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promise me - joining - Printable Version

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promise me - joining - arcy - 02-07-2020

Izuku is a coward.
By nature or by experience, he wouldn't be able to tell you. Except that -- maybe he could, if only because when there was something real, something beyond bullying and Kacchan's sneering face, he'd jumped into the fray without a second thought.
But does it really matter? In the face of months of -- making himself small, and crying, and crying, and crying. And -- and he ran. Of course he did. He tried, he did, and everyone else did too, and it's not a big deal, they're all just a little lost, but -- it feels like a personal failing, somehow. The idea that he failed his mentor because he chose you and this is how you repay him --
Izuku is a coward.
Izuku worries a lot.
Logically, one would point out that Izuku is a child. He shouldn't have to worry about these things. He's growing, and yes maybe some things should start to become a concern around now, but he shouldn't need to be -- fighting, or risking his life, all just because his idol looked at him and smiled and told him he could do it. Even he would probably disagree with Izuku's -- mindset.
Izuku is a worrier by nature, and he's -- more alone than he's ever been. He considers this something of an achievement. He had his mom, and he had his mentor for a little while, but beyond that, that's -- all. And now he's lost and they're gone and Izuku has ... no idea what to do. He doesn't know how to get home, and no matter how hard he flaps his little wings he just -- can't.
It'd make things a lot easier, he thinks.
It's just Izuku now. Just a limping, green-furred kitten. And he has no idea where to go, or what he'll find, and -- well, he's never left home before, has he? His mom brought him out sometimes, and they'd camp in the forest for a little while, but all the land he's ever known is somewhere else entirely.
Case in point, he's never been on a island before, nevermind that he technically lives on a very big one. It'd been the first thing that'd caught his attention, the large mass of land on the ocean. And -- Izuku didn't have anywhere to go. He didn't have any plans, or any ideas of -- how to find Aizawa or any of his classmates.
It's .. it's not like he really knew any of them, anyways. He's not even sure they'd have any better of an idea than he did.
So, Izuku just -- he waits. He's scared, and alone, but he's never been here before and he's curious.
Ultimately, it's curiosity that brings Izuku to the Typhoon. He bounds along the shore and wishes and wishes that his wings would just work, whydon'ttheyworkwhyishesouselesswhycan'theusetheONEthinghewasbornwith, until, finally, he stumbles upon .. metal.
It takes a moment for Izuku to realize it's a railroad. He hadn't ever seen one in real life, but Izuku liked to know things. He liked to read and research and -- he'd seen railroads in a book before, and it leads right towards the island.
It's almost too convenient. Izuku's eyes are wide, gaze flickering between the old metal and the distant island. Then, hesitantly, he slowly steps onto it. Question after question dances in his head, soft mumbling erupting from his mouth as he questions and theorizes and he beams. He's not thinking about it, and he's not worrying about it, and he's just excited as he ever is to have ideas and thoughts and theories.
His steps haven't been so light as they've been trotting over the railroad, steadfast ignoring the sharp stings and aches of burns untreated. He's been covered with them for near his whole life, and it's strange to consider that now that he's alone and he might never be found and he never might see Kacchan again, he might just -- never have them again.
(Kacchan had stopped hurting him as much after the Incident, but between the mock fight and the other children -- well.)
It's a long walk. Izuku is tired and sore as is, but he's determined if nothing else, he had endurance and training and he just wanted to have some measly goal to fill in the void. Anything at all.
He reaches the shore, passes through the gate. His paws are wet, aching, and the kitten's blue-green eyes are wide as he looks about.
He hadn't considered the possibility that people lived here. He'd smelled something on the tracks, but he hadn't worried about it, because he'd come so far and he wanted to see it, and .. well. sometimes Izuku just dismissed what the analysis side of his brain said. But there's .. there's signs, and a bell, and it doesn't look abandoned. A gentle sense of dread -- were they friendly? With Izuku's luck, probably not. He'd come so far, though ...
How long can he get away with exploring? Izuku was good at making himself small and unnoticable ... His ears twitch. A sense of niggling anxiety. He glances between the bell and the signs and the basket, and he's nervous.
Izuku's always nervous. For that matter, it's a .. little out of character for him to be doing ... whatever it is he's been doing. But, well. Well. That's what happened when you catapulted an anxious child from his old life and left him alone, huh?
He nervously scans the greenery. He doesn't ... he doesn't see anyone, nor does he smell anyone, but his senses are on overdrive now, paranoid as he ever is, and it works against him. It's hard to make things out.
He waits another moment, heart pounding, feeling exposed. Then, with another glance -- he scuttles towards the abandoned train. It doesn't take much to launch himself onto it, spreading his wings instinctively as he claws his way up the rusted metal.
The smell of rust is almost -- familiar. Almost comforting. Reminding him of the months of training, of the way he'd looked up at his mentor and they'd talk and -- Well.
It doesn't matter.
it really doesn't.
//revamped him 8 )
tldr there is just a Small Boy™ investigating the train

