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Keshite hodoke wa shinai sa // p, suiteheart - Printable Version

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Keshite hodoke wa shinai sa // p, suiteheart - Roy Mustang - 05-05-2018

Without a doubt, Roy wasn't very happy. It has been a few rough hours for the male, without a doubt. It started back with his flashback- the horrible realization he went through, and then having to explain himself to Maes not shortly after. He had no idea that Hughes had been following him into the field that morning, and if he did, he wouldn't have admitted what happened. He would have kept it hidden from Maes as long as he could, to prevent his friend from going into shock and despair. But it had been too late for that and he had been forced to explain what happened, so Maes wouldn't be left drawing scenarios in his head until he learned the truth. And then there was the meeting, oh gosh that had been a mess.

Roy should have kept his mouth shut like everyone else who had been disagreeing were doing. But Roy was unable to keep himself from doing it; he didn't want to sit back and look like he agreed with an obviously stupid plan. He felt like if he made his voice heard, something could be changed. Well, clearly Starrynight didn't change his plans, but perhaps his concerns(and Maes) could be remembered for future reference. He felt like it was better to try than say nothing at all, anyways. But Roy still wasn't happy with the outcome, Starrynight didn't even seem to like the idea of having someone else go with him. And then Bastillepaw decided to blow his head off at him, as if that kid even agreed with Starrynight! If there has been one thing Roy has noticed from past experiences, Bastillepaw actually agrees with him most of the time, despite the clear disliking of each other.

The male shook his head with an aggravated sigh as he trudged his way out of the observatory, ears pinning back to his skull. It was probably best if Roy got some fresh air, he has been stuck inside that observatory for far too long, he can also try to get these thoughts out of his mind. The melanistic bobcat found himself padding into the pebble coast, sitting down on the pebbles as he looked towards the shore as waves rolled in. The waves roared and roared, the Flame Alchemist unaware of the big set of paws following him.

Re: Keshite hodoke wa shinai sa // p, suiteheart - Suiteheart - 05-06-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Though Suiteheart knew she was right at the the meeting, she still wasn't above apologizing to Roy for possibly hurting his feelings. She had ripped into he and Maes (though most heavily the former) at the meeting, and at the time, she didn't give a shit. Then, she wanted those two idiots to realize how dumb their ideas were. Go on the attack? With a group of pacifist? What the hell kind of plan was that? Did they want to get everyone slaughtered?

But as she continued to think, she had to admit that some of their logic was sound. She also had to admit that they weren't idiots; Maes and Roy were smart. Each was trained in combat and even war, so each knew the consequences. The only part that she still had not made amends with was their blatant disrespect of Starrynight. Had they had such serious concerns, they should've sought out private counsel with the leader. Public ridicule of the one in power was not smart. And quite frankly, it was rude.

Even so, she did feel bad. She had been a bit of a bitch to the both of them. And seeing as how Roy was the first one she could find, she decided to follow him. She continued after the bobcat for some ways, thinking about what to say and how to say it. She knew she would more than likely have to bite her tongue, but she hoped it didn't come to that. And she sure as hell hoped she could keep her cool.

Finally, after Roy had settled down on the Pebble Coast, she joined him. Silent. After a few heartbeats of waves upon shore, she said, "I wanted to say sorry for earlier." Dark eyes shifted from the waves to the feline, wondering what he would say. "It's not that I hated the idea, I just didn't like how you went about it. And I get it. Sitting and waiting is hard - it's harder than risking life and limb on the battlefield. But politics is a waiting game. And as much as we don't like it, we've got to deal with it." She shook her head a bit. Waiting was the worst game of all. "But yeah... I'm sorry I blew up a lil' bit. It just pissed me off, I guess," Suite chuckled.

Re: Keshite hodoke wa shinai sa // p, suiteheart - Roy Mustang - 05-11-2018

While Roy was considerably upset with how the meeting turned out, and how Suiteheart snapped at him and Hughes, she shouldn't worry about his feelings being hurt. Roy wasn't one to be that easily offended- he was used to harsh comments due to his time in the military, and he knew that wasn't fun and games. Roy was sure he heard worse, considering what he had to do in the civil war with Ishval, it had been a disaster. A mass extermination of the Ishvalian people. Sometimes Roy wondered how he could wake up every morning with the thought of how many people he burned to death during that time. Roy wasn't perfect, but he has to keep on moving, live on- and at least try to make a difference. He can't let those actions define him, even if he was given the infamous title Hero of Ishval.

Roy's ears suddenly pricked up at voice, one he recognized to be Suiteheart. He thought back to her scolding him and Hughes during the meeting, not bothering to look at the polar bear just yet. "You're apologizing?" The bobcat said with a serious tone, as waves rolled into shore. He then looked over towards her, his calculating gaze landing onto the polar bear as she began to explain herself.

He listened closely, he payed attention to every word that came out of her mouth, making sure he did not miss anything. He stayed quiet for a few moments after she finished up, processing his thoughts. "I agree that I should have approached the situation differently, now that I think of it." He said after a few moments, a sigh escaping his lips. "But during the time it was the best optionary to oppose his idea. You can't expect everyone to agree and go along with his suggestion, people are open to speak up and speak their concerns about the situation." Roy said with a serious, authoritative tone, ears drawing back to his skull. "I probably shouldn't have been as harsh as I was, but it was all for good intention. Starrynight is leader, he should be able to handle criticism and concerns, despite how harsh it's displayed. I displayed the harsh nature to attempt to get my point across, I wasn't going to sugarcoat anything- the world isn't all happy and perfect as he wants it to be."

And then, he fell silent for a moment. "I still think it's a stupid, ridiculous idea for him to go out to Tanglewood by himself." He spoke up again, with a sigh escaping his lips. "I would be fine with him going there with some other people who have experience with fighting. Beck has proven twice that he and his group are a threat. We shouldn't send our leader, who's responsible for the safety of us, there by himself. He will be outnumbered, and if he provokes them in some way, even if it's not intentional, he might get himself killed or captured like Luna. It's not a risk we should take, who knows what might happen if Starrynight doesn't return from the negotiation."