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please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Printable Version

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please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Reed - 02-11-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: open font; color: black;"]♡ — hey y'all! reed and goatus are travelling merchants and they're looking to get around n meet some new peeps. we're looking for plots, threads, anything!

everything is open except for death, serious injury, children/litters, adoption, and relationships for goatus.

because they're merchants, reed and goatus will often have items that you can not find in the clans...sometimes though, you can't find exactly what you're looking for, but you can contract them out to search for it!
clothing, rare herbs, pelts, even missing fathers and children! reed and goatus will search for it all. with the seal of a contract, wether it be by writing or paw-print, and the exchange of goods, they will find you what you're looking for.

that's not it though, reed and goatus also deliver messages! with two trained pigeons and an 80% success rate, their service has great reviews and has helped connect creatures all over. they will deliver packages in person but it will take longer, as pigeons can not carry packages.

plot away!

Re: please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Sunburned.Lily - 02-11-2020

My dragons Glamier & Selthies would be interested in some trade n services! Glamier is looking to learn all she can about the arcane, from potions to history, whereas Selthies has the urge to start a hoard of more material things like gold, gems, jewelry, etc(you can get access to either via posts in Alithis Evgenis or The Typhoon,,, or im down w the pitt/neutral grounds as the two are ex-Pittians that started traveling towards The Typhoon after the fires. some supplies for the journey would be nice and it could give them a bit of history!

ur boy is cute :flushed: if hes open, and him/Selthies have a spark, id love to develop their relationship! In human terms of age id say shes about 18, if thats a concern to you

Re: please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Sunburned.Lily - 02-11-2020

an update.. Ive decided my girls are going to take on a profession that needs a steady supply of writing/painting materials

Re: please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Reed - 02-11-2020

totes! Reed and Goatus would be pleased to supply them with whetever they need! They can totes supply them with writing/painting stuff or whatever else they're looking for.

I'm planning on roleplaying Reed a little more before any relationship(s) happen but they can totes have a private thread if you want.

Re: please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Sunburned.Lily - 02-11-2020

Big Grin understood!

Re: please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Olalla - 03-11-2020

Julian needs more class bottles, bowls and lanterns. Would Reed and Goatus be interested in coming down to the Halls of Hiraeth for a trade?

Re: please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Reed - 03-24-2020

apologies for delay! sorta merged out of being for a bit
[member=8745]Olalla[/member] I'm up for that! I can make the thread in the morning if wanted

Re: please.. buy my beets | plot with the merchants - Olalla - 04-09-2020
