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I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - Printable Version

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I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - Sterling - 02-03-2020

[span style="text-shadow:1.5px 1.5px #087F6A;"]Sterling[/span]
Trotting happily through the dust and dirt, a lone Lynx with his bucket could be found. Searching here and there for this and that, eventually wandering his way over towards the Crater. "What a rather large hole that is. I wonder what sort of giant dug it?" He asked the open air, humming some and shaking his fur out just a bit. His paws sank a bit into the dry dusty soil, leaving perfect little prints behind him as explored. Bucket dangling from his maw, today it contained a tattered baseball cap and a few coins he had found. He would stop every now and then, carefully looking around, tilting his head a bit in the direction of anything that may of caught his eye for the sake of getting a better look. Soon enough he stumbled across one of those toasty human bodies left over from the explosion or whatever actually created this crater.

Carefully setting the bucket down, Sterling padded close to the body; more or less bones and clothes. "Well now! Are you the caretaker?  Is it time for food?" He inquired, sitting down in the dirt directly next to the body, carefully reaching a paw out and touching it on the forehead. Much to Sterling's dismay, this action caused the skull to simply roll free. "Now that is just rude. I only asked you a simple question! That's no reason to go losing your head" The feline let out a huff of air through his nostrils, leaning down and giving what was left of the body a few sniffs. The scents didn't match up with what he knew, this smelled of dirt, the outside, nothing like the Caretakers he used to know. Probably why he went and lost his head over a simple question. Must of been quite rude of Sterling to simply assume. "Oh my, I do apologize, it seems I was mistaken. It's no wonder you got so upset with me" The Lynx frowned.

"Do take care, I hope you can find a way to piece yourself back together after my indescretion. Nitwit, he's going to hold a grudge for a long time, no special treats for you. It was a simple mistake! I said I was sorry..." Sterling's ears fell down against his head as he carefully stood up and looked over the body once more. His eyes darted here and there before settling on a breast pocket. It seemed to have something in it. Leaning forward he nosed at the pocket and nudged out a little locket, it was even a bit shinier than most things he usually found! What luck! "Do you mind if I barrow this?" He asked, tilting his head. After a moment of silence Sterling would nod, understanding that to be a yes. An open maw came down carefully around the locket and picked it up, bringing it back over to his bucket and dropping it in with a noisy 'klink!'

"All of the people here are so quiet.. maybe they are sleeping." He suggested to himself in a quiet somber tone, looking at the contents of his bucket for a moment. His head tilted some and once he had taken an accurate inventory within his head he opened up his maw and grabbed a hold of the handle, ready to move on to the next curiosity.

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - wormwood. - 02-04-2020

Aurum had a tendency to avoid the crater that lingered within Tanglewood's territory like the plague. While he personally hadn't had any really traumatic events go on in the middle of the deep pit, he knew well the tragedy that had been caused because of it, and knew that it was the source of the radiation that held Tanglewood in its iron grip. Not to mention the fact that it was where Piers was supposedly found, right after he had become all strangely robotic. Everything about the crater just seemed so oddly cursed that it practically let off an aura of don't come near me, or terrible things will happen. Aurum kept to this advice pretty strongly, since he already had his wings – which he honestly wasn't sure whether they were a mutation or a result of being an angel anymore, but he tended to err on the side of caution – and had no desire to be growing any more extra limbs. For the most part, it seemed as though everyone else within Tanglewood, and even those outside of Tanglewood, also tended to stay away from the crater, and give it a wide berth so that they wouldn't be subject to some terrible fate like the skeletons and bits of remains left inside – however little that was. Unfortunately, it seemed as though not everybody had the decent sense to stay away, and that was how Aurum ended up at the edge of the crater, looking downward at an unfamiliar lynx that didn't smell of Tanglewood, or anywhere else really. He had just been soaring overhead when he spotted the small shape of a distinctly living body down below, and a heavy sigh had rippled through him, knowing he would have to deal with it.

