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Pokémon for sale~! shinies, ivs, foreign + more! - Printable Version

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Pokémon for sale~! shinies, ivs, foreign + more! - Sunburned Lily - 02-09-2020


[Image: 572-Minccino-M.gif]
A rather plush looking pokémon greets you at the door, a metallic jingling filling the air as you enter. It's a cozy shop. Rustic & historic yet chic; well tidied. Bookshelves flush with potted flowers line the walls to fill the air with a delicately savory scent.

"Hello! What are you looking for today?" A sweet looking breeder waves to you from behind a wooden counter. She smiles bashfully, pink pigtails bobbing with an encouraging nod of her head. From somewhere outside you hear a deino bark in excitement. "I have a few pokémon available. Or, if you'd like, I can breed you somethin'."


Hello! This is my first time doing something like this.. ghdfjf sorry if it isnt the prettiest.

This is a fully name-your-price shindig! I take gems only cuz i smell

You can DM me via Discord/BoB or make a post below requesting a bred pokemon! I do egg moves, ivs, & shinies! If I dont have the 'mon you'll have to trade it to me or wait for me to catch/trade one

due to health issues i may not be the fastest with your requests

Re: Pokémon for sale~! shinies, ivs, foreign + more! - Sunburned Lily - 02-09-2020

【From across the seas】

She introduces herself as Honey.
Honey leads you to the back, through a rear door, & into a fenced pen lush with grass & berry trees.
"These lil' cuties I got from trades!" The breeder waves to the frolicking monsters. "If you breed them to 'mons from our region, you might be able to make something really special.."

Deino - lv 1 - Chinese
Mimikyu - lv 1 - Japanese
Ralts - lv 1 - Chinese
Galarian Farfetch'd - lv 1 - Japanese
Large Gourgeist - lv 31 - Korean
Rookidee - lv 1 - Japanese
Sigilyph - 39 - Japanese
Galarian Zigzagoon - lv 1 - Japanese
Skwovet - lv 3 - Japanese
Pancham - lv 8 - Japanese
Searbunny - lv 1 - Japanese
Galarian Meowth - lv 16 - Japanese
Milcery - lv 17 - Japanese
Excadrill - lv 62 - Chinese
Abomasnow - lv 60 - Japanese
Larvitar - lv 1 - Japanese
Honedge - lv 1 - Japanese
Kingler - lv 1 - Japanese
Pawniard - lv 1 - Japanese
Grookey - lv 1 - Japanese
Eevee - lv 1 - Chinese
Electrike - lv 63 - German
Corphish - lv 28 - Japanese
Spritzee - lv 21 - Japanese
East Sea Shellos - lv 1 - Japanese
Nickit - lv 9 - Japanese
Galarian Mr. Mime - lv 46 - Japanese
Swinub - lv 60 - Chinese
Eevee - lv 1 - Japanese
Charmander - lv 1 - French
Tyrogue - lv 60 - Chinese
Eevee - lv 1 - Japanese
Milcery - lv 1 - Japanese
Gardevoir - lv 61 - Japanese
Deino - lv 1 - Japanese
Sigiliyph - lv 28 - Japanese
Litwick - lv 1 - Japanese

Re: Pokémon for sale~! shinies, ivs, foreign + more! - Sunburned Lily - 02-09-2020

【Shiny waiting list】

"Or if ya like, I can breed one of these special 'mons for ya! It may take a bit.. they're pretty rare."

My girlfriend - Wooloo
My boyfriend - TBA

tikki - Passimian
Reggan - Dreepy

Re: Pokémon for sale~! shinies, ivs, foreign + more! - Sunburned Lily - 02-09-2020

【Egg moves & iv waiting list】

"I do more standard breeding too!"

Re: Pokémon for sale~! shinies, ivs, foreign + more! - Sunburned Lily - 02-09-2020

placeholder post

Re: Pokémon for sale~! shinies, ivs, foreign + more! - Sunburned Lily - 02-09-2020

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