Beasts of Beyond
we don't deal with outsiders very well - joiner - Printable Version

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we don't deal with outsiders very well - joiner - charactercemetary. - 02-09-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]I TRIED TO WARN YOU, JUST TO STAY AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
The mafioso hadn't expected to wake up in some place disgusting... like this. Where were the buildings he was used to? Where were those alleyways, littered with dust, and where were the weapons to be smuggled?

He gets up, huffing as he struggles on four paws- wait, paws? What the hell? Chuuya gets up, an angry noise leaping from his throat. He looked around him, trying to find anything out. Was this a gift of someone? An Ability?
Then Dazai could fix it! The coyote lets out a bark, "Hey! Dazai!" The orange-tinted coyote stomps around angrily, waiting for the man he hated to respond.

How the hell did he end up here? One minute he was using Corruption after someone killed some of his people, and now he was stuck here. What a drag. He grumbles as he keeps moving forward through the swamp, moisture clinging to his fur. He snapped twigs underneath his paws and noted that there were likely creatures here. With a sigh, he leapt forward, hopping on crocodile's heads as he saw a decrepit city. Maybe Dazai was staying there. He'd have to persuade the son of a bitch to let things return to normal. He hops back onto solid ground, making sure his hat stayed on as he continued walking.

Re: we don't deal with outsiders very well - joiner - Vathmos - 02-09-2020

Vathmos was on her way back to the camp when she heard the voice call out. A raccoon hung from her jaws, and the hyena gave a small rumble. She didn't know that voice. She'd have to go check it out.
The hyena made herself visible from the underbrush, her front covered in the raccoon's blood and mud matting the rest of her body. She placed the prey down. "Are you lost?"


Re: we don't deal with outsiders very well - joiner - wormwood. - 02-09-2020

This wouldn't be the first time someone had arrived on their border, vaguely pissed off and calling out the name of someone that very few, if anyone, knew. In fact, Aurum had his doubts that it would be the last, either. Things were just so strange around here that it seemed as though people got separated from each other very often, sometimes even separated by entire worlds – supposedly. However, the lion didn't really concern himself with who Chuuya was calling for, and rather focused on who Chuuya was, and why he was so far over their border. The proxy had been in town, relaxing for what felt like the first time in weeks. He'd been enjoying his lunch, chowing down on a large rabbit that someone had caught, when he caught sight of the unfamiliar male, and wrinkled his nose at the lack of the familiar Tanglewood scent. Vathmos had already moved over, and he felt the need to follow her, just to make sure she wasn't threatening to eat him or anything. Sighing heavily, the lion had shoved himself up to his paws before moving over, licking blood from his jaws and shifting his wings a bit, "Hey kid. Could you tell us your name, too? You're really far over the Tanglewood boundary line, and we don't appreciate trespassers." His voice was slightly dull, lacking the usual threat that came implied with that statement, but he still sounded pretty firm, and authoritative.

Re: we don't deal with outsiders very well - joiner - beck. - 02-09-2020

    A distant call, carried by an accusing and unfamiliar voice, interrupted his tireless search for a missing fly trap. Beck reared his head, huffing in annoyance. An assumed newcomer, as always. While he hasn't seen one in around six months, the battered founder still remembered the tedious work of greeting every new gullible face. Asking name and business became the generic welcome to all; the chore became utterly boring to him after a year of routine.

    But he still found himself lured by curiosity. Muddy, aching paws limped to the source, wading through the muck until he halted in a bushel of broken cattails. The poltergeist shook grime from his fur like a wet dog before setting his blurred focus on the stranger. He remained silent as the other two did the dirty work, specifically the important information gathering he listened to with a slight scoff and eye roll. When their chatter lulled, he opened his scarred mouth, more interested in one odd detail that the savannah friends skimmed over. "Who's Daisy?"

Re: we don't deal with outsiders very well - joiner - Felibri - 02-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]“Not to alarm you, but you’ve got something on your head.” Virgil pointed out in a matter-of-fact voice. Personally, she found some of the extra appendages some of the Tanglers had to be useless. She had never seen Aurum fly. What was the point of wings if one wouldn’t fly? But this coyote’s scrap of skin on his head was even more-so useless. It wasn’t even natural, like the wings.