The proxy watched from a distance for several minutes, watching as the strange lynx ambled around before talking to the mostly charred and desecrated skeleton of what might've once been a human. His ramblings made little sense to the angel, and as the scene continued, Aurum got the distinct feeling that this guy wasn't quite right in the head. Sighing heavily, he watched as Sterling swiped something from the body, dropping it down into the bucket he had with him. The proxy didn't actually care that much about the locker in question, since it was just some old human nonsense, but he was still worried about the mentally unstable individual in the middle of the territory, acting as if he could go wherever he wanted. When the lynx gripped the handle of the bucket in his jaws, evidently ready to move on from where he was, Aurum finally decided to speak up, shaking out his fur before moving downward. Clearing out his throat, he rumbled firmly at Sterling, trying to seem intimidating but not utterly terrify the poor guy, "Hey! You, the lynx, can I speak to you?" He didn't really wait for an answer, just continuing in his questioning when he settled into a sitting position nearby, trying to ignore the prickle of his fur at the stuffy air around him, "What's your name, and why're you here? You're on Tanglewood territory, and it's very impolite to just show up and start taking things, you know." Aurum wasn't really sure he'd get a straight answer from this guy, considering the behavior he had exhibited in the past, but he could at least try.

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - Sterling - 02-04-2020

[span style="text-shadow:1.5px 1.5px #087F6A;"]Sterling[/span]
It would seem that Sterling didn't get a chance to trot along to his next destination, though he would in fact be going somewhere! 'Hey!' That firm shout at his direction was more than enough to set the easily startled Lynx off. If there had been a ceiling, he would of hit it with the air he got, springing directly upwards into the air. His bob tail spun around rapidly as if to maintain balance as he came tumbling back down, and tumble he did. Sterling would flail some, bucket following closely behind him as it left his maw, rolling down a little ways further into the crater before finally getting his bearings. All four paws were spread wide and his chest pressed down into the earth by the time he finally stopped, pupils the size of dinnerplates. He huffed and panted, the bucket tumbled the last few feet towards him and bopped him right in the nose, it's contents littered over the ten or so feet he had rolled.

It didn't take the adrenaline fueled Lynx long to realize that he had nowhere to hide either, seeing the very large lion.. WITH WINGS? WINGS? What on gods good earth was going on here? Why was everyone so strange? With no where to hide and likely nowhere to run, all Sterling had left was his voice. Surely he would need to talk his way out of this. But first and foremost.. Sneaking up on someone was very rude! Aurum had caused all of the trinkets he had worked so hard to find today to be scattered about. "N-now you listen here! You shouldn't sneak up on people! I nearly saw the end just now! Weren't you raised better?" His limbs were shaking a bit in fear, his voice lost most smoothness and cracked and stuttered here and there.

Sterling gathered himself, lifting his body upwards and giving his fur a few hard shakes. Dust and ash fell from the Lynx's thick coat, creating a small cloud that the wind quickly took away. The questions had, more or less, gone straight over Sterling's head as he ruffled his fur clean and moved to gather up his bucket. "All of that hard work gone, gonegonegonegonegone. It wasn't all that impressive anyways. Even you liked the shiny from the angry man! Yes bu-. Then it stands. I'm the best collector" This came out quite a few notches lower on the volume scale, but easily loud enough for the lion to hear. That bucket handle was scooped up into his maw and the bucket, carefully flipped upright before being placed on a mostly even looking pile of ash on the incline.

Once him and his bucket were settled, he accepted his fate and took a seat in the dry ash and dirt. His stance was pushed up tall, doing whatever he could to make himself look just that much bigger. His fur was even bristled out a bit; though this only served to make him look more like a pompom than anything. Very fierce. "Now then. What do you want of me? Do you enjoy going around and startling others?" The lynx said in an attempt to further scold the big winged male. His tufted ears were folded downwards against his head, despite making himself big, the body language still screamed, 'I'm scared'.

