Beasts of Beyond
save my soul for me, cause i'm alone you see | p - Printable Version

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save my soul for me, cause i'm alone you see | p - BASTILLEPAW - 05-05-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille wasn't sure if he was angry or thankful for the sudden emergence of elementals. On the one hand, the headaches, excess energy, and insomnia that had been plaguing him for weeks had simply vanished with the storm after he managed to rein his powers in that first day. He was living a blissful life style without it, not even realizing just how much pain he'd adjusted to living with until it was gone. On the other hand, however, his powers weren't exactly what you would call under control. They consistently were out of fucking whack, and it was frustrating to lack control in this way. At random times, a storm might start, or he might set something on fire, and then he couldn't even make it stop. It was infuriating.

Which was why he was patrolling the furthest portion of their border that afternoon. He just wanted to stay away from camp for awhile, and from the inevitability of accidentally setting something valuable on fire. Even as he walked along their scent markers, the ground beneath his paws was splintering just slightly, the finest of cracks branching out. Bastille ignored it, instead following this steady draw on his soul as if someone was waiting for him, somewhere. Usually whenever he got those weird inclinations, he discovered a customer; he wasn't sure what it was, exactly, that drew him to them -- perhaps it was their auras, sucking him in, or perhaps Grimm just had a sixth sense of stories to claim. He had never tried to question it to much, and instead just answered the pull when it came.

This time, it was leading him towards Typhoon territory, but Bastille didn't let that slow him down. It wasn't like he had even left their own lands yet; he was just starting to turn in that direction, interestingly enough, but perhaps he was wrong.


Re: save my soul for me, cause i'm alone you see | p - lilyspoise - 05-06-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
It was official, no avoiding it anymore: distracting herself wasn't working. At least, at this moment. But this moment was enough -- more than enough, it was annoying and she couldn't stand it. Every moment of free time was just consumed by them. Thoughts of Margaery and Suiteheart plagued her-- plagued her like a sickness she just could not manage to cure. No matter what she did she no longer could divert her attention from it, and it consumed her with every emotion the world. Growing fed up with it, unable to focus yet again as she tried to update her journals, she got up and left; walking to wherever her paws would carry her.
The world was cruel, because she found herself on the border of the Ascendants.

Lil sighed -- in actuality she huffed, because she was pretty angry with herself and the world right now -- before she scanned the area around her. The very least she could do was make a mental note of what herbs were in this region. She hadn't actually ever been to the border, the last time she came to the Ascendants she had rode on Lucifer's back, so she was sure there would be something to note here.

Tilting her head up and closing her eyes, she sniffed the air. The smell of the Ascendants was strong, but she couldn't tell if that was simply because of the border or because of an approaching -- oh, yep. Someone was here.
"Greetings. Do you require anything today, or are you simply traveling to the border and back like myself?" Lil asked softly, trying to maintain a level head despite her increasing anger. No matter how terrible she felt, there was no good excuse to take it out on someone who wasn't even involved in the first place.

Re: save my soul for me, cause i'm alone you see | p - BASTILLEPAW - 05-08-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille's gaze swept over the girl as she came into view, and he recognized her immediately. He had not actually met her at their little event, but he'd identified an interesting aura from afar well enough, and sure enough -- here she was once more. It was almost entertaining, the strange decrees of fate, and Bast found the faintest of smiles slipping upwards as he regarded her with an intent stare. Who was this girl with all those souls, and what misery was she carrying with her? What was it about her that called Grimm to her?

"I was just following a hunch," he drawled lowly, studying her aura a little more closely at this distance. He could see the markings of her frustrations, the anger and a deep-seated pain imbedded there; he could practically sense a tension waiting to spill forth, and with ease Bastille found himself stepping into the role of listener. The host of Wilhelm Grimm was practically designed for it, no matter who they were, and Bast had always shouldered the burden exceptionally well.

"I'm Bastille," he supplied as he sat down, clearly lacking any intention of going anywhere now that he had found her. He cocked his head to the side slightly, and questioned idly, "Do you want to talk about it?" He gave no indication of what he was talking about, or how he knew she was struggling; that wasn't his role. Those who summoned Grimm were usually on the brink of giving up, desperate for someone to talk to, desperate for a solution -- whether that was simply venting or giving up their memories. Bastille was a jack of all trades; he was no-one when it came to these situations, shrugging off everything that defined him and molding himself to be what they wanted. If they wanted to talk, they would -- with or without explanations, usually; sometimes he didn't even have to say anything, for that had heard about his business and come to seek him out on their own.

Re: save my soul for me, cause i'm alone you see | p - lilyspoise - 05-10-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
"Am I that obvious?" Lil asked, not genuinely concerned whether or not she had come off as troubled. She had a lot more that she was dealing with to worry herself over the opinions of others-- plus, it wasn't like he was an enemy or anything. She knew the dangers of keeping everything bottled up, and had never particularly had the experience of doing so, but since she lost her twin-souls and her mothers up and abandoned her, she wasn't provided with the luxury any longer. "I might sound as if I've lost my mind, but truly I think that's what it has come to." She sighed, figuring that this could go one of two ways. Either Bastille would think she was nuts and bail, or he'd actually attempt to help her in some form. Neither particularly hurt her, and one had the option help her, so it was worth the shot.

"I used to have twin-souls, if you're familiar with the phenomenon." Lil began, knowing that her strange breed of spiritual essence wasn't exactly one of the most commonplace of traits. "They were like family to me, and I've lost them. I don't know how or why, but they simply disappeared. However, this isn't why it hurts. They were the only things I had left after my two adoptive mothers abandoned me in the night. They had learned of the horrible deeds of my birth mother -- a story too long to tell, but following the general route paved by any parent who used their children like pawns -- and continued to love me. They knew of my twin souls, and continued to love me. I thought they would continue even once we were reunited post a separation of a few months. However, I suppose that wasn't the case."

"Although that hurt, I could deal. I have dealt with emotional pain before, and I am a medic. I'm well equipped with coping mechanisms, but I've been practically haunted by visions of them. I can no longer stand it, and this is not an ailment I can cure. No herbs can soothe this, and my powers have left me -- not that I particularly had anything that would've helped previously, but the notion stays the same." Lil sighed, feeling somewhat guilty that her tone made her sound expectant for Bastille to have a solution. "I appreciate you listening, but I doubt there is a cure for this, so don't fret about it." She knew there was a cure, but if the other did not possess such a power, then she did not want to make him feel bad for a trait that he could not change. She was not in the business of spreading pain to others should she be able to help the matter.