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What will you do with a drunken sailor | travelling merchants - Printable Version

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What will you do with a drunken sailor | travelling merchants - Reed - 02-11-2020

An island. They had to get through snowy mountains, a desert, a.. ugh, a swamp, and now they had to make their way to an island. It honestly wasn't the worst time they'd had though. Out of the heat, snow, and muck, this was probably like an 8/10. There wasn't any muck aside from some wet sand and rocks, a bit of seaweed and kelp strewn along the ground but he could totes deal with that. It was a nice day, he was kept cool by the sea spray and occasional splashing, very nice. Goatus was enjoying herself as well, not having to deal with the heat or snow on her woolen coat. She did have to pull the cart through the wet sand but it was better than the loose sand and the swamp. It was easier to get traction, and it wasn't too tough to keep from veering off course. they could avoid the rail-track thing and it was all good!

  They were halfway down the stretch after a bit and having a decent time. Reed wasn't extremely happy with the salt in the water, but he was really looking forward to being able to wash the last of the muck out of his and Goatus's coats. It stained and dried when they had gone through Tanglewood and they hadn't had the opportunity to wash before heading off again. He hadn't had a good time walking to clans or groups in a while, most of them having extreme climates, being gross, being aggressive, the list just goes on and on. He'd visited a few clans that wouldn't even let him get close to the border, some that attacked him and tried to eat Goatus, obviously that didn't even come close to working when they blinked out of there, but they'd lost their inventory on that trip and it had taken a long time to find a good new cart and build up their stock to even half of what it had been.

Goatus was relaxed as she walked along the strip of sand, the only tension in her muscles because of the cart that she pulled behind her. She didn't have problems like Reed. She didn't care about much and could hold her own against predators. She wasn't a prey animal. She had killed. She did not care. Reed was weak and she protected him.

  Reed grinned as he skipped ahead of Goatus, trusting that she would be good if he went ahead. They were at the last small stretch, and he wanted to get onto solid land. He walked, jogged, ran, sprinted. Finally, he fell onto the sand bordering the place, laughing. Goatus cane along shortly after. Vaulting onto her fluffy, salt stiffened back, Reed would unclasp the carts cover with more enthusiasm than he'd had in a while. The cart wasn't really any emptier than it had been when he went to the snowy clan but it had different items from trading now! It still had everything from flowers to skulls, human artifacts, old technology, more fresh herbs because of the trading, still a fair amount of jars and containers with unknown liquids and substances in them.

  Someone would approach as Reed finished unpacking the cart and he immediately went into his spiel. "Hello, Hello!!" He started too enthusiastic and nearly tipped over. Righting himself back on the cart, he'd look down at the creatures with a grin. "I am Reed and this beautiful creature is my companion, Goatus. We are travelling merchant's and we are here today with the opportunity to trade and barter! We also offer delivery and contract searching services. If you'd have us, we would be much obliged!"

(done on mobile, no need to match length. no solid inventory in cart, legit whatever you want.)

Re: What will you do with a drunken sailor | travelling merchants - ROXANNE R. - 02-16-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]

Usually the only merchants she saw or conversed with were usually hanging around the tavern taking advantage of the drunken minds of those who would leave said building. The draconic jaguar would make her way over with curved ears angled forward with a small frown on her maw, Reed and Goatus, well, they were certainly an interesting pair of animals. Her tail flicking to the sides debating whether or not to approach them, though she had already glanced in their direction and figured that it would be rude if she didn't attempt a conversation. The recently promoted Privateer would walk over slowly in the direction of the border and once she got there, she would sit down curling her tail in a protective manner over her belly, god, she could already feel herself growing a bit heavier than usual. Roan had already asked why she was getting rather... Fat, Roxie couldn't help but snort in amusement at the memory even if it did take a jab at her. She was fine with him thinking that since it probably took Greed's attention from the possiblity of her being pregnant, Roxanne wanted to tell him for herself but she had yet to be ready to share the news with him. She sighed a bit to herself shifting her position a bit so she was more comfortable.

"Hello there," She might as well introduce herself, she was sure that her crewmates would arrive shortly and take a gander at all of the stuff that the merchants were currently carrying at the time "M'names Roxanne but feel free to call me Roxie. It's a pleasure to meet the both of you and it's definitely pleasant to see some new faces around the Typhoon even if it's brief." A smile tugging at her lips, she would tilt her head a bit taking only a few looks at the things, she wasn't sure if she saw anything that she liked at the moment. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: What will you do with a drunken sailor | travelling merchants - SÉAMUS - 02-16-2020

Séamus Ó Faoláin
Now the Irishman could not remember the last he'd seen a pair of traveling merchants.  Certainly not on the border and certainly not in some time.  The privateer felt his whiskers twitch as he sauntered over, practically materializing from the shadows of the nearby jungle.

Did he crave any of the miscellaneous items on the cart? His sea-green eyes narrowed, brow creasing thoughtfully.  "Name's Seamus.  'm sure you'll find plenty to trade an' barter with here; welcome to the Typhoon." Pirates he supposed, made good customers -- well, interesting customers at least, who enjoyed a wide manner of material things.

The traveling life appealed to the faerie, but he enjoyed calling himself a member of a crew.  Nonetheless, he wondered where the pair of merchants had visited thus far and where they may be headed after.
Word of mouth there's a snake in the garden

Re: What will you do with a drunken sailor | travelling merchants - Reed - 02-23-2020

It felt like it had taken him forever to respond when the new creatures approached him, spacing out slightly as he studied them. They were cool, a big cat and a smaller cat. There really were a lot of cats in the clans, and foxes for some reason. He'd shake himself out of his thoughts and grin up at the biggest cat, Roxie?, nodding as she spoke. She was pleased to see him here? that was pretty sick. His interactions in the other clans had been generally alright but some of them.. were a little odd. eh, whatever, this wasn't the other clans! Seamus seemed pretty cool as well, nice name and nice seeming dude.

"It's a pleasure to meet you two, as well as see some new faces while visiting the clans, haha." He felt like the environment here was pretty relaxed? yeah. "I'm awful pleased that you are interested in my stock. Would there happen to be anything in particular that you two would be on the look-out for today?" It was always good to lessen the load in the cart, it meant that Goatus had an easier time pulling and there was more space to get new stuff. "Trade is on an item-by-item basis but there are a few things that can go in groups because we've had them for a fair while and not many are interested in them." He sorta gestured to the side of the cart, unable to specifically point out what was what. He was having a conversation after all.