Beasts of Beyond

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[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]

Roxie had always enjoyed it especially when she had been a lot younger though back then it had only been her and Ahab, she remembered all the adventures they would go together, she wasn't always the most graceful resulting with her falling multiple times and gaining multiple cuts and bruises. But she hadn't mind it much since her papa would always lend her a hand and see if she was alright, that alone made all the hurt go away. Now, all gathered around were her family members, friends, and acquaintances ready for the road ahead of them. Roxanne was excited since she would be able to spend time with her loved ones and even show Roan what she got to do when she had been around his age, a smile fitted on her face as she looked down at her phone for a moment. Her lover and her had gotten in a small argument whether or not to bring the family dogs, Kalayavan, and DD along but that ended the moment Ahab had herded the dogs into the RV. Roxie bestowing Greed's usual shit eating grin as she boarded the vehicle, now they were all at the gas station getting situated and ready for the trip itself. Ahab being the driver of one of the RVs while everyone else volunteered to drive their own vehicle.

Roxanne stood out of the gas station holding onto her cellular device, she would glance up watching Kal and DD run after Roan, a soft smile spreading on her face. She already wanted to hit the road and get to the camping grounds as soon as possible but, that would have to wait since everyone was currently going to the bathroom or stocking up on snacks. She leaned against the RV with a bit of thought, wondering how this trip would go. Roxie could only hop for the best, she also recalls that back when she was a little girl there hadn't been any use of electronics or rather they lacked them back then. It made her wonder if the same would occur on this trip, she shrugged her shoulders at the thought humming a soft tune to herself.  [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


Asking to bring his boyfriend and getting a yes was all Octavio needed to agree to go. Octavio wasn't a fan of driving- too many tickets and he got too distracted. He couldn't let his mind be at ease or "turn it off" long enough to drive anywhere for more than thirty minutes.
So he brought Alexander.
The big, burly fellow was in the bathroom as Octavio was picking out various flavors of BANG and Monster to stock up for the night. He was so excited. Alex had taken the liberty of stocking his SUV with a portable grill and bringing steak for everyone to enjoy. Grilling was one of the few things that brought Alex out of his office, or his lab. Maybe it was something about the meat. Oh well. Arms full of energy drinks, bouncing on his ankles as the dozen were put in the paper sack, purchasing them with the swipe of a debit card.
Bag in his arms, he went outside to join Roxie, smile plastered on his face. "Eyyyy! Roxie. Thanks for the invite again. I got the fire crackers for tonight in the car!"


If I fall, get knocked down, pick myself up off the ground
Camping.  A long time tradition of the Faoláin family.  It was no surprise when the Rouxes invited everyone on their trip, practically everyone related to her chorused an excited yes.  In her nineteen years of living, almost every year included two or more camping trips.  As Raziel pulled their family van, a new homey sprinter, into the gas station, Keona gently nudged her guide dog, Fala.  With an excitement for breathing in some fresh air, the small woman stepped out of the parked van.

She insisted Salem ride with them, since she enjoyed his company.  Mostly to badger him about recent books he had read.  As an added bonus, a friend's presence often kept Kian and Seamus from starting any fights.  The two in question were no doubt headed inside the gas station to stock up on snacks and drinks, while Keona allowed Fala to lead her to some open grass.

"Hey Salem, mind gettin' me some M&Ms?" She inquired sheepishly, tilting her head in her friend's direction.  Intensely independent as she may be, Keona did not enjoy having to ask workers to guide her to the specific treats she wanted, since bags almost never possessed braille markings.  She would rather stay outside with Fala.  "I can pay for it - here." She offered him her card with a smile.

Nearby, she could hear Octavio, speaking to Roxie.  The mother of her half-brother.  Still an awkward... Feeling for the young adult.  Since Keona had never had the chance to know her own mother.  She was glad that their families kept in good contact and even considered each other friends.  It made outings like this nice.

The husky at her side let out a low woof, when she noticed Kal and DD, but Keona could feel her tail wagging, as it smacked her on the legs a few times.
✯ — keona sibéal ní faoláin. female. dealer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.


Séamus Ó Faoláin
Séamus enjoyed the outdoors immensely, even if it meant spending time with his mess of a family.  Truthfully, he enjoyed that time, even if he spent a large portion of it badgering Kian and Raziel.  Brothers would be brothers.

The Irishman kept the fight picking to a minimum however, due to Salem's presence.  He suspected his daughter orchestrated that on purpose.  Little he could do about it, save pester Kian and Raziel over whether or not the two youth were together or not.  Then laughing hopelessly as they debated quietly.  Well if Salem doesn't have a chance with Keo, Roan might have a lil crush on him.

"How ya, Roxie?" He grinned as he jumped out the van, snacks and drinks on the forefront of his mind. 

"We brought everythin' ya need for s'mores."  Roan had to have the full camping experience after all, which meant melted chocolates and marshmallows.
Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden