Beasts of Beyond
COME ON, KNOCK ME A KISS / GIFTS - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne had risen from her slumber that night, a soft breath leaving her maw as a few thoughts spun throughout her mind, the draconic jaguar couldn't find sleep at the moment so she thought she would busy herself in making gifts for those that she loved dearly. She slipped out of bed not wanting to disturb her partner as she made her way over to her kitchen, she reached into her cupboard already grabbing a flour, baking soda, and the other ingredients she would need for cakes or cupcakes. A smile crossed her maw as she would amble over rather lazily to the radio resting on her kitchen counter, she turned it off only to make sure the volume was low enough so no one but herself could hear it. Roxanne began to hum to the melody, of course, she was listening something that was about romance due to her being in love and well, usually those songs were the catchiest.

The draconic jaguar would grab a few bowls as she thought about what she could make for her loved ones. Maybe a pie for Ahab. She hardly ever made pies, her first thought was a nice butterscotch with a hint of cinnamon, surely that would be good. Of course, Roxie wasn't just going to give people food as gifts, no, she had a whole plan laid out within her mind. The whole baking process wouldn't take her long but she was aware that everything else she wanted to work on would, she took a deep breath knowing she would have a busy night ahead of her though she knew it would be worth it in the end. It would be different than the last time she had given her loved ones gifts, some were missing and others were new to her, new for her to love. She finally had someone to spend Valentine's day with and well, the last time she had handed out gifts she had given him a paper with a paw flipping him off though that had been when she was butthurt.

Now, it would be very different, sure, she might pull the same shit but out of a playful way though never to do it to hurt Greed. Roxie had fallen head over heels for the jaguar, everything she would do for him now and in the future would only be out of love. Love. Was certainly she had never gotten a taste of, she had felt plenty of familial love but never actual love. Sure, she had developed several crushes in the past but none of them really stuck, she had a tender crush with Planecrash. He had been nothing but kind to her, she could still remember the night he had stayed over, where the both of them had shared kisses only to end up falling asleep next to each other. They had gone on a date, it had been nothing but romantic, it had made her feel so loved like she belonged yet the blissful feeling ended. He had disappeared. Vanished from her life. Leaving her with an aching heart.

With Greed, it hadn't been as romantic, sure, there had been kisses involved but that was it. She had gained feelings from their two nights together, Greed had been a player, Roxie had realized that after he was gone by morning. She had been so bitter towards him and it was unfair in a sense, she had basically given herself to him back then but she hadn't realized that she was also giving away her feelings as well. The thought made a soft sigh escape her, she was already mixing the batter as her mind continued to bring up the past. Of course, being a player, Greed hadn't gained feelings after the one nightstand which was understandable. The feelings were blossoming from both parties, while one was trying to drink away or shove her feelings away, the other had been realizing their own feelings and recognizing the possibility of falling in love. Both of them having disappeared, although, upon the pregnancy that she now had to deal with... Well, the jungle definitely wasn't a place to raise kittens so Roxanne had returned only for the jaguar to follow four months later.

Fate, it seemed.

Roxie had mixed feelings about fate or destiny but, if that's what brought her and Greed together then she would rely on it to continue their relationship. She couldn't imagine loving anyone else now, he was the only one that was stuck on her mind, and made her heart flutter. And well, with the hormones that seemed to invade her mind as well as the bit of weight she was gaining rather slowly, Roxanne hoped that their love would grow stronger. The thought of him leaving her terrified her, just the thought of being alone and without him made her scared, she didn't want to be left in the dark again. Her breathing grew rapid as she panicked briefly, no, she was certain that Greed loved  her as much as she did him. Especially after all those months they hadn't seen one another, the moment their eyes made contact, it was like love at first sight. Sure, there had been some tension due to Roxanne having Roan but aside from that, the two of them had made up and Greed was making an effort to interact with Roan, which she was grateful for.

She had the cake batter finished as she would empty the mixes into pans that have already been prepped, Roxie made sure that the mix for the butterscotch pie was going the way she wanted it and couldn't help but find a grin on her maw once more. It didn't take long for her to place each one in the oven making sure that the temperature was just right, her whiskers twitched as she peered at the soon to be baked goods with her mismatched gaze. She would clean up after herself putting all of the clean dishes to where they belonged, she began to think about those who were dear to her and how she would go about her gifts for them. Surely, she would find gifts for all of them. Her main targets being Greed, Roan, Ahab, Goldie, and Rosemary. All different people with different tastes and likes, she would do her best to accommodate to each and every one.

She was already grabbing her sewing and knitting supplies, picking out different colors of yarn bringing them close to her, she would let out a soft breath. The draconic jaguar twitched her whiskers as she got to work. She had a few specific designs in mind she wanted to make with each blanket, she could lay on one of the couches in her room before rocking back and forth humming a tune to herself. A gentle smile etched onto her maw, her tail curling gently around her belly, she wondered how long it could be until she felt them moving within or when she would feel their paws kneading at her tummy. The thought brought her excitement, Roxanne would let out a few happy rumbles escape her, she would go back to concentrating on her work. She still had so much to do.