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - Blazic - 02-04-2020

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - wormwood. - 02-04-2020

This was hardly the first time that someone had been frightened of Aurum, much to his own chagrin. Despite being quite kindhearted on the inside – save for when he was dealing with Pittians – it was easy for newcomers to assume that he was a big and scary lion, intent on coming down upon them with his wings and tearing them limb from limb. To anyone who knew Aurum, it was laughable to even imagine such a thing, as was currently being demonstrated by Snarl, but apparently to this unfamiliar lynx, he was utterly horrifying. The proxy's ears flattened down against his head as Sterling began to ramble at him, not only seeming to be wound up by apparently being frightened, but also seemingly arguing with himself. None of it exactly screamed very mentally stable to him, but that wasn't what annoyed him the most about this particular little encounter. After all, it wasn't as if Tanglewood didn't have their fair share of weirdos who weren't quite all there at all times. No, what did annoy him, however, was the fact that Sterling had ignored every one of the questions that the larger male had supplied, instead just choosing to spew and sputter through his ridiculousness. Taking a deep breath inwards through his nose, Aurum found himself counting slowly downward before he responded, voice sounding tired, "Sorry to break it to you, but you really shouldn't be complaining when you're on someone else's territory. Not to mention the fact that I was hardly sneaking up on you." Sure, Aurum had flown down into the crater from above, but he had hardly made any sort of effort to silence his footsteps or his wing beats.

Looking up when Snarl spoke, the lion just offered a short nod to the other in greeting, figuring that perhaps having someone else around to wrangle the crazy would work well. Unfortunately for him, it seemed as though the hyena was intent on taking advantage of the situation in front of her, and only possibly making it worse. He grimaced when Snarl commented on him scaring all the newbies, but he wasn't given long to dwell on it, since the chaser was hurriedly moving on to the next part of this little dance of hers. Half of the proxy wanted to scold her for being mean spirited, but the other half of him just thought that perhaps this would actually get Sterling to answer questions. Deciding to let things just play out for now – it wasn't as if Snarl was attacking the poor guy, after all – Aurum turned his gaze back to Sterling. He said gruffly to the lynx, his wings folding down against his back and his tail twitching restlessly behind him, "Don't think I'd put it quite so... bluntly... but Snarl here is right. It's in your best interest to answer why you're here, and what your name is. Cause this is Tanglewood territory, and trespassers are not appreciated." Especially not trespassers that hadn't identified themselves yet, and could very well be from the Pitt for all they knew. Perhaps Sterling didn't smell of the Pitt, but it was hardly difficult these days to acquire another body, or just wash the scent off of your coat. If Sterling was really as out of his mind as Aurum suspected, he might even just offer that information up without a second thought.

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - THEM - 02-04-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]You were supposed to steer clear of the crater - it was one of the few things he hadn't been left to figure out on his own upon joining. Anyone who went in did not come out the same. He'd heard a few stories - how Leroy had fallen ill, bled and deteriorated until there was nothing left. How the bunkers were crammed with packets of iodide pills, thick rubber masks, suits to keep an invisible dust off of your skin. How, occasionally, Selby would be swamped with unnamed Tanglewood folk complaining of headaches that quickly devolved into shaky fevers and a slow, agonizing death. It was a disease they could not cure. There was a chance that it wasn't even a disease, some kind of parasite or bacteria. It was just a quality of the broken, beaten earth on which they stood - and it wanted nothing standing in its wake.

(He'd seen the symptoms once before. Stood beside her body and waited on her every need, day and night, until he was losing too much sleep and it became too much and he knew she'd never get better at this rate so he -

An empty white house where no one lives. He thinks, shame - this stranger didn't have long and he doesn't even know it. He makes himself forget the rest, at least for now.)

