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Show me who I am // open+one year // and who I could be - Printable Version

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Show me who I am // open+one year // and who I could be - jacob w.c. - 05-05-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — One year. Twelve months. It was strange how much happened in so little time. It didn't feel like a small amount of time for Jacob, it felt like a lifetime because it was all he knew. Yet he'd had three homes, countless injuries, many joys, and many more sorrows. He wasn't sure how he fit it all in the little time that was his life. He'd lost his Pa and his Ma, he'd been separated from his Babbo. Yet he'd gained a new family in Snowbound and he'd found a son, Harrison. He still had his brother, Jerseyboy, and he had... he had Pincher. The feelings Jacob held for the man were complex and he still wasn't sure how to read the events that'd occurred at the lighthouse but he knew he didn't want to be apart from him.

It seemed strange to him to celebrate such a day. While it brought back many happy memories, like of the time he met Jersey and the day he spent with Pincher, it also brought so much sadness and anxiousness. It reminded him that now he had so many more responsibilities than when he was younger. Jacob had hated the idea of being in charge of anything at all. When he was little, he had constantly told his Babbo that he didn't want to be over anyone or anything. He was content where he was, he always had been. Power was the opposite of a necessity for Jacob, it was a horrible danger that was to be avoided at all costs. Yet here he was. He wasn't sure why he'd promised Leigh what he had but there was no changing things now. It hadn't been as bad as he thought it'd be, he supposed, though he was only a week into this new role. Maybe things would change in time. In any case, he hoped that soon he'd be able to allow his medical talents to take priority as he stepped down but he wasn't sure how long it'd be until then.

Jacob decided he ought to do something for his birthday. After all, any excuse to make and eat a cake was a good one. So, the husky set to work with a plain vanilla cake that he planned to spread strawberry icing on. It took quite some time to make but soon he was sure he had enough for everyone that'd like some. The boy made his way out of his den, setting the cake down along with some plates and, of course, some hot chocolate. He didn't think anyone here would know what the occasion was and he wasn't quite sure if he'd tell them. He supposed he would if they asked, it wasn't like he had anything to hide, but he didn't want anyone to feel bad for not getting him anything. He hadn't told them about it, after all. He had considered inviting Pincher over but he hadn't been sure about it. He didn't really want to throw a huge party for himself, seeing as most people didn't even know about it other than Jersey and Vito, and he wasn't so sure about inviting Pincher over again. He was worried that his clanmates would start thinking his relationship with the man was something it wasn't and he... he just wasn't sure how to feel about that. Maybe he'd visit Pincher later as a nice present for himself.

"If anyone wants some cake, come n' get it! I got hot coco too if ya' prefer tha'," the husky called, taking a slice for himself and starting to eat it. He was glad it'd turned out well. He didn't bake cakes very often so sometimes they didn't turn out quite right but he thought this one was rather good. He was sure Killua would like it, at least. He'd noticed that the serval seemed to be a fan of any of the sweets he made so, if not enough people showed up, he could always give it to the snowstriker as a present. He'd prefer that to it sitting in his cavern. He'd eat too much of it too fast, it'd be better off somewhere else for the sake of his own self control and so Harrison wouldn't ask for some every two seconds. He actually wasn't sure how his son would react to sweets but he supposed if he was anything like Jacob, that'd be the end result. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Show me who I am // open+one year // and who I could be - JERSEYBOY - 05-06-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Was Jerseyboy a dependable guy? Well, it depended on who you asked. Most people would probably give a firm "no". He mostly did everything for his own benefit and not for the sake of others, anyways. So, would he remember a date such as a birthday? Most likely not. Not even his own brothers. A lot of things happened over the past few months, so it wasn't something that he kept at the front of his mind.

Not even the delicious-looking cake that Jacob presented didn't trigger his memory. He just thought that he was baking just to bake; Jake did that a lot, anyways. The tuxedo tom padded over after the unfamiliar feline and, in response, gave a shrug. "Who cares? It's free cake." Jerseyboy proceeded to take a slice for himself and wolf it down, crumbs and frosting slathered over his muzzle.

Re: Show me who I am // open+one year // and who I could be - jacob w.c. - 05-06-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob looked to Skyreacher with a wide smile, happy to see the feline around. He seemed nice enough, although a bit confused by his new surroundings, and Jacob was glad he hadn't been scared off by the cold weather and unforgiving environment. When asked about why he'd made the cake, the boy smiled and opened his mouth only to hear Jersey's words. Jacob had anticipated a lot of things to happen today but Jerseyboy completely forgetting his birthday wasn't one of them. He thought maybe the feline would try to get him to drink again or find some random girl to invite over, which Jacob would just end up playing monopoly with before they both went to sleep separately. He even thought maybe he'd try to pull some sort of prank. But he hadn't expected this at all. Maybe he should have.

Even as he felt his heart sink and his smile drop he knew he shouldn't have counted on Jerseyboy to remember. Even if they were brothers, Jersey had never been dependable and he wasn't the sentimental type to keep track of birthdays and special events. Still, the disappointment on Jacob's face was clear. He forced himself to perk up a bit, trying to maintain a shivering smile while he felt tears prick his eyes. He knew it was stupid to cry. It wasn't a big deal. It didn't mean anything. "Uh, yeah, 's not for nothin'. I jus' thought it'd be fun." Jacob was a horrendous liar and his tone betrayed him. It was nearly monotone and cracked a bit in the middle. "I jus' thought I'd give some out 'ere n' then go ta' see Pincher, maybe, n' give 'im some too." Yeah, that'd still be fun. He'd go to visit Pincher. He wouldn't know about his birthday but it'd be nice to eat with someone who cared about more than just the cake.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Show me who I am // open+one year // and who I could be - london r. - 05-06-2018

Less than a month from now would be London's own birthday, a day she was rather excited for, though she did not really have any idea what she wished to do on that day. She supposed she still had time to decide. At her half-birthday, Maria had prepared a cake, so she supposed she might make one of those, though there were also other pastries she could try out. It didn't seem like it would be difficult, she just needed to follow the instructions of one of the old cook books and magazines the girl had taken here with her from the gas station. It would just take a moment of concentration to conjure one up, in fact, she had already begun looking for a recipe.

That's why she was so surprised when she saw a cake as she entered the main cavern. It reminded her so much of her half-birthday, that the clouded leopard briefly believed the hallucinations she had once had were back. Back when Maria had left her, and she was forced to be independent. During those days she could have sworn that she could hear the laughter of her brothers as she had walked around those familiar lands, and she would briefly make out the shape of them before realizing it wasn't them at all, just a bush, or a trick of the light. Until things had gotten even worse and she had started seeing her mother and brothers wherever she went, asking her what she was doing, why she wasn't dead yet. They had blamed her, and she blamed herself too. However, she soon realized that wasn't the case, much to her relief. This was not a memory returning to haunt her, but instead just Jacob being kind as he always was.

"Happy Birthday." the girl would mumble quietly, still not quite able to pull herself out of her memories. The girl had no idea it was Jacob's birthday, she supposed she should have guessed that this might be it, but in truth she did not know. He did appear to be close in age to her, but that thought hadn't even crossed her mind as she crossed the cavern to where everything had been set up. The words had been said almost unconsciously, her mind still stuck in her past as she tried to pull herself back into the present. The girl would grab herself a small piece, starring at the fluffy vanilla cake for a moment. Maria had made some that was both chocolate and vanilla back then, but London had only wanted the vanilla cake. Funny how the next time she had any cake after that it had the same flavor. A small smile plastered itself on the girl's maw as she tried it, the sweet taste of the icing managing to cheer her up from the shock she had just had.