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jervis' final tags - Printable Version

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jervis' final tags - Jervis - 02-12-2020

the maddened king
[Image: Aj1OiBB.png] - [Image: b67GZkm.png] - [Image: EX5pzPm.png] - [Image: u7Dc8vN.png]
Throughout this biography, Jervis will appear to be speaking to an interviewer. This will be indicated by "dialogue like this" or text within italics within the Times New Roman font. This is to mostly share more about his character and show how self-involved he is, along with controlling of the situation.

FULL NAME: "My name is Jervis Callahan. Remember it."

Character is deceased.


GENDER: "I'm a biological male."
AGE: "I'm rather young, but I'm not going to specify my age. Don't you know it's rude to ask?
Jervis is supposedly around three years old. His birthday November 19th, meaning he was promptly born within 2016.
EYE COLOR: "I'd like to say my eyes are a honey-tinted brown that captures the gazes of many."
Like most red foxes, Jervis' eyes are a honey color, but are often to referred to as a 'golden' color to show his often greedy personality.
BODY: "An Eastern American red fox... Wherever that dreaded place may be."
Jervis is specifically an Eastern American red fox. His fur is a vibrant orange that stands out within the Pitt's green underbrush. Sadly, he has no room to camouflage.
BIRTHMARKS/SCARS: "Perfection has no imperfections."
While Jervis says he has no marks upon him, that is far from the truth. There are marks hidden underneath his pelt from past battles, inflicted by enemies and possibly even his own family members during feuds. Fresher wounds are most likely during the drama when he came to power and angered The Typhoon, along with the rest of the groups in suit.
— Right side of his face is burned entirely, leaving a nasty scar. He has lost his eyesight in the process.
— Two puncture marks near his ribs from when Beck's horned mask went through his chest.
— Large bite mark inflicted by Draekon on his back left leg.
POSTURE: "Always upright and on top of things, of course."
The fox has magnificent posture. Slouching to him seems like a lack of faith and professionalism, almost peasant-like. Hence he keeps his snout pointed towards the sky and his ears alert.
ACCESSORIES: "Hmm... Not yet."
His greed does not rely on possessions, but rather power. In the future it may involve owning things that may give him an advantage, but it will never be because the object has value, only power.

POSSESSIONS: "Well, I don't think that's any of your business."
WEAPONS: "Hmph... I prefer using others as my protection."

ACCENT: "British English, I suppose..."
LANGUAGES: "English. Do I need to know anything else? No, not currently."
VOICE VOLUME: "Confident and powerful."
COMMON PHRASES: "You're asking me what I say on the daily, [i]dear? You expect me to psychoanalyze myself for your own pleasure."[/i]
LAUGHTER: "... Your joke was not top-tier but I'll offer a chuckle for your sake, even though it's towards a disgusting cause."

ILLNESSES: "I'm fine."
— NPD (narcissistic personality disorder)
HANDICAPS: Jervis lurches backwards. He was truly offended by the suggestion of being flawed. "My body is a temple. I was born with no imperfections."
— Blindness within his right eye due to a severe burn.
POWERS: "I don't need powers to be superior."


MBTI PERSONALITY TYPE: "Please... ENTJ (Extroverted Intuition Thinking Judging)"
ALIGNMENT: "I'd like to consider myself invested in myself and my goals. I will do no matter what it takes to achieve my satisfaction," he croons confidently. "Chaotic Evil."
EXPRESSIVENESS: His snout raises cockily, a smirk appearing on his maw. "Very expressive."
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT: "I thought this was obvious," he comments. After all, he was flamboyant and often expressive in his actions. "Extroverted."
QUIRKS: "Quirks?" His paw rose to his chest, laying over his heart. "I don't think I have any, dear."
PERSPECTIVE OF LIFE: Jervis just rolled his eyes. As long as things were going his way, he was satisfied.

LIKES: "Me."
GOALS: "My goals are to build the Callahan name back to it's former glory. So far, it seems to be working. I've got quite the crowd." Four children didn't seem like enough though. If only he had lived longer.
GUILTY PLEASURES: "Others admitting defeat, easily. Giving up their power and showing their weaknesses is rather satisfying."

WEAKNESSES: "Weaknesses? [i]Please," Jervis croons.[/i]
FLAWS: "Flaws are for the weak."
DISORDERS: "What disorders?"
ADDICTIONS: "Don't think I have any, otherwise I'd be a sleaze."
FEARS: "I... I don't have any," he gulps. After his burns, he is afraid to admit that he is deathly afraid of flames.
PET PEEVES: "Digging for information about my plans is rather annoying. My trust does not come easily. You must remain loyal and worthy of my attention." Jervis was bound to soak in the attention either way though.