Re: promise me - joining - bubblegum - 02-08-2020

Re: promise me - joining - OCTANE. - 02-08-2020

Octane's life was centered around running. He had to live up to his namesake of the high-speed daredevil, but the change of dimensions came with the loss of adoring fans cheering his name. Running was Octane's life, but now there was no one to run for.
This body allowed him to go faster than he ever could before. He used to top out at 26kph with stim, but now he was reaching speeds of 120kph and he was living for it. Even now, he was running down the train tracks. (It was a mostly clear area with straight lines, and the ground provided better traction than sand.) This body had to be trained for endurance, he couldn't go fast for that long and it was annoying as shit.
Octane's relationship with authority was... complicated. His parents had been too busy with Silva Pharma to give him any attention, his trust fund bought him coaches to train under, but the relationship was purely professional. A transaction until he got into the Apex Games, and that was where Octane had been truly free.
Caustic had been authoritative to him, by nature. Telling him where to sit and lay, but Octane hated getting orders in the arena, to a point of petulance that got him killed more than once. His relationship with the scientist was purely transactional, too. Caustic had no tenderness to love, but he made promises of adrenaline highs and death, and kept them.
Octane's eyes settled on the pair on the train tracks, bringing himself to a stop and panting through his running mask. Octane nearly automatically took a seat, small chitters and chirping leaving his throat as he caught his breath.
"Hola, amigos. What brings you to the tracks?"

Re: promise me - joining - arcy - 02-08-2020

Everything fascinated Izuku in one way or another. He was naturally curious, and he knew how to get his answers, too. Granted, it showed itself in ways people found -- annoying. Mumbling, questions, whatever it was, it .. upset people sometimes. Railroads were a fascinating concept to someone who'd never really seen them before, not still on the ground.
It wasn't something he'd dare to question to anyone's faces, even once he got to know them. He'd go on and on once he started, and it was so mundane. It wasn't .. It wasn't anyone else's problem that Izuku had an endless thirst for meaningless knowledge.
It's not the point. Izuku hadn't expected to be -- to be stumbled upon so quickly. He'd been poking his nose into something or another, ears pricked. He hadn't noticed. He hadn't heard. She speaks up, and Izuku shrieks, panic clear in his face as he launches himself to full height, whirling around to face her. She was so big -- like his teachers were, but he didn't know her, and he wasn't supposed to be here anyways --
The kitten's panic only heightens when there's another person, a cheetah. A sort of -- ohgodhe'sgoingtodiehere feeling, even though they seem perfectly friendly. It's too easy for them to turn on him if he says the wrong thing.
"I -- I'm so sorry!" Izuku wails, voice high and loud. His bobbed tail waves frantically, and he tries to think of something to prompt them to give him even a little leeway. "I d-didn't realize anyone was here until I got here!" Nobody ever said Izuku put his admittedly very good observation skills to use. His paws tremble, panic biting and he can feel the echo of burning and -- oh. Not an echo, he really is burnt. "I-I, um, I didn't have anywhere else to go so I came to look, and I --" He breaks off. Stop talking why do you talk so much you'll just upset them like you always do -- The kitten whines, doing his best not to -- to break into tears or something. It's almost too much. It's an overreaction to be sure, but Izuku overreacts to everything. Not something Izuku appreciates, mind. It upsets people more often than not, and Izuku is awfully good at upsetting people even without being a ... a rambling crybaby.

