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THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - Printable Version

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THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - wormwood. - 02-11-2020

The pounding currently going on in Aurum's skull was about comparable to someone beating repeatedly at a gong until it somehow broke, and it was unfortunately not anything new. More and more often as of late, the proxy had been getting headaches, some of which chose to steadily progress into migraine territory, where the world spun and even the faintest bit of light caused him to recoil in pain. This time the headache had come near instantly after he had woken up, born out of a night of restless sleep that was filled with nightmares about the past. He had tried to ignore it at first, moving down from his room and beginning to sort out the house, cleaning up leftover bits of food from when he brought stuff in for he and Roy, and putting away the many books littered around the various rooms. The whole time, his head steadily reminded him that hell very much did exist, and it was actually contained entirely within his brain. Every movement was slightly slow and hesitant, done carefully so that he didn't fall over at just the simple things. Unfortunately for Aurum, his luck didn't turn around, and by the time lunchtime rolled around, the headache had become a migraine, stubborn and throbbing.

However, Aurum was also just as stubborn, and he spent a moment steeling himself inside of his house, gritting his teeth and staring down at the floor, willing it to stop shaking and spinning. He had things he needed to do today, like going on a patrol and maybe even doing a training event with some of the younger members of the group. He couldn't afford something like this right now. So, after several moments of very strained sounding deep breathing, the lion forced himself up to his paws, his steps wobbling slightly as he pushed open the front door and stepped out onto the porch. He held a whole lot of determination within his heart, but determination wasn't going to be enough to help him, as demonstrated when he took one step down from his porch, and the world lurched violently around him. Before he knew it, the ground slipped out from beneath his hold, and he cursed loudly as he went face first down the short set of stairs, "FUCK!" Soon the lion found himself at the bottom of the stairs, clenching his head in his paws and groaning in agony. Now not only was his head killing him – even further thanks to his own yelling – but the rest of his body was aching as well.

Re: THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - fulzanin - 02-11-2020

The Hypsilophodon liked wandering around. Walking and trotting and hopping around, not doing much of anything in particular. It was freeing, really. Not being bound to her ever devoted task of throwing parties for everyone. It was nice to just walk around and actually get to see the town that she lived in! Before she hardly had even paid attention, she was too enthralled with throwing parties to do so. It was nice. She really did like it here now that she'd seen it. The weather was warming, and it gave her even more a reason to remain within this slightly smaller, lightly coated body rather than the dense fur of a snow leopard. Feza didn't have much experience with headaches. Less they be ones that were caused by drawn out exposure to the heat, an exposure that usually wound up with her curling up in the shade of either her home or some nearby tree before she'd joined Tanglewood. She'd eaten lunch - liking that she wasn't feeling too exhausted to eat for once - and had resumed just hopping and running around to her heart's content.

A jagged curse following a tumble snapped her antennae upwards. The long feathers were sensitive to the vibrations in the air. It was how she obtained an understanding of noise within this form. Her body swiveled and her hopping direction turned to investigate the noise of the crash, and the loud explicit word that had followed. She came to a halt, her feathered form lowering to take in the sight. Aurum, the mighty Proxy, had fallen. He was covering his head with his paws too, a means to cause concern. Her lanky and feathered tail swung sharply behind her. "Hey. Hey. You just fell, it, it kinda looked like a pretty rough fall. Considering you're uh, you're holding your head and all." Feza's voice chattered. She was getting a little better at not sprawling her words all over the place and actually sticking with one thought throughout her words. Thankfully, the hypsi's voice was no where near as squeaky as her snow leopard form often faked it to be. Her beak clicked together, shimmying her weight off to the side. "D'ya need me to help you get back up the, the stairs?" The Hypsilophodon offered, head tipping to the side. Her long antennae bounced, touching her spine due to her tilted position. Wide blue eyes flickered with lights of concern, hands raising up as if to aid her offer.

Re: THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - charactercemetary. - 02-11-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Cursing. Never an odd thing around these parts, was it? Especially with everything that was going on. Kaito wanted to go for a walk, that's it, when he heard a yell and he saw a... something, that was for sure bounce to his aid. With a sigh, the magician moves forward, blue eyes taking in the scene. Aurum was holding his head, and Feza was doing her usual thing of asking what was going on and if he needed help.