BELIEFS: "I do not believe in anyone but myself."
RELIGION: "What did I just say?"

MORAL VALUES: "Morals?" His brow furrowed.
INSTINCTS: "Prone to act fast and unpredictable."


FAMILY NAME: "Callahan. It means 'strife', which I find rather ironic."
PARENTS: "The fools that damned me don't deserve to be mentioned."
SIBLINGS: "We don't mention her, nor the others."
DIRECT FAMILY:"I had four children with Fourthwall Fallout. Sweeney, Noor, Juno, and Mercede." He didn't know them well. Jervis perished in the fire before he could ever interact with them properly.

MARTIAL STATUS: "I'd much rather remain single and be allowed to have a chance at everyone rather than to settle with some peasant. Partners here and there are rather nice."
SEXUALITY: "Anything that appeases me..."
SPOUSE: "Funny."

BEST FRIENDS: "Hmph... Fourthwall is a wise choice." There was much more than to them than being best friends though.
FRIENDS: "I prefer acquaintances for now. Though I did have Kydobi."
APPRENTICE: "Someone looking up to me would be nice," he muttered. "Not like they already don't though." Jervis offered a roll of his eyes. "But no one would ever be as great as I am, even with my assistance."
ENEMIES: "My sister. [i]Next."[/i] He paused momentarily. With a snort, he continued on. "Consider Goldenluxury and Crow my newer enemies."


The fox's ears raised in interest. "Oh, me?" he drawled surprisingly. "I suppose you don't just want my name, but my story too." He straightened out, letting out a comforted sigh. Enough talk about false concerns. It was his time to shine. "I was born into a rather fortunate family, one with their hand in all of the clans." Whatever he desired always came to him easily because of that. Privileged and posh, Jervis was spoiled. When he didn't get what he wanted, the fox knew how to manipulate them into giving him whatever he wanted and used that to their advantage as much as he could. "My line assisted in the creation of what many would consider the big five these days, including your own clan." Their power was prominent because of that. Jervis' family line demanded respect, but that ultimately bit them in the ass. The family's pride had damned them. With that, the family sunk into the shadows and remained hibernating until now. With leadership, they could gloriously rekindle their previous relations. "As second-in-line, I was to inherit whatever they possessed and learned the tips of their trade accordingly for when they passed on. My sister was first to succeed though." He visually tensed for a moment. His expression greatly soured. "Greedy brat ruined what we had." While his sister did nothing realistically wrong, as he happened to be the true cause of their demise after an impulsive temper tantrum and a failed plan, the red fox seemed to blame her for all of his problems. "My family succumbed, taking what they had to their graves." His sister was also... dealt with. "I ascended to the head of the family with nothing to my name, leaving me in a dire situation." Selfish and greedy, he was determined to prevail once again. If The Pitt's downfall happened to be the reason for that, then so be it. "With a clan in my grasp, perhaps I can restore faith an honor within our name."

BIRTHDAY: "November 19th." Little did Jervis know, his birthday lined up with Charles I of England's birthday.
BORN IN: "The Pitt has been my home for as long as I can remember."

PAST ALLIANCES: "I have been nowhere else."
CURRENT RANK: "I am the ardent and the rightful ruler of The Pitt."
PAST RANKS: "Hmph... Don't remind me."

BEST MEMORY: "Coming into power."
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: "Leading the Pitt is rather up there again."

WORST MEMORY: "I'd like to think that my life has been quite swell, really." He was lying though. Imagining the flames within his vision scarred him greatly, along with the revolt of his followers.
CRIME HISTORY: "That's for me to know, not you."
— Overthrew Stryker and Ninazu's leading reign.
— Burning down Elysium's observatory.
— Killer of Pastel, Crow's daughter (ex-leader of Tanglewood)
— Betrayal of The Typhoon's deal
— Several raids on Tanglewood and The Typhoon
— Destroyer of The Blackguard
REGRETS: "Regrets?"
SECRETS: "Hmph..."
Jervis' does not expressing his sexuality due to the consensus of homophobia, especially within a monarchy and family-reign. Instead he keeps his male relationships under the covers. This all blows over as his execution proceeds and Fourthwall reveals his children.

PLOTS: "Aren't you invasive? I'll keep my plans to myself, thank you."