Beasts of Beyond
MAY IT BE | patrol, weekly task - Printable Version

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MAY IT BE | patrol, weekly task - gael - 02-09-2020

Hard to deny the obvious -- Gael suspected an ulterior motive for the assigned task.  Not a malicious motive, but a secondary purpose nonetheless.  The vulpine simply did not care -- he observed all the Pittians with careful eyes already.  A task was a task, a simple job to conduct.

Gael decided to wait in the central marketplace.  The place remained a common gathering place for the Pitt, and summoning a patrol would be simpler there.  "Pittians! Gather for a border patrol."

// [member=10990]CAUSTIC.[/member]
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: MAY IT BE | patrol, weekly task - CAUSTIC. - 02-09-2020

This was painfully boring. Kydobi said to "scent the border," and Caustic hoped the jaguar didn't mean what he thought. Making an area with his urine was.... animalistic. The Wolf didn't mind, but Caustic did. The idea made him uncomfortable. Urinating was done in privacy, and the act of doing so in this body something he wasn't quite comfortable with yet. Maybe he could rub himself on a tree and call it good.
He came up to Gael, towering over her as gas leaked from his mouth in small streams. He stared at her with a serious, wordless gaze to express boredom. 

"I... do hope Kydobi doesn't actually want us to scent the border... I do not want to partcipate in such an act."

Re: MAY IT BE | patrol, weekly task - fulzanin - 02-09-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
Bugs didn't have borders. Ant colonies might carry pheromones with them in order to determine what to do, but they didn't actively go out and mark the edges of their territory. Then prey would know where they were, and then the territory would be deemed invalid. Equally so, cicadas did not hold territories. They lived too short a lifespan above the ground to do such a thing. In the dirt, during their seventeen year long development period, doing such a thing would probably equal a death sentence. It was not a valid tactic. Still, the shout and the demand for attention warranted his approaching. Happy chattering noises sounded from Astiar as his body lumbered over, accompanied by the ever noisy greeting of his wings meeting the ears of those he approached. "GREETING SMALL NO FOOD HIVE," Astiar shrieked, more chittering and chattering sounding from him. Was he exactly sure what the congregation was about? Not in the slightest. He was more than pleased to partake nonetheless.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: MAY IT BE | patrol, weekly task - aine. - 02-17-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Her father sure conducted a lot of border patrols in his time.  Oh well.  The petite vixen came bounding over shortly after Astiar.  She quickly moved, practically teleporting to her father's side where she stared up at him with a smile.  "Can I come da?"

Honestly? Aine found borders... Restricting.  A boundary to exploration which was a horrible notion to the curious fox.  Of course... There was a sense of safety brought by a defined border.  A warning that if someone bad came too close to her while within those invisible lines, help wouldn't be far from her side.  Perhaps borders were simply complicated where Aine was concerned.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: MAY IT BE | patrol, weekly task - gael - 02-18-2020

The faerie feels his eyes blink, a slow thoughtful consideration as his head tilted upwards.  Regarding Caustic almost absently, Gael ran over the instructions in his mind.

His shoulders rolled back.  "Given proper diligence, consistent patrols should simply be enough without such."

In his homeland, patrols were conducted on a daily basis.  With the threat of their neighbors' war overflowing into their home, the military maintained the lines with strict order.  No scenting required, in the sense the wolf referred to.

A sign nearly escaped his jaws, ears flicking backwards as Astiar 'spoke' -- teeth gritting in irritation.  His mental shields proved stable but he remained displeased with the disturbance.  "Astiar -- would you like to accompany us?" Regardless of comprehension, Gael half-suspected the dragon to follow out of curiosity or sheer pack mentality.

A small figure unsurprisingly latched itself onto his side.  The only barer of any affection the vulpine had to offer.  "'Course, Lottie.  But do stay close to me."

Tensions continued to feel high and while he allowed the child to accompany him in the past, Gael felt the caution necessary.

"Others may catch up, if they feel inclined," he decided.  Four marked a sizable patrol, as far as the Pitt's numbers were concerned -- the faerie felt no need to continue awaiting the arrival of more.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby