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SUNFLOWERS OF THE INFERNO - fire - Printable Version

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SUNFLOWERS OF THE INFERNO - fire - charactercemetary. - 02-14-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
His heists never went unannounced. Such was it this time. KID was wary about hosting heists on Valentine's Day, the often did not go well. The cat stood upon a roof, smiling as a dove followed suit, landing on his back. He lifts up a foreleg, allowing it to land and gently petting the dove. He lets it fly off, after a few brief seconds. "It's me again! Everyone's favorite villain!" The smug smoke cat calls out, smirking.

Suddenly, a crackle reaches the phantom thief's ears. He turns on his heels, blue eyes widening. It feels as though all air has been sucked out of the teen's mouth as he stares at his own, nearby house. The smoke grapples onto the oxygen, trying to wrest it out of the air. Orange flames dot the night sky, bringing to light a pitch-black sky sans stars and the moon that shone ever so brightly, and it rivaled them.

Valentine's this year would be awful, too. His shock his evident on his face for a few seconds, he cannot help but stand there, his body wanting to sway and collapse. Instead, he frowns - a stoic look on his face, his hat hiding his eyes - and calls out, with a sense of urgency in his voice, "Oi! Doesn't a kid live there?!" Most times, when someone was in danger, KID stopped the heist to rescue whoever it was. It was no different today. He leaps down, hiding behind the building and ditching his kid outfit, deciding to deconjure it... somewhere. His paws scrape themselves on a couple rocks as he lowers himself down, and it slams against the ground, leaving slight blood in its trace.

His lungs become scratched by smoke.He tries to cough it up as he makes the mad dash for his house, his muscles themselves on fire from the neurons going back and forth. He stops in front of his house, his breath huffing, the water droplets in it immediately evaporating. There's nothing he can do, everything in him wants to call out, to cry out.

Instead, he laughs. And laughs. And laughs. His chest heaves it in as he does so, before he looks on with that ever so cold face - like he hadn't just lost his mind, like when he watched his father burn to nothing but ash. That fateful magic trick show, and now this heist, He was lucky it was not his destiny, too. He lifts his head up, orange meeting blue - two opposites. Then, he decides to make a casual remark, "So, I get an orange Valentine's Day, huh?"

Re: SUNFLOWERS OF THE INFERNO - fire - wormwood. - 02-14-2020

It seemed as though Tanglewood couldn't just have one normal day, could they? Aurum had been hoping that today would be pleasant, with people all around happily in love and enjoying their Valentine's day. Perhaps he was a little upset he couldn't be quite so hopelessly smitten with someone – although he was, with Crowley, it was just a complicated situation – but that didn't mean he intended to bring anyone else down. It just meant that he needed to occupy his own time with things, deciding to focus on decorating his new house again, since the last time had ended with him collapsing down his front stairs. He had thought things were going pretty well, a smile on his face as he moved the contents of one of the bookshelves to shift it to the left. Things were beginning to look nice and truly lived in, and he could hear the faint sounds of cheerful laughter and young love outside. Everything was great, right up until it wasn't. Because, as the proxy leaned over to grab the last few knick knacks from one of his little moving boxes, he found himself tensing up at an unfortunately familiar scent. Something was burning, and it wasn't something within his own home.

He wasn't even really thinking as he went stumbling out of his house, rushing down the front steps of the porch in a hurry. All he could think about was Beck's boathouse, and how by the time he had gotten there, the flames had been too big and too strong for him to even try and combat. He wanted to prevent something like that from happening again, if he was able to. Unfortunately for him, by the time he pinpointed the source of the flames, they had already engulfed the grand majority of the building. Aurum's hear sank when he realized whose home it was, and he was rushing forward, entirely ready to leap into the flames in order to save Kaito. However, he didn't need to, because Kaito was right in front of him, on the ground and laughing. The lion stared in horror down at Kaito for a moment before he moved forward, wrapping a paw around the small thief. His large paw pulled Kaito upward and back into his chest, half hugging him and half just providing him with a solid surface that wasn't the ground. As he held Kaito, he rumbled softly, "Kaito... Kaito, are you okay? You didn't get burned, did you?" He knew there was still a fire to worry about, but people were already hustling around in that particular area, rushing to get water and people with elementals. He would help once he knew that Kaito was alright... if he was alright.

Re: SUNFLOWERS OF THE INFERNO - fire - THEM - 02-16-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]The smoky scent of charred wood had become synonymous, these days, with something far less different from raging housefires. He associated the burn of firewood with Snarl's pelt, and in turn, that same night he'd thrown himself before her and took a near-fatal blow. Now, with a blaze rising from the heart of town, he felt his heart quicken and the slow-healing wound in his throat ache dully.

He can't run - can barely breathe, these days, without irritating his lightning-burned larynx and throwing himself into deep, heaving coughs. By the time he's made his way across town, towards the flickers of light that sent plumes of smoke into the evening sky, the fire appears mostly contained. A few clanmates bustle about, throwing water through the windows, rousing their peers with powers to manage the flames. However, all that seems to remain are the caving bones of the house and its surviving inhabitant, choking on laughter in a panic. Aurum seems to have everything more or less under control - of course he does.

The smell of charcoal still twists like a knife in his chest - the wound, both metaphorical and literal, is still rather fresh. "Hey! Over here," Kaz motions both Aurum and Kaito to step back from the house, its structure still smoldering. It could collapse at any moment. "We need Selby to check for any smoke damage or burns." The chaser can't really shout, not like this, but he looks to Aurum for some kind of agreement. At the very least, Aurum could call a medic over for them. Focusing his attention on Kaito, the cheetah prompts carefully, "...Do you know what caused the fire? Lit candles, flammables, anything?"