Kazuhira isn't sure how to avoid getting closer to the hole. It's a wide dent - a massive canyon carved into the earth that smells of nothing, not even of Tanglewood's mildewed rot, and holds no life except for the stranger wandering around within it. He isn't even sure if he should be this close to the outskirts, not when the few trees that managed to spring back up to repopulate were warped, leaves splayed in asymmetrical shapes and bark patterns knotted, crooked. Hell knew what would happen to him if he stuck around for long. He'd grow a third eye or something, an extra leg. (Molecular genetics wasn't exactly his forte.) The cheetah lingers, barely peering over the dusty edges where soil gave way to sand, fragments of outcropping glass where stone could not withstand the heat of a hundred suns. Like a sandy dune, bits of dirt give way under the lightest touch and crumble down the hills at his approach.

"You're gonna want to get out of the pit, first." Another body fallen ill was another patient to fill Selby's schedule - and he'd rather see the medic treating people who belonged to the clan already, not extraneous strangers that happened to wander too close for too long. It wasn't any better that Sterling was attracting more Tanglers into the fallout zone. "You don't want to be down there, buddy. It'd be a shame to see something bad happen to you so soon."

Not that he was going to elaborate. Snarl was playing her own game and he wouldn't hesitate to play along, too.

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - Sterling - 02-05-2020

[span style="text-shadow:1.5px 1.5px #087F6A;"]Sterling[/span]
Sterling was clueless, but not dense or stupid. He let out a huff at the mention of 'Territory'. Why was everyone in this giant cage so obsessed with their space like that. It's not like they don't share a finite space as it is. Why divide it up so? The notion seemed rather silly to Sterling. "Last time I checked we were all stuck here together. Though..I really haven't found the ends of it yet.." He said trailing off for a moment, his ears twitching just a bit above his head. That moment of deep thought quickly dropped him from his puffed up and fear filled stance. Having lived his entire life up until recently in captivity, being out in the open world was a very foreign concept to him. He was content with enclosures and even tolerated lynx sized cages. "Considering you FLEW down and shouted at me with my back turned, you shouldn't be surprised I was startled. Where did you even get those wings anyhow. You aren't a bird! Wait, do you lay eggs?" His head was tilted with that last question, before turning his attention to Snarl. Goodness so many showed up.

Sterling re-established some of that puffed up fur, the second voice and presence reminding him that he should probably be on edge right this moment. 'Aurum's big'n scary, yeah. Spooks all't newbies.' For a brief moment, Sterling had found an ally. Someone that realizes just how dastardly this sneaky spook of a Lion really was! He decompressed and pointed with his paw at Snarl and glared down Aurum"Ha! See! Even this..." He quickly looked snarl over, "dog thing of unknown origin agrees. Startling people isn't a healthy hobby. You should try music, or collecting things like me, Sterling! Nitwit, don't encourage the competition! But they could hel-. They will make it so there is less to find, what will you do when there is nothing left? But there is so much, I am sure there is enough!" The lynx prattled with himself for a moment before hearing the rather threatening tone come from the female. His gaze settled upon her once more, ears folding back against his head just a bit. 'Tell us where you come from' Boy was that a demand and a half, especially since Sterling himself wasn't all too sure. The folks in the place called Elysium asked him the same thing, to which he hardly had a proper answer then as well. He swallowed before speaking; "I am not entirely sure, if I am being quite truthful.. I remember my caretakers.. they seemed sad.. then I had new caretakers.. they were.." He trailed off, ears flattening firmly against his head as his mind rushed around, trying to make sense of the broken thoughts within. Information his subconscious refused to let him remember properly for the time being. "I just.. woke up here, in a small open cage. No caretakers in sight. When will they be coming back? The people here in this impressive hole aren't all that nice to me." He extended a paw out and gestured towards the human body who's head had rolled away. He turned his head back towards the lion, the slight somber look on his features immediately washed away as his mind filled back up with nonsense that was just waiting to be made a reality through his voice.