What a fall. The Turkish Angora makes his way over, his face exceedingly stoic for the events that unfolded. His ears flicked back briefly before he focuses on the lion before turning to the Hypsi. Surely such a small fall wouldn't cause a TBI, the boy thinks with a frown. It starts to dawn on him that this wasn't just a stumble.

He nearly put up a paw, a way to show Feza to be quiet, but then he realized her voice was much calmer and not as high as it used to be, so his paw lowers. He looked at the maned lion. "Do you have any water or do you need me to get some for you?" He asks calmly.

Re: THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - wormwood. - 02-13-2020

Pain echoed unpleasantly now not only through Aurum's skull, but through the rest of his body as well, settling and burrowing deep into his muscles. The paws he currently held pressed firmly against his head helped relieve – or at least distract from – the pressure somewhat, but it was in no way a solution, and he found himself just glad he wasn't vomiting from the pain and the spinning of the world around him. The proxy had hoped that he could just get up, dust himself off, and attempt to pretend that this was still just a normal day, but alas it seemed like that wasn't in the cards for him today, when Feza came bounding over. He was less annoyed at her than he was at himself for being caught in such a prone position, but his voice still came out slightly sharp as he rumbled, "It's fine. I'm fine. I just got dizzy for a minute. I don't need any help." It sounded as though he was trying to convince himself of that at the same time, his words slightly strained. He reluctantly removed his paws from atop his head, pressing them downwards so that he could stumble into an upright position again. Just sitting up made the world give another unwelcome lurch, and a gruff snort of displeasure left him because of it.

He was going to wave Feza off, trying to think of some kind of excuse for the dizziness that he could use to get the Hypsi off of his back, when another clanmate approached, this one even worse. Aurum hadn't really wanted Kaito to see him like this, much as he didn't want Roy to see him like this either. He felt weak, and like he wasn't exactly setting a stunning example for them – even if Kaito wasn't technically one who he should be setting an example for. Sighing softly, Aurum put one of his paws back up against his head, gently drumming his claws against the stabbing pain in his temples and trying not to scowl. Shaking his head firmly after a moment, the lion spoke calmly to Kaito, trying to make it seem like he wasn't swaying in his seated position, ready to collapse again even without steps underneath him, "I don't need any water, Kaito. I'm alright. I just... I have a little headache, and it made me a bit dizzy going down the stairs. No big deal." The angel really wished that it honestly could be no big deal, so that he wouldn't be squinting his one eye in pain against the mid morning sunlight.

Re: THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - ABATHUR . - 02-14-2020

The sensation of a fully grown animal falling down in a heap was hard to ignore, even when muffled by the soil and the earth absorbing the shockwaves. That was how Abathur was alerted to the position of one Aurum, someone who he never seemed to escape - not that he minded. The lion was typically pleasant company, even on bad days, and Abathur was never one to dislike people without reason.

It seemed headaches hit Aurum harder than most, though - his voice was sharp, if unwieldy. A hammer to a sword, frustration to cold anger. The spider still had a fairly good idea of what the lion would sound like truly enraged, though. He approached with calm demeanor, limbs still a bit slowed, body still a bit lower, the language of his form giving off the impression of one in a slump. Yet still he came, out of concern and curiosity in equal parts. "Is subject Aurum..." he started, stopping before he could ask the foolish "are you okay," because even a blind man could see that he wasn't. He could feel the slight wobble in his seating, the unintentional shift of pressure from one side to the other, the paws planted firmly to ground him, keep him more stable, even if it didn't work. So, instead of asking if he was okay, Abathur simply grumbled, tapping the ground once, and moving forward to stand in front of Aurum.

"Little headache? Interesting. Is there another reason for subject's fall?" He asked, the question loaded, a trap waiting to be sprung, a web waiting for an unsuspecting insect. Truthfully, even despite his suspicion that Aurum was lying about the severity of his headache, the spider was still curious about if Aurum had any other symptoms that might indicate an underlying problem - still, he was proud of the artistry in his question, and stood by it, awaiting a response from the proxy.

tags - "speech"

Re: THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - suvi. - 02-16-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
A loud cry of 'fuck' easily snatched the petite vixen's attention.  Ears sharply perking then flattening in concern, unmatched hues darting for the source.  Aurum.

As soft white paws brought her forward, Kiira caught worrying words traded.  No water? But he had a headache.  A bad one obviously, if he was losing balance.  Her brows creased.  Chest tight.