Re: promise me - joining - OCTANE. - 02-09-2020

A laugh leaves Octane as the kitten screams, bouncing back and forth on his paws, moving in place. His metal legs scrap together and make a small click-clack noise each time they hit the iron of the train tracks. He always liked trains, and thought back to the sets he owned as a child. The train in World's Edge was always fun, some of the best loot around. Octane could remember dropping on the thing and fighting tooth and nail for some purple armor.
"Don't worry brother, you're fine here." His head bobbed back and forth, a little uncontrolled chitter leaving his throat.
The timidness was almost funny, and Octane recalled some the interactions with his younger fans. The shyness as they asked for his autograph. Octane would have smiled if his face was able to make the right movements, but his ears pricked forward and his tail went up. "Uh... are you okay?"

Re: promise me - joining - ROXANNE R. - 02-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne slowly made her way over upon hearing all the commotion, she wondered who was making so much noise, her curved ears swiveling forward at the sight of an oddly green furred kitten. Her mismatched eyes had a twinkle to them though, she would approach standing near her niece. A soft smile finding itself onto her maw as she would say with a gentle rumble "Hey, it's alright. Nobody's mad, ya needn't worry." Her tail tip twitched, the jaguar would take a seat with her smile not leaving her maw as she would add with a voice full of warmth "What's your name, sweetie?" She supposed that it was mainly her maternal instinct taking over though as of late it had been a bit more heavier and less subtle as it used to be, Roxanne couldn't help it. She was just so happy. Part of it confused her but she assumed it was only because life was finally looking up for her, she had her family here and that's all she needed. The jaguar would wrap her tail over her belly, she would take a moment two see that Octane was there too. Huh, she would've thought little Roan had been here or at least, he's usually a few steps ahead of her. She snorted at what Octane asked next, she hoped that they weren't intimidating the small kitten. Then again, he was faced with a tiger, cheetah, and a jaguar.  [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: promise me - joining - arcy - 02-09-2020

Izuku probably wouldn't have been surprised to have been compared to any fans Octane might have. Izuku was practically a fanboy before he was a person, and it probably showed. ... Admittedly, these were wildly different circumstances. Izuku had never been genuinely scared of his heroes.
Izuku seems to shrink further into himself hearing Octane's laughter. Laughter, Izuku found, was a very -- mixed sound, for him. Ultimatley, it didn't mean much of anything. His ears quiver, and while he doesn't seem particularly comforted by the cheetah's following reassurance, he doesn't seem as wild-eyed as he had been. He was still a small and somewhat sniffly bundle, but he doesn't seem as ready to bolt.
"..Okay," Izuku mumbles. Ultimately, it's Roxanne's words of comfort that seem to settle him most, glancing shakily between the small group. .. He hasn't had this many people's attentions focused on him .. ever, probably. Not in a good way, anyways.
"I'm, um. I'm fine," He squeaks, desperately trying not to break into another ramble. A more passive look of alarm had passed over his face at the way Octane had perked up, and, well -- if his response is a little too rehearsed, a little too instinctual, that's for someone else to deal with, as far as Izuku's concerned. He is fine, if they're -- if they're not gonna hurt him. The burns are inconsequential, as far as he's concerned. "U-Um -- Izuku. Midoriya." The kitten belatedly manages to get out somewhat choppily, turning his attention onto Roxanne. He's not -- he's not really. used. to there being -- so many people this big. Some of the teachers had been, but he'd never -- never had to face so many of them at the same time. It's. It's intimidating, but it's not .. it's not like it's a big deal if they're not. if they're not gonna, um, hurt him.
... He's still not entirely convinced on that front, but Izuku's willing to give them the benefit of doubt.

Re: promise me - joining - roan ; - 02-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Perhaps it would be a comfort to Izuku, to see someone who was around his age – a couple of months younger, but closer than anyone else here – and around his size, as well. Roan found himself attracted to the railroad tracks because of the many familiar voices he could hear coming from that particular section of the island, along with the one high pitched and startled voice that stood out from the rest, utterly new to him. The boy always felt himself become fascinated whenever he encountered something new, eager to find things out about it and let his curiosity run wild. He was sort of like Izuku in that way, if not for the difference in that Roan often got bored before long and moved onto the next subject of his rapidly moving mind, rather than settling in and learning everything about something. For the moment, however, Izuku was something new, and exciting, and the little draconic feline found himself tripping over his own feet in his effort to get over there, his tiny wings actually managing to live him partially off of the ground for the briefest of hovers before crashing down again.

