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leave her johnny, leave her | travelling merchants - Printable Version

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leave her johnny, leave her | travelling merchants - Reed - 02-11-2020

  Oh gods, it was hot. The heat was unending, relentless, pouring over him in waves and crashes. His fur dripped, his mouth hung open, his usually high tail dragged along the ground. He was dying, not really but that's how he felt. He came from a tropical forest, not anything like this dry and desolate hellscape. He didn't even have it the worst, that 'privilege' fell to Goatus, his companion. Her thick coat hadn't been shorn recently because there hadn't been any reason to, but there was definitely reason now. It was good for sheep to have some wool in the summer, it protected them from burning and regulated temperature, but she had more than just some wool. They were both just staving off dehydration with the water they had stored, but they had used up a fair amount of it already. With a waterskin slung across his back, Reed followed beside the cart and just behind Goatus, having to occasionally push the cart through the somewhat loose sand. This was terrible, this was torture, why did they go over here when they could have gone to that weird island clan.

  Reed tried to calm himself as he trudged along, a reminder of 'everyone deserves goods, regardless of where they live' playing in his head on loop. It was sorta bull but also like, not really? It was still terrible to have to walk through places like this. He wasn't a lizard or something with short fur that was adapted to live here, nor was Goatus. They were both cool weather animals. The border had to be around here somewhere, please. They couldn't turn back now and there wasn't much they could see ahead of them except for.. wait. There was something in the distance, maybe trees? oh gods, it was trees. It was also a line of decapitated heads and various.. parts. lovely.

  Reed wasn't bothered by the body parts as much as the items strewn across the ground with them that he knew he couldn't take, for likely chance of getting shit from the clan he wanted to trade with. There was some fairly cool stuff amongst the picked apart, heat scorched bodies. masks, some broken weapons, pretty neat stuff. They were at the border though and they needed to get into the cool of the forest pretty fast. Head on a swivel as he watched for anybody approaching, his paws would anxiously tap and his tail would twitch. He was too hot and he was worried about Goatus. Finally, there was somebody and he could start his spiel.

  "Hello, Hello!" He'd start off, barely restraining himself from suddenly coughing in the dry air. "I'm Goa-no, I'm Reed and this is my wonderful companion, Goatus. We're travelling merchants and we're here to ask if any of y'all are interested in bartering or exchange of services for some wonderful items!" He'd forgotten to uncover the cart, crud. Looking at Goatus for a few seconds, she'd kick out her back hoof and the cover flew off the top of the cart and hung bunched up by a rope at the back. There was a wide assortment of items in the now uncovered cart, from dried flowers to skulls, old human items, jars of various unidentifiable liquids and substances, the list goes on. "I don't mean to bug any of you but it would be fantastic if trade were to commence within the cover of the trees? me and my partner don't fare too well in this heat, you see."

(no need to match length! there's pretty much anything you want in the cart as there's no solid inventory at the moment.)

Re: leave her johnny, leave her | travelling merchants - CAUSTIC. - 02-12-2020

On any other day, Caustic would have blatantly annoyed at the arrival of strangers. He was obligated to interact with them, as he was required to greet joiners and accept them into the clan.
This piqued his interest tho. Caustic has a monkey in his jaws, still breathing, but knocked unconscious. The wolf padded over to the tree line, his green gaze inspecting the cart. Caustic's pupils widened, ears perked forward, and tail wagging as he looked upon the various objects. It's beautiful... The human tech in the back was a far cry from what he had seen here. And the fluids.... Chemicals... He set the monkey down, gas leaving his mouth in shudders.
"What do you ask in return for your products? do you have a recorder? I'm very interested in your chemicals and human tech."

Re: leave her johnny, leave her | travelling merchants - Reed - 02-12-2020

Reed watched the large wolf approach, some sort of creature held in his mouth. A monkey? odd. He hadn't seen many of those in a while. He wasn't really sure what do to at the moment, with the heat nearly knocking him over, but he would try his best to be a good salespanda. "Bartering for our wares depends upon the buyer, my good sir. We are in need of unloading right now and many of our items are cheap or we are willing to sell them en masse. We often accept whatever goods that buyers are able to spare, but we have also gone for services that they can provide." Did he have a recorder? he wasn't terribly sure. He knew that he had a bunch of somewhat intact pieces that had been pulled from ruins and junkyards but to it working? who knew.

  "Now, I'm not terribly sure as to if much of the human technology works so, if you have an interest in it, I may just let what you want. We probably have some sort of recorder in there. Everything's been pulled from rather old places and most of it is dinged up and rusty so not many want it." Human tech was fascinating but they still struggled to pawn it off on people. "We certainly have chemicals. I have absolutely no clue what they are because we have not unsealed or bothered them too much but there's a fair amount of the containers." They did get a bit of interest so they would actually have a price. "If you don't have much to trade, how about that monkey and services? I need someone to help trim down Goatus's coat."

Re: leave her johnny, leave her | travelling merchants - toboggan - 02-12-2020

She didn't care for strangers. They belonged everywhere BUT this territory, and if her father, the Pitt's TRUE Ardent, still maintained his iron grip over the surrounding region, then the two travelling merchants before her would have their lives taken right from under their noses. Unfortunately, Jervis was dead, and the Pitt had become a group for fucking pussies. Kydobi softened the place up so much that Noor wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if Reed and Goatus here were treated with foot massages and a nice portion of the Pitt's food supply. Because, why not? Surely they deserved kindness and hospitality, simply for existing.