"Wat... Water might really help you... Aurum..." A soft protest, albeit tinged with the self-assurance of her experience.  Dehydration could actually cause headaches.  She knew that better than some unfortunately... Her paws shifted beneath her.

"I could get you... Get you some feverfew.  But I would... I would suggest drinking something."

[ Mobile ]

Re: THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - selby roux ! - 02-16-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It was not an unknown fact that Aurum worked exceptionally hard for the sake of Tanglewood. In fact, it was widely accepted as gospel. The sawbone often found himself worrying for the proxy, but quickly shoved those doubts away. It was not his place to butt in, and he seemed to be in good health anyway.

Until now, that is.

Selby wandered over at the sight of a commotion, people swarming around the familiar lion. He shoved himself confidently to the front of the crowd, giving Aurum a quick once over. He seems tense.

“Alright, everyone, I understand that we’re worried, but we need to give him some space,” he says quietly but firmly. “As Kiira said, water should help. But you really should rest. Little headaches don’t make you fall down the stairs.”

He sighs gently, thinking of the headaches that used to plague his stress-filled first days as sawbone. Kiira’d still been in the Pitt then, and Moth in training. It’d been awful. So, he could relate to Aurum’s plight. The difference here being that the lion had more room for delegation.

Re: THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - wormwood. - 02-17-2020

Shit. Aurum knew that he had little room to complain about the fact that he had friends and family that cared about him, but he had really been hoping he could just get through this incident quickly, without stirring up a bunch of panic. However, three of the more medically qualified members of Tanglewood were now on the scene, and the proxy knew he wouldn't be able to hide his condition from them – or at least, not from Abathur. He blinked in the large arachnid's direction for a moment before sighing, saying as he rolled his shoulders, "Alright, maybe... maybe it's not such a little headache, but it's hardly anything to get worked up over. It's just made me a little dizzy, and that's why I fell." He brought one of his large paws back up to his head to steady him before he looked towards Kiira, offering her a smile of reassurance. He knew her to be shaky all on her own, and that wasn't even adding in her faint fear of his anger or her worry for his health. He shifted a bit before he spoke again, "I suppose some water would be alright... not like hydrating is going to kill me." The last to arrive was none other than Selby, the sawbone being one who Aurum very much respected, and as time went on, had come to care for. After all, the other was practically his brother in law now, even if he and Moth were having kits, and not getting married. So, he felt inclined to listen to the other. He sighed heavily before he glanced back at his home, frowning, "I guess I could go back in and get some more rest... I was just really hoping to get some things done today. Damn headaches..." He knew what the term migraine meant, but it still seemed totally out of the range of possibility for him to have one. After all, people with migraines sometimes could hardly move, and couldn't deal with bright lights at all. The sun upon his face might've been stinging, but he wasn't that bad... right?

Re: THIS HURTS EVEN MORE ☆ migraine - fulzanin - 02-18-2020

A headache. Headaches could be pretty terrible, Feza could note. She hadn't had many before. All the noise that she made almost made her immune to getting headaches from noise, and strenuous activities like those that Aurum did were not something that the guardsman partook in commonly. At most a sparring session that was hosted by another group member would be attended by the festive female, but otherwise? Small working of paws and claws for niche activities were not those that usually would warrant a headache. Her long antennae curled in confusion. First Aurum was saying he didn't need water, and now everyone else was saying that he did? Such conflicting information. Her beak clicked, center of weight causing her body to rock backwards for a moment. "Headaches can be pretty bad, yea. Especially if they make you fall. Falling doesn't- falling really doesn't cure any headache. Water might, or at, or at least it sounds like it will," the Hypsi chattered. "I'll go get some." She then offered.

Ice powers, water powers - really it was simple as booking it out of sight to use her ice elementals and return with a bucket filled with freshly melted ice for the proxy to drink. Her small body struggled with the bucket that she grasped with the handle in her beak and the sides clenched by inward facing hands. Helpful! How great. The Hypsi was mighty proud that she had totally gone and done that without giving away who she was. Perfect plans, perfect ideas. "Here you go! Very fresh, very cold water. Should help with the headaches or, or, or at least hydrate. Like you said," Feza then rambled after releasing the bucket from her hold, stumbling backwards from the weight suddenly being lifted.