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interest check for a potential litter? (HP) - Printable Version

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interest check for a potential litter? (HP) - toboggan - 02-10-2020

Hello, all! I'm here to talk about a potential litter belonging to Tanglewood's leader, and an ex-HP, and I'm trying to see if anyone would be interested in applying!


- The parents are [member=1538]Leroy Starkweather[/member] and [member=1933]Ophelia[/member] (no surname).
- The litter occured on January 2nd, 2019, well after Ophelia left Tanglewood (so everyone born then would be over a year old now, so no obligatory posting as a child!)
- Leroy is an Irish Wolfhound, and Ophelia was donning a German Shepherd at the time of her pregnancy; thus, the children's primary bodies will be Wolfhound-Shepherd mixes. The appearances of these dogs are very wolf-ish. The fur on their pelts are either short or longer, and their known colours are light brown, auburn, brown, dark brown, light gray, gray, dark gray, and near black.
- Inherited mutations and powers can be mutated wings, possession, and amorphous/shapeshifting.
- Since Ophelia had no known surname, the children will have the option of taking their father's (Starkweather) upon arriving in Tanglewood, staying without a last name, or making a last name of their own (with Starkweather as a suffix; ie. if their chosen surname was Jones, they would be John Starkweather-Jones).
- As they are over a year old, they are at the age to make decisions for themselves. As a result of this, they need only to stay in Tanglewood for one month to reconnect with their father, before they can choose where they wish to live.


For reasons unknown, Ophelia left the tribe of Tanglewood in October of 2018; unbeknownst to her, she was pregnant with Leroy's children. A few months later, whilst residing in uncharted territory, she gave birth on January 2nd, 2019. Ophelia brought up her kids well, raising them to act with respect and treat others fairly. However, Leroy's recklessness lingered, so in addition to the kind manner in which they were taught to act in, temptations to do foul deeds would arise every now and then.

Somewhere down the line, Ophelia became separated from her kids - either they had gotten split up by mistake, or it was an act of mischief that had led the children away from their mother. Afraid, they frantically recollected the tales their mom told of their father and the group he inhabited. They searched the surrounding area until finding evidence of civilisation, and eventually, discovered the whereabouts of Tanglewood.

If enough interest is garnered, then this will happen! I really hope this litter occurs, because this was plotted up two years ago lmao.

Re: interest check for a potential litter? (HP) - batter - 02-10-2020

coughs/weeps gently
please... spare chillren

Re: interest check for a potential litter? (HP) - Sunburned.Lily - 02-14-2020

dhgsf posted on the wrong acc