Re: SUNFLOWERS OF THE INFERNO - fire - charactercemetary. - 02-25-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
A hiccup catches in the phantom thief's throat. He has to stop himself from crying further, and it feels odd as he's embraced by Aurum. His body and mind go to different places - it's okay, Kaito - but remembering how dangerous his job is, he froze up. The hug ends abruptly when the teen wrests himself from Aurum's grasp. His voice desperately wanted to call out for his father, yet nothing happened. He turns, realizing the lion had asked him a question. "I-I'm fine, Aurum-san! No burns." Kaito calls out, turning his gaze towards the fire. He wants to cry more, to get it out, but he just stands there. A smirk laced upon his lying, devious lips as it had always been.

He hears Kaz and nods, following his orders, his eyes dull and tired. The smoke-colored cat made his way over to Kaz, noting his coughing. "You should get out of here," the thief deadpans, still smirking, and hiding his emotions. "As for what caused this, no idea."

"Well, that would be me," came the charming call of another. His tone was silky smooth, and his dramatic flair even put Kaito's to shame. He walks out of the burning house, smirking, yet his seems oddly... calm. He was wearing a tie, red, and a cape - plus a tophat and monocle. Like Kaitou... Kaitou KID. Except his is black, seeming stained with soot and ash. He doesn't even bother coughing, his blue gaze focused on the trio.  "Pleasure to make your acquaintance tonight. I am... Kaitou Corbeau." He flicks his blackened cape, grinning now, not a usual smirk, as if he enjoyed what happened. He flicks his blackened cape, grinning now, not a usual smirk, as if he enjoyed what happened.

Re: SUNFLOWERS OF THE INFERNO - fire - wormwood. - 02-25-2020

Aurum wasn't really sure what he had been expecting. Perhaps he had hoped that, for once, emotion would trump everything else for Kaito, and the other would end up accepting his comforting gesture. For a moment, it even seemed as though that was working, with Kaito faintly leaning into his grip. However, soon enough the boy was wrenching himself away, and Aurum let out a gruff grunt at the shoved against his front, a sigh leaving him. The briefest flash of hurt bolted across his one blue eye as Kaito forced a smile and said he was fine, disappointment and pain filling him. Once this was all over, he definitely needed to talk to Kaito further. Make it known that he was safe to actually talk about his pain. For now, however, the lion just followed Kaito over to where Kaz was, a scowl on his face as he glanced back at the flames. His mind was churning, trying to figure out what could've caused it, when suddenly a figure emerged from the wall of red and yellow. The proxy instantly felt a snarl leave his throat, his ears flattening down against his head and his entire body going on attack mode. Immediately his elementals began to work their magic, lava steadily dripping forth from his jaws and staining the ground below a charred black. Aurum hardly waited for Corbeau to finish before he was roaring, "You bastard! I don't give a shit who you are, you set my friend's house on fire! You're going to pay." He had hardly finished talking before he launched himself forward, rushing at Corbeau and attempting to dig his flaming fangs into the male's shoulder. If successful in grabbing him, he would slam him against the ground. He knew the all out attack wasn't the smartest move, but he was pissed as fuck.

Re: SUNFLOWERS OF THE INFERNO - fire - charactercemetary. - 02-25-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Corbeau used crow feathers as a distraction many-a-time, after all, his namesake was crow. He throws them up into the air, some charring brilliantly in the orange fire. He watches them, smiling even further. He turns, watching the lion with the ferocity of a volcano have his anger explode, and he cannot help but laugh, and laugh. That ever so cocky grin appears once more on the black thief's face. "Hm? Pay? No, phantom thieves tend to steal... Kin-keibu." He turns dramatically, his body leaping out of the way. He turns towards his son, "Nee, nee, Kaito-kun," what an oddly familiar tone. "Tell your friend here to cool it, yeah? I doubt he wants to attack the original Kid the Phantom Thief-sama." Corbeau was oddly calm, his fur smooth, ever having the cocky smile, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He seemed to be enjoying this, having fun evading the emotional man. The man who figured his son was that bastard's own, and he hums to himself, obviously casual about this.

Kaito sat there, watching this happen. But that last word caught him, and his throat felt charred. He couldn't move. What was unfolding in front of him? His tail flickers, his fur flares. He turns to Aurum, desperation in his voice. "Wait! That could be Oyaji!"

Re: SUNFLOWERS OF THE INFERNO - fire - wormwood. - 02-26-2020

Aurum could feel his rage building with every word that fell from Corbeau's muzzle, especially when they were accompanied by that painfully familiar but horrendously infuriating little smirk. More magma dripped forth from his mouth as he came to a hasty stop, his claws digging down into the earth as he swung around to face Corbeau again. He was hardly listening to what the other was actually saying, unable to hear anything but the roar of his own fury in his ears. After all, this was the bastard that had just burned down Kaito's house, and Kaito was like a son to him. He was entirely ready to throw himself forth again, Kid the Phantom Thief-sama be damned. However, he was forced to stop when the frantic sound of Kaito's voice interrupted the static buzz of anger. Lifting his head from its downward, lunging position, he looked at Kaito in confusion, rumbling, "Wh... What? What the hell are you talking about? Why would he set your house on fire?" Aurum's voice was incredulous as he questioned Kaito, his body primed and ready if Corbeau decided to take the opportunity to leap at him while he was distracted. He wouldn't put it below the cowardly fuck that had decided to set Kaito's house ablaze while he was gone, only to come out now and laugh about this. If this was indeed Oyaji, then Aurum could certainly see where Kaito got his penchant for drama from.