The painted wolf had been lounging about after returning from a hunting patrol, but as soon as she caught the scent of a newcomer, she was trotting over with a raised tail. She couldn’t smell any “history” on him. It was like he had literally just spawned into the world just minutes ago.

Re: we don't deal with outsiders very well - joiner - charactercemetary. - 02-09-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]I TRIED TO WARN YOU, JUST TO STAY AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Where the hell was that dimwit? Teeth clench angrily as he couldn't find that fucker. He swore, if Dazai was doing this on purpose, he'd get some punches. The deft coyote snarled to himself before hearing a call. His blue gaze snaps upward, and his eyes narrow at the sight. Another animal? And a hyena? Was this an Ability or some sort of curse, like Q's? He frowns, shoving his way past her. "I suppose you could say that," the coyote tells Vathmos, a perpetual pissed-offness lacing his voice.

Chuuya stops near the poltergeist. Ugh. Another one. How many people lived in this place? He got that he had to interact with others, but this dude just seemed out of it. Like he didn't want to do shit. And Daisy? Did he seriously fuck up a name as simple as Dazai? An annoyed expression etches itself on the vessel's features. "Not Daisy. Da-zai. Dazai. Dazai. A dimwit I need the help of."

He stops upon seeing Aurum, the tawny lion in all his glory. He scoffed. Name? Did this guy really not know who he was? He flicks his hat upward briefly, and stops when he calls him kid. "Jeez! I am not a kid, even if I'm not done growing!" He snaps, moving forward, and then stopping. He turns backwards, facing the proxy. "And I'm Nakahara. Nakahara Chuuya. Executive of the Port Mafia." He offers the lion a smirk. "As for why I'm here in this God-forsaken place you call 'Tanglewood,' I'm looking for a guy. Look, he's a real piece of shit but he knows his worth and his usefulness. And he can get me out of being whatever-the-fuck I am right now. His name is Dazai. Dazai Osamu." Seriously, who would choose to live here? It was humid. It was sticky. It had fucking gators. It did not appear to be hospitable, at all.

Another person in his damn way? Would they just quit showing up? He rolls his eyes, sneering and stepping away as she sniffed her. How emotionless. And who the hell didn't know what a hat was? His tail lashed and his fur raised up. "It is called a hat. And I can take it off." He replies, putting it on and off to show the painted dog what he was talking about. "It was a gift from the Boss."

Re: we don't deal with outsiders very well - joiner - wormwood. - 02-09-2020

Well, this kid seemed like he was going to be an absolute joy to deal with. Yes, technically Chuuya had denied vehemently that he was any sort of kid, despite not being fully grown, and he was certainly swearing more like a sailor than a child, but Aurum still couldn't help the way his mind screamed kid when he looked down at the other. The flamboyant way the other introduced himself, especially when in combination with the confident smirk upon Chuuya's face, was enough to remind Aurum of Kaito, something that made his body tense up slowly. They really didn't need another thief in the group, even if Kaito wasn't a malicious one. Chuuya's words didn't exactly put the proxy at ease, either. The other had indeed answered his question of a name and why he was here, but the mention of the mafia made Aurum's lips tug down slightly, a bit of a worried look on the lion's face. He didn't have any personal experiences with the mafia, but from what he remembered from his stories and reading, they were never great news.

Trying to brush that off – along with the fact that Chuuya had called their beloved home God-forsaken – Aurum glanced at those around him before speaking,  "Alright then, Nakahara... I'm afraid we don't know anybody by the name of Dazai around here, so I doubt you'll find anything you're looking for here. I'm not sure what the hell the Port Mafia is, but provided you're nonviolent, you could stay here for the night. You look a little out of it, and you probably don't wanna go out into the wilds on your own if you're not in top shape." Perhaps if the other stayed for a night and enjoyed himself, he would decide to stick around. Although, Aurum honestly didn't care much either way, since Chuuya seemed quite preoccupied with finding Dazai. He wasn't sure what the others in the group would think of his suggestion, but it seemed like the most rational way forward to him. After all, it was either that Nakahara agreed to play nice and get some rest, or get run off of Tanglewood entirely when he found his friend wasn't here. Deciding to outline all the options for him, Aurum followed up after a moment, "You could also choose to stay here, and join us. If you do, you might be able to find your friend... er, the dimwit, even if they're not here. And you'd always have a home to return to."