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Pokemon interest check - Printable Version

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Pokemon interest check - Sunburned Lily - 02-06-2020

I've been on a recent pokemon kick, one that's lasted several months, & have just bought pokemon Sword  afew days ago. Ive played a few of the other games.. a mystery dungeon or two, a ranger game, black & x.

Anywho- i have a trainer character and her minccino that im interested in developing! Anyone have a shared interest? Pokemon & human characters alike welcomed Big Grin

Re: Pokemon interest check - GuardianAngel - 02-06-2020

I love pokemon! While I cant exactly recall having a trainer character, I'm sure that I have one somewhere! Not to mention the fact that I do infact have a team! Curtesy of pokemon X. :3

Re: Pokemon interest check - jasamine - 02-07-2020

man i love pokemon but its been so long since i have plaied and i can't play much bc of my parents. they don't like anime sooo they think all anime is bad, which pokemon isn't i don't understand them.. oof

Re: Pokemon interest check - Sunburned Lily - 02-08-2020

(02-07-2020, 02:42 AM)jasamine link Wrote: man i love pokemon but its been so long since i have plaied and i can't play much bc of my parents. they don't like anime sooo they think all anime is bad, which pokemon isn't i don't understand them.. oof

I'm so sorry about that D: Would you still like to participate if a roleplay got started? You can be someone with some type of amnesia to excuse your lack of lore knowledge ha ha, I dunno much about it either!

Re: Pokemon interest check - Sunburned Lily - 02-08-2020

(02-06-2020, 10:52 PM)GuardianAngel link Wrote: I love pokemon! While I cant exactly recall having a trainer character, I'm sure that I have one somewhere! Not to mention the fact that I do infact have a team! Curtesy of pokemon X. :3

Big Grin you can play as a pokemon if youd like! Anything goes, haha, I'm so glad you're interested. :3 What's your team? :o

Re: Pokemon interest check - Cakie ! - 02-09-2020

i am ALWAYS down for pokemon roleplay!!!
altho, i usually roleplay as a pokemon rather than a trainer,, can't remember the last time i played a trainer

Re: Pokemon interest check - Sunburned Lily - 02-09-2020

(02-09-2020, 03:39 PM)Cakie ! link Wrote:
i am ALWAYS down for pokemon roleplay!!!
altho, i usually roleplay as a pokemon rather than a trainer,, can't remember the last time i played a trainer

heCK yeah! AS i said playing as a pokemon is 10000% chill Big Grin

Re: Pokemon interest check - Sunburned Lily - 02-09-2020

My trainer character needs some work, but I'm down whenever! I suppose I should get to work on a plot n stuff.. I'll proabbly need help with that aha, so if anyone has any ideas please do throw them my way!

Re: Pokemon interest check - Sunburned.Lily - 02-11-2020

Okay! I got an idea, sorta, dunno abt the region or anything of the sort but.. here goes

The rp could begin with a character, or multiple, picking out their pokemon, as most rps tend to do. They could pick npc babs or player pokemon that are chill w being starters

as for the setting.. it can be something already established, or some sorta fucked up (possibly post) apocalyptic au could be fun lmao. Like.. the moon is shifted too close to the earth by a pokemon, and everything goes to hell with the tides and seasons, the earth being hurtled into the next ice age. A pokemon rabies virus could go around.. summn like that

or it can be cute and wholesome! Big Grin With a few rival players and their pokemon going through the gym challenge, somethin like that

Re: Pokemon interest check - Sunburned.Lily - 02-11-2020

if anyone has anything to add, please do tell! I'll give it until tomorrow this time before I go ahead and post a starter