'It's in your best interest to answer why you're here, and what your name is.' Why in-fact was he here? Wasn't that a million dollar question. Sterling hardly knew himself the true reason for why he was here, in this strange enclosure of territories and weird creatures. He did know, however, that he was for sure finding tiny treasures. "Digging up shiny things. Pretty objects to look at and share. I'm not sure who I will share them with, but surely they could make someone happy. I dig them up and put them here in my bucket!" The last part came out as a proud proclamation. "One can fit a rather large multitude of treasures within a bucket!" During captivity, his caretakers rather enjoyed the fact that Sterling frequently found and brought them mundane objects, often praising him for such acts. It had turned into something he did on impulse now; the dopamine high from finding something that would surely earn him praise in some fashion or another was a pleasure next to no other! "And as for who I am, I have already said but I shall repeat it for you as to not be rude." He cleared his throat, paw held up daintily in front of his maw during the act. "I am the one and only Sterling, at your service!" Accompanying the introduction was a bit of an awkward bow forward, eyes glinting with a bit of mischief up at the Lion. And then came a third. Really now, he was attracting such an audience at this point. Had they really all come just to see the one and only Sterling in the flesh? How flattering!

'You're gonna wanna get out of that pit, first.' First? But wasn't he the last to show up and speak? Does he expect the one and only Sterling to temporally displace himself? How baffling. "Pit? You mean this very impressive hole? Who dug this hole out anyways? I've seen all manner of strange creatures around, surely one of you is large enough to dig such a magnificent hole. So many little treasures all out in the open within. Stop telling them the secrets! This is their 'territory' [sub]whatever that means[/sub] imbecile, they already know" He shook his fur out once more, a bit more left over dust fell from his pelt as he observed the the Cheetah. "But really, if you insist so much, I guess I can take my searching elsewhere. Even if this is basically the best spot and there is surely more than enough to go around." Surely Sterling wasn't interested in having bad things happen to him. That is why he didn't pick fights and would attempt to be charitable with the trinkets he finds, when he manages to get from point a to point b without losing them all that is. "Where do you all suggest I go then, seeing as each and every one of you seems to be so keen on my existence." This last bit was supposed to of been a bit of sass, but really it was more of a probe for information on any other spots where he could dig up new trinkets. Moving his head down, he grasped the handle of his bucket up into his maw and lifted it up off of the ground. Seems the Lynx was ready to go, so long as all of the questions had now been answered. Though come to think of it, when was someone going to answer his questions? He had so many. Each one completely serious too.

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - wormwood. - 02-06-2020

By the time that Miller had rolled up onto the scene as well, Aurum was fairly sure that this Sterling guy was going to drive him crazy as well. His ramblings made little to no sense to the proxy, and he pointedly seemed to avoid answering their questions. They knew his name, yes, but they didn't know where he came from, and the lion wasn't entirely sure he was willing to believe the whole "just searching for goodies" story the other was claiming. Although, Sterling did seem like just the kind of type to go around doing such a thing, unfortunately for Tanglewood. When the lion heard the lynch's first comment, he sighed heavily and rested a paw against his temple, trying in vain to stop the developing migraine that pulse there. When he pulled his large paw back downwards and let it rest against the rusty dirt below them, he rumbled, "Stuck here together? I have no idea what you mean by that. Unless you mean we're all on the island together. Which is true, but we also have territories on this island." He didn't even consider for a second that Sterling could've been comparing their wide open lands to the likes of the cage of a circus or a zoo. It just seemed so utterly ridiculous and foreign to the lion, who had never had to worry about cages or humans or anything else like that. He had been born in a pride where they had all been free, and had only ever found out about zoos and other human things like that from books.