No, that would not happen. If comfort was such a hard thing to come by these days, then two strangers who waltzed into the territory like complete dumbasses weren't entitled to any solace whatsoever. And that, she would make sure of.

The petite vixen applies a false smirk to her visage, and she wears it whilst approaching the traders. She struggles to haul an iron bucket of milk as she walks, which drags against the ground behind her. Every pawstep sends a droplet of milk overboard, either landing on her rear end or the dry ground below, but she manages to carry out the difficult feat without too much trouble. Noor sets the bucket down beside the goat-sheep thing with a satisfied sigh. "What can I get for this?" she questions impatiently. Little did they know that the bucket's contents would soon be all over Goatus' coat - if everything went according to plan.

Re: leave her johnny, leave her | travelling merchants - michael t. - 02-13-2020

Merchants. Fucking merchants. Good god, Michael's maw was practically drooling as he made his way over, covered in an ungainly mixture of jewelry and bandages, aviators hanging lazily on his face and hiding the excitement in his eyes. He knew this was small time shit, wanting to snag stuff from a couple of dumb assholes who stumbled upon the border of this group that was his now, or at least for the moment. However, small time shit was all he could pull off at the moment, what with the wounds covering his body and the lack of his trusty, psychotic muscle. Fuck, he really needed to stop thinking about Trevor. Gritting his teeth, the bobcat found himself shaking his head before he plastered a fake yet convincing smile upon his muzzle. Reed and Goatus's inventory was huge and unwieldy, but Michael was sure that they had to have some good shit in there, like more jewelry and maybe some booze. Hell, even some form of cash that other groups would accept. Either way, no matter what kind of stuff they had in there, there was no way in hell that Michael was paying for any of it. Fuck that, bartering was a stupid system anyways, especially when it was just these two. They seemed dumb, and small. Granted, Michael himself was fairly small, but he could take these chucklefucks.

Coming up between Caustic and Noor, Michael glanced at the both of them for a moment before he allowed his gaze to travel back to the merchants. His tone was like ice when he spoke up, although it held a slightly enticing lilt, "Hey... the couple'a you got any jewelry in there? Maybe some booze? It'd really just, you know, brighten my day." He tried to keep the sarcasm from dripping off of his words in waves as he faced them, blue eyes scanning over the stash they had pulled behind them – albeit with only one of the azure orbs actually taking everything in. Part of him just wanted to drop all pretense and fucking attack. The crazy, angry little part of him that was just itching for a fucking fight after months of being held in captivity, forced to endure the attacks of others without any sort of outlet for the anger that simmered underneath the surface. However, he knew that wasn't the best plan right now. For one thing, Caustic seemed interesting in getting some things for himself, and Michael didn't really wanna fuck that up for the guy – he was big, and scary, without any sort of secret weapon in hand. For another thing, as much as Michael didn't really give a shit about kids that weren't related to him or anything like that, he also knew the rest of this new group of his probably wouldn't be overjoyed if Noor got hurt somehow in the tussle.

Michael's tail swung lazily through the air behind him as he eyed both Reed and Goatus, taking in the way that the both of them seemed to be utterly unprepared for the heat that the Pitt's territory provided. Granted, Michael himself was still adapting to the way that the heat was now jacked the fuck up, but the sight of them did give him an idea. Letting out a low hum, the bobcat rumbled as he sat back on his haunches, raising a glittery paw up to his chest, "Of course, if you've got what I want, I'd happily be willing to trade. However, I don't really have anything with me right now I'd be willing to trade... if you wanted something from my home, however, that would be fine. You'd have to come with me and pick something out. It's a cave, so it's very pleasant. Nice and cool. You're free to come after you deal with transactions from my friends here." If he could just lure them back to the caves... it would be so simple. Dig his claws into the dirt, teeth into Reed's skinny little neck. Caustic would get two new subjects and whatever he wanted, Michael would get a whole ton of shit, and everyone would be happy.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: leave her johnny, leave her | travelling merchants - CAUSTIC. - 02-14-2020

He could just have it?
"I would like to take as much of your human tech as you can give me...." A wheezing cough left him. " good conscious." Possession of such objects would bring familiarity back. Reminders of his humanity. Archaic as everything in the cart was, it would be useful to him, even in the slightest sense.
Caustic's tail wagged at the thought of placing these things into his cave.
His cave. He was getting too comfortable again. He still needed to plan on leaving. He wasn't suppose to stay. Was the Syndicate ever going to rescue him?
He looked down at the breathing monkey between his legs, giving a nod. "I can certainly trade it," Another cough, an unmentioned weakness. "...and some services for your chemicals, and take as many of them off your hands as possible. They will be put to excellent use." Caustic was trying to be kind, and certainly hoped he didn't sound desperate.

His eyes wandered to Noor as she arrived, with her bucket of... milk? Strange. Caustic's gaze went to Micheal next, his face hardening and brows raising his an expression of anger as the bobcat spoke. The wolf was trying to give Micheal a non-verbal warning.
Don't start something. While Caustic wasn't aware of all the Pitt's affairs, he certainly didn't want them to be accused of something in the future, and he didn't want to give Kydobi a reason to start snooping in the caves.