Eventually Roan found his way to his Mother's side, his eyes bright and excited as he brushed against one of her front legs, eying Izuku. He was so brightly colored, although his palette sort of reminded Roan of his own, if only a few shades darker. It immediately made him like the other boy, and he raced another few steps forward, greeting Izuku enthusiastically, "Dia dhuit, Izuku! My name's Roan, and I live here with my Mama. That's my mama, Roxie, over there." He pointed back to his Mother, waving happily over at her with a paw before he turned back to Izuku. He could tell that the other was nervous, and he wanted to help, but his naturally excitable nature and curiosity made it so that he was half being reassuring, and half just being loud. Either way, he found himself continuing with a big grin, "This place is the Typhoon! You don't have to look so nervous. I promise we're all really nice around here. You wanna be friends?" Roan was awfully forward with his simple offer of straightforward friendship, but he saw no reason to drag it out. Izuku seemed like he needed a friend, and who better than Roan?

Re: promise me - joining - arcy - 02-14-2020

Comfort was a very surface level thing, with Izuku. Nothing was safe to his young, paranoid mind. He was the outcast, the outlier. The weird one that nobody liked. And, okay, maybe for the short while he'd been with his classmates they'd liked him, but that meant .. very, very little.
By all means, Roan's appearance shouldn't be comforting. But it feels more balancing, somehow. A child, a kitten, among all of ... whoever these people are. He must be independent, to be allowed away from wherever their home was. Izuku, hesitant as ever, slowly unwinds himself from his tense position. Izuku, after all, didn't mind loud. Sometimes he -- sometimes he flinched, or shrunk into himself if it was the bad sort of loud, but Izuku had trained with, um, his mentor, and he'd heard Mic talk.
Roan's loud wasn't a bad type of loud. It was almost comforting.
"U-Um. Okay. Nice to meet you," He murmurs, carefully avoiding Roan's gaze even as Izuku practically zeroes in on the other. It's almost easier to focus on Roan than the others. An outlier, something closer to familiar. He wasn't -- big, or intimidating.
Izuku's ears prick with something like alarm at Roan's simple offer of friendship -- it isn't something Izuku would recognize as strange, or straightforward. Izuku, after all, hasn't -- he hasn't had a friend before. Besides Kacchan, anyways, and even then --
For all Izuku knows, that's the way one usually befriends someone. He tips his head, gaze flickering between the presences dubiously, a half-frown pulling on his maw before he smiles something wobbly and unsteady. "Okay," He says again. Roan wasn't wrong, after all. Izuku did need a friend, although, admittedly, Izuku was still half-convinced he'd be herded back off the island fairly soon.
At least he could say he'd had a friend for at least a little while.
"What's -- what's the Typhoon like?" It's a simple question, asked with wide eyes but a strange sort of detatchment. It almost pains him to ask, because it's not his place and what's he thinking, but he .. he wants to know. His paws practically itch for one of his notebooks but Kacchan burnt the last one(number 13), and he thinks he's still shaking enough to make it difficult to write, anyways. They -- they lived here, right? On the island? Did they have any other ways of arriving here, besides the railroad? Did they function the same as home did? How many people lived here? Judging by how quickly people arrived, there must be quite a few, right?

Re: promise me - joining - OCTANE. - 02-16-2020

The kid's timidness was entertaining, in one way. In another way, Octane tried to treat this like one of his scared-out-of-their-minds fans, shakily holding up his action figure as they asked him to sign it. Octane's rehearsed autograph scribbled across his brain. "Non terrae plus ultra! - OCTANE" Sometimes, he personalized it with their name or a bit about "go beyond". His eyes glanced down at his tattoo, plastered along his right foreleg. "PLUS ULTRA".
Good times.

"Well, lotsa good people from what I have seen, good views of the ocean, nice long beaches for running. Paradise, honestly. Real nice place!"