She fitted most of her gifts into different baskets, some she would deliver individually and others she would have Kalayavan take. Roxanne was quite tired after staying up for most of the night working on everyone's gifts, she nudged the first gift onto Kalayavan's head, the kaprosuchus watching her carefully only for her to murmur to him in a quiet voice "Goldenluxury." Of course, there wasn't a letter attached to it, no, she was sure that her niece would know how much she meant to Roxanne. Roxie admired Goldie especially with how far she has gotten despite most of the obstacle and challenges that would try to get in the tiger's way, the draconic jaguar decided to gift her things that reminded her of her niece. She had to trade some jewelry of hers but she didn't seem to mind at all. Roxanne had tucked a lovely blanket that would hopefully be enough to keep her niece warm especially if her special friend decided to drop by for sleepovers, the other two gifts being a tiger made of glass and a feather cloak. Both items having some kind of resemblance to the Captain of the Typhoon, she just hoped that Goldie would love the gifts. The draconic jaguar watched Kalayavan walk away with the basket resting upon his back, a soft warning hiss escaping him whenever someone dared come close.

She would pick up a different basket and made sure her grip on the handle was rather tight, Roxie would walk through the sand with her curved ears twitching at the slightest of sounds, mainly the parrots that would let out a screech or squawk. It didn't take long for the spotted femme to arrive at the bear's home, she glanced around trying to see if he was anywhere in sight, she gave a small shrug leaving the basket in front of his doorstep. The basket holding two cinnamon, butterscotch pies and a pair of realistic looking bear plushes, something to signify family, and underneath the teddy bears was a neatly folded yet large blanket, this one had taken her a bit more work seeing that well, Ahab, was larger than anyone else here. She didn't seem to mind that it might have taken her an hour more to work on since Ahab had something about him that was endearing. She would knock gently on his door and before he could get a glimpse of her, she had already spread her wings and shot into the skies heading for the spot where she had left the rest of the baskets.

Next would be Rosemary, Roxanne had gotten her sister some Shakespearean novels specifically Macbeth and a few other ones all shoved into a book, her eyes would turn downcast to the basket. She had made her sister a silly little bookmark that resembled a red dragon and well, she figured that she would get the four eyed ocelot a new satchel, Roxanne had made sure to pack in a small chest some macaroons, mainly so Rosemary could have something to much on while reading the book or whenever or she wasn't all that busy. Roxanne made her way to the former Soothsayer's home setting the basket at her door and knocking gently not wanting to cause a major disturbance, once she had done that Roxie once more took to the skies. Now all she had left were two other gift baskets; Roan and Greed. She figured she would leave them for last since the lived within her home. Their home. That had such a nice sound to it, she never thought she would share a home with children of her own or let alone someone who she loved dearly. Sometimes, it felt like she was dreaming and frankly, she didn't want to wake up from this dream if it was.

Grabbing the last two baskets, she would enter her home slowly wondering if they were already awake and bustling about. She would approach the door to Roan's room first as she held her breath trying to hold back her excitement, she had gotten him a few things for his treehouse and she honestly hoped that he would like them. One of the first gifts being a blanket, this one was by far her favorite from all of those that she had knitted, that had small sea turtles approaching the ocean to start a new life. A new life. Soon Roan would be an apprentice and start his own journey to become a great pirate, the thought made her excited and other emotions began to eat away at her. Even if she was a bit sad that Roan wouldn't be around as much due to training, she knew that he would always be her cub and she would love him unconditionally for they were mother and son. Tied by strong familial ties. The next gift was a musicbox that room the form of a sea turtle, it was such a pretty little knick knack and she was proud to have bantered for it. She would lift up the top revealing a picture of a much smaller Roan between Roxie's paws as a lovely melody began to play. Their song. She hope that it would comfort him whenever he was feeling sad, scared, or tired since she usually hummed the song to soothe him. The last gift was something she already had in her home but she thought her son would have loved to have them in his new treehouse, they were cute little knitted crocodile rugs. She found a sad smile tugging at her lips, she moved away from the door listening to the musicbox continue to play the melody.

With the last basket in her jaws, she made her way to her room knowing who'd she would find there, her heart fluttered. Roxanne pushed the door open with her muzzle only to take a few more steps and hopped onto the bed with ease though the basket almost made her lose her balance. Greed. Oh, how she loved him. The draconic jaguar would set the basket down only to approach him aiming to nuzzle his face and hopefully wake him up, if that had been successful, she would move away with a rumble sitting next to the basket on their bed. Her tail flicking to the sides briefly before coming to rest upon her belly, it had become quite the habit of hers to conceal her stomach even if it just looked like she was getting a bit chubby. Within the basket, there was a leather jacket with a bit of fuzz on it, she thought it was weird at first though she thought it would go with Greed's "I'm hot shit" theme that he had going on and the second gift was a necklace that would match nicely with the braclet she had gotten him the last time. She would shuffle her paws a bit nervously unsure of what he would think as she opened her maw to speak "I know it isn't much," There was a pause before she would continue with affection blossoming and lacing around her words "I don't even think these gifts show how much I love you. Greed, would you be my Valentine?" A giggle escaped her, her ears flicking back to press against her skull.

"And if you will go on a date with me  on Valentine's day... I only want to spend it with the man I love," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]