Beasts of Beyond
the quality of soundcloud- chickens - Printable Version

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the quality of soundcloud- chickens - deimos - 02-10-2020

Sam had been rather.. complacent in her rather adjustments. Goldie was, as always, the stormcloud on her mind. Demigod of thunder, she thought it was only fitting. And normally, taking a walk was the only way to well, at the same time, build muscle and think about her second, almost first, favorite person. Her eyes drifted the ground for a moment, not even realizing where she was stepping, her brain just kind of up in the air, her paws dragging a little bit and her hooves settling down softly. Of course, she was naturally drawn to the junkyard, so of course, thats where she ended up, among the rust and the deep piles of bolts, sheet metal, and wood, her eyes shifting about at them.

It wasn't long before Sam realized she wasn't alone.

She held her breath, mismatched eyes shifting down to the right before exhaling gently.

A chick. She frowned, however, seeing the wet skin it held, the tiny peeps and how close it danced to her. A sharp inhale coated her throat, her paws reaching forward and instinctively scooping the chicken up. Her eyes scanned the area quickly. This couldn't have come from nowhere. Sam's eyes shifted back to the chick, who hadn't peeped yet. Something felt off, very wrong. Sam sat the chicken back down, assaulting it with her tongue, ignoring the gnarly taste it put off. Sam grumbled, lifting her head as it finally began to peep at her.

Sam sighed gently. She looked around quickly. Where did the chick come from anyways? She shook her head, moving to pick the chick up and head towards the entrance of the junkyard. It turned out she didn't need to, the chick wobbling after her. Sam's eyes followed it, before she turned to nudge it along.



Re: the quality of soundcloud- chickens - wormwood. - 02-11-2020

It had once been somewhat common knowledge that Red raised chickens in his spare time. It wasn't exactly the sort of thing that you would learn on your first day as a Tangler, and it was hardly the gossip of the town, but it was something that several of them had known, just out of common sense. After all, the large mutated gorilla could've seen around the chickens every so often, and it wasn't as if they'd survive great on their own with all the predators that could be about, so it only made sense that Red took care of them. Aurum had found it charming and sort of sweet, offering to help however he could despite his lack of solid knowledge when it came to chicks and chickens. It had been nice, like most things surrounding Red had been, at least to Aurum. However, it also meant one thing. The proxy now heavily associated the sight of chicks and chickens with memories of Red, and since the male was hardly around anymore, the sight of such creatures had a tendency to make Aurum a little choked up, even if he tried his damndest not to show it. After all, it was stupid. He and Red had been friends, yes, but he had been the one with his stupid feelings. He had gotten too attached. He shouldn't be all teary eyed just at the sight of chickens.

However, even though he acknowledged how ridiculous it was, that didn't really change the way that he felt. This was why, when the lion spotted Sam emerging from the entrance of the junkyard with a tiny chick in tow, it felt like someone had punched him in the gut, stealing the air right out of his lungs. He found himself just staring for a moment, his mind trying to catch up and calm him down at the same time. He closed his eyes briefly, willing down the sick feeling that ran through his body along with the lump in his throat. He was only half successful in doing so, but he still found himself up on his feet, moving over to Sam and croaking out, "Hey, Sam. You make a new friend?" He gestured to the chick with his head, his tone light and casual despite the smile plastered on his face, which was slightly strained and forced.

Re: the quality of soundcloud- chickens - beck. - 02-13-2020

    Rummaging through the junkyard was once a pastime of his, sifting through what earlier town inhabitants considered garbage and unearthing long lost trinkets to add to his expansive collection of stolen knick-knacks and swiped goods. It was just a little nice to have some semblance to his prior daily activities before his vacation to a hellish torture chamber in the middle of the desert, but nagging paranoia restlessly turned shadows in the corner of his eyesight into lurking fiends seeking to recapture him. A tremble of static ran along his spine at the thought. Beck never wanted to go back to those horrid caves as long as the earth still spun.

    There was nothing new to collect today. The same as every other trip before. With a hollow sigh, he skidded down a slope of debris, only stumbling for a couple of steps at the bottom before steadying himself. Voices carried from across the yard; apparently, today seemed to be perfect for scavenging to others. The little ghost slumped miserably. His social battery was already depleted for the day, maybe even the entire week. Rubbing exhaustion from his eyes with the back of a paw, he nearly disappeared from view just to avoid whoever else was there -- until he caught a familiar whiff of ash. Sam... Sam was here? His head tilted curiously, notched ear perked. She was here! And alive! A grin broke across his woeful features. Beck limped to her direction, following the smoke scent that damned both of their lungs.

    His grin swiftly fled at the sight of the everpresent lion reaching her first, yet his attention flitted to the clump of yellow in the doecat's wake. A chick, roaming an impressive distance from the farm and its henhouse. Dark eyes widened slightly before he looked to Sam, momentarily forgetting what he was doing before offering her a shy smile. She looked a dozen times better than how she did in the filth and chains of the caverns, complete with a donated eye, too. "Hi, Sam," the poltergeist said with a rasp, wanting to be closer yet standing his ground. He flopped back onto his haunches with a stifled wheeze, watching the little chick in amusement. "Does he have a name yet?" he wondered aloud, pausing before sheepishly tacking on, "Or she. Hard to tell." A bubble of laughter escaped his throat at this, as though he reverted back to his public comedy venture. But, truthfully, the boy merely sought after the subtle joy the others displayed, calling it forth so he could grasp it, maybe even pocket some of it for himself.

Re: the quality of soundcloud- chickens - deimos - 02-17-2020

Aurum again. Sam's eyes lifted towards him, trying to manage a bored expression, before flattening her ears. The chick had turned, chirping and picking at her face a little bit. She exhaled gently. She picked her head up from nudging the chick along, and it came to rest by her leg, wandering a bit here and there. "I.. I guess I did. Something.. like that." She seemed strained in her answer, grinding her teeth together.

However, her ears perked as she heard her name called. Her head turned, and with a wince and a recognized gaze, stared at Beck for a moment. Her chest tightened a bit. Some part of her wanted to scream for joy, but the other part of her was tight with anxiety. They hadn't talked since the Cave. She disappeared thereafter Leroy's death, anger and fear causing her to scatter. So, with that in mind, she gave a small sigh, and a tight, watery smile- sheepish guilt, happiness in her eyes but tears in the corner none the less.

"Hey, Beck." She said in response. Her eyes dropped to the chick. Her head shook for a moment. "Somethin.. Something Chris related. I'm not sure yet. I didn't want t' name it because.. y'know. Y' name it, y' get attatched." Her words were jumbled together. Too much emotion for her to think about.

