brow. He looked so tired that she had to wonder if he'd used the scaffolding system to scale the mountain, or if he'd climbed the ledges himself... she suspected it was the latter. He didn't carry the scent of any of the other groups she knew of, so perhaps he wanted to join, or maybe he was starting a group of his own.

  "You'd have been better off waiting at the border," Rin remarked finally, twitching her whiskers. "What do you need?" It must have been important, if he was willing to come this far.

Re: Build me on your cowardice [Woestyn Invite] - Olalla - 02-19-2020

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 15pt;text-align: center;"][align=center][div style="background-color:#212121;width:90%;overflow: auto;color: #C1F0F6;"]

Call Me Mr. Rattlebone
[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%;max-height: 350px;overflow: auto;"][div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]
"Yes i realize that now," he gave a small smile. Olalla had to be nice, he didn't want to make an enemies before his pack been started. The beast didnt want to end up like The Pitt, not that he didnt have any respect for The Pitt; he just didnt wanted to get war called upon them or raided. These were only a few things that Olalla had to worry about at the moment. "I wouldn't call it important," he grumbled. "But it involves food and a fire and we all love a little venison and warmth." His teeth clicked together as he spoke, his black lips parting ever so slightly. It hardly looked like he was speaking.

Olalla looked around his surrounding, seeing just how cozy this place looked. It might be for some creatures, obviously. But it was not for him, nor would it ever be; maybe he could form an alliance with Elysium? "I am holding a festival for the beginning im my pack," he replied. The beast gave a small huff, this was bothersome. Being nice was hardly tolerable; hardly able to settle upon his black lips. "Should i expect to see you or any Elysites there?"

(Was trying to match, now mine doesn't look like much. [member=649]Warringkingdoms[/member] )

Re: Build me on your cowardice [Woestyn Invite] - Warringkingdoms - 02-19-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]He realized that now, he said, with a small smile. Rin had given similar smiles before, when she was in a particularly sarcastic mood. Maybe it had been obvious, now that she thought about it.

  Then he remarked that it wasn't exactly important, causing Rin to glance to the side and touch a paw to her temple. Had he read her mind, or had she voiced her assumption that it was important aloud? She thought she'd kept it to herself... maybe she hadn't, though. For all the grief she'd given Nemhain about the "dropped on his head" quip, she might have just made a similar lapse in tact.

  Shaking her head, she turned back to the stranger. Food and a fire probably meant a party, and sure enough he confirmed that he was holding a festival- for a new pack. Rin had to admit she was curious about his intentions for said pack, so it would probably be worth a visit just for a few hours.

  "If I have the time, I think I might visit," she answered, with a nod. "And I'll bring it up at the next meeting. Out of curiosity, though, what is the name of your pack, and what is its purpose?"

  /it's all good, sometimes I just have random bursts of muse- I don't expect matching
  /also this is retro to the Rosy and Abigail incident

Re: Build me on your cowardice [Woestyn Invite] - Olalla - 02-20-2020

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 15pt;text-align: center;"][align=center][div style="background-color:#212121;width:90%;overflow: auto;color: #C1F0F6;"]

Call Me Mr. Rattlebone
[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%;max-height: 350px;overflow: auto;"][div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]"It an honor to have you drop by," he rumbled, his teeth rubbing at his lip. His licks his black lips to fix the annoying rubbing. Olalla lets out a huff of air as more questions are asked. He'll have to get used to this is he was going to be a leader; a king. The Devararian, dammit! The thought of this made a small smile reappear onto his face. He puffed out his chest a bit, Olalla wasnt trying to act intimidating at all. Just a bit of confidence. "Woestyn."

What was the purpose, dear gods don't stammer! Would the beast tell her the true meaning now and risk starting another raid, better yet being dubbed the next Pitt? Better yet? Was it better? To him it was. Would he tell the Magna that the purpose of this back was that of the Pitt's when Jervis was in charge? No. Olalla woundn't tell her just yet, if at all, she would find out when his goals became clear. The beast narrowed his eyes and looked at the ground, his long ears folding across his back. "Our purpose," he grumbled. "Is to follow what The All Mother intended us to do. Simply put, follow out basic of survival skills i suppose."

(sorry this is a little late)

Re: Build me on your cowardice [Woestyn Invite] - Warringkingdoms - 02-20-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]He smiled once more, and puffed out his chest as he pronounced its name- Woestyn. Rin had to wonder about the etymology of that name, but she decided it didn't matter much. In time, she would come to remember it, whether for good reasons or for bad.

  He took a moment to answer her question- not suspicious in and of itself, as delineating a clear purpose was hard even for the most driven of groups. Significantly more suspicious, however, was the name "All Mother" coming out of his mouth. Moreover, this "All Mother" apparently had specific intentions for them, that revolved around survival. That... sounded like a cult. Maybe that was just her own personal biases getting in the way, but any mention of deities was enough cause for caution.

  "Interesting," Rin said, tugging at her scarf with one paw. After a moment, she asked, "If you don't mind, I'd like to hear more about this 'All Mother.' She's your god, I assume? What is she like?" Eventually he might get tired of the questions and leave, but she would get as much information as she could first.

  /it's all good

Re: Build me on your cowardice [Woestyn Invite] - Olalla - 02-26-2020

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 15pt;text-align: center;"][align=center][div style="background-color:#212121;width:90%;overflow: auto;color: #C1F0F6;"]

Call Me Mr. Rattlebone
[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%;max-height: 350px;overflow: auto;"][div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] "The All Mother-" he rumbled as his smile soon faded. Had he said too much? Surely not! Not that Olalla didn't love to answer questions, he just didn't like answering ones about the All Mother and his past life. The All mother was not to be questioned, for she alone had the power to give life. Therefore she had the power to take it. She was life and death, fire and water, earth and sky. She was everything. " Well the All Mother, in this case, would be you Mother Nature. Would be Fenrisúlfr." Olalla shuffled his paws a bit. "She gives life to the world," Olalla sniffled. Though it was warm, the February weather didn't seem to cease. "But we must be weary and polite to her, for she has the power to take it away."

The beast blinked away, his gaze clearly averting the felines. "You mustn't say her name in vain," he mumbled. "She'll curse you like an old druid or witch would curse you if you took their belongings." He looked stupid, his shoulder blades seemingly protruding out of his coat as his head hung low. "She and her children shaped the land, each given a special gift. Though the brothers brought colour to our land, her children made the plants, water, and prey."