The next couple of comments... well, they left Aurum both dumbfounded and annoyed, along with not helping even slightly with the headache that was forming. Did he lay what? For the briefest of moments after that little question, the angel actually considered turning around and leaving, and just letting Snarl and Miller deal with this guy. That would've been irresponsible of him, however, especially since there was around a forty percent chance the two of them might kill him, or something equally unpleasant. Instead, he just took a deep breath inwards, letting the air fill up his lungs fully before he let it back out, trying his best to focus on counting down from ten. He had read in one of his books that it would supposedly help with stress, but he was beginning to think it was just as much nonsense as what Sterling was spewing. Thankfully, he was able to calm down enough to speak again, opening his one icy blue eye back up again before fixing it on Sterling, "Snarl was kidding. I don't often startle people. At least not as long as they're not a threat. And no. I don't lay eggs, and I'm not a bird. I'm just a lion with wings. That's all." He wasn't going to even attempt explaining something like his angelhood to Sterling, since he was fairly sure that would just end with him having an aneurysm. Instead, he just rolled his shoulders, begging the tension in his muscles to ease as he listened to Sterling's origins.

The answer to where he came from was... vague, at best, but it was pretty clear from the look on his face that he didn't really know how to explain it either. At least he didn't seem to be a Pittian, judging by his scent and his supposed story. When the lion heard the other's question about his caretakers, he just snorted and shook his head, answering briefly, "I highly doubt they're ever coming back. There aren't really any humans on this entire island. Pretty sure any that lived here all died out ages ago." If there were still any humans hiding out on the island with the groups, they either had to be pretty damn good at hiding, or living deep down beneath the earth, considering one hadn't been seen in what felt like centuries now. For all intents and purposes, humans seemed to be effectively extinct on the island that Tanglewood and the rest of the groups resided on, and Aurum hadn't seen many that were really complaining about that. Leroy seemed like he had a bit of an affinity for humans, and Aurum could certainly admit that they had written some pretty good stories to read, but nobody was crying out for the humans to come and take the island back.

Stretching out a little bit as he heard Miller, the lion nodded before echoing gruffly, "That is true. This pit isn't as a result of anybody digging. It's years old, from a massive catastrophe that wiped pretty much everything around this big area out. This place is extremely irradiated and bad for all of us, so it's probably best for you and the rest of us to go back up to safe ground." The proxy flicked a paw upward, towards the edges of the pit that led back into the rest of Tanglewood territory. As he did so, he stretched his wings back out from his back, giving them a couple of experimental flaps before looking upward. He, like both Snarl and Miller, was not exactly keen on staying in the pit for much longer, and he knew he could get out faster than anybody else just by flying up. He had no idea what they were going to do with Sterling once they were out of there, but... well, it wasn't as if they could just stay there. The lynx might start mutating or something, or perhaps somehow become even more completely bonkers. Just the thought of it was enough to make an unpleasant shiver run down Aurum's spine.

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - Felibri - 02-09-2020

[Image: oUS2cj8.jpg]

Virgil was quite late to the party, but she was with everything. She wasn’t one to be found in the actual town. Most of her days were spent roaming beyond the borders. She wouldn’t touch the pit area with a 100 foot pole. Ever since she had vomited up the rabbit she had first caught in this land, she hadn’t taken anything else. The painted wolf was well aware of the strange mutations some of these Tanglers had. While it might be nice to have wings, she was perfectly fine being a canine.

The only reason she departed from her usual course and headed for the crater was because her large ears had picked up something that sounded like a scuffle. Not an actual fight, but a verbal one. There was a new person here. Most likely a friend or neutral, if Aurum hadn’t kicked his ass sideways yet. She had never seen Tanglers in action, but she knew how dangerous lions were.

The thin-legged lycaon trotted over to stand with the rest of her groupmates, blinking her wide golden eyes at the stranger. He spoke very strange. It was not quite an accent. He had a certain prose to his words. Most of what he said went in one of Virgil’s ears and out the other. She was quite simple minded and couldn’t retain long and winded sentences. It was probably also why she was struggling with sorting out her feelings after realizing that her emotions were too complex for her to understand completely.

”Yes, get out of there unless you want to sprout wings and talons, or turn purple or some other unnatural color.” Virgil chimed in, her yellow eyes shining with genuine seriousness. “Why do you like collecting useless things anyway?”

Re: I Wonder When They Will Wake Up? (Open) - Sterling - 02-14-2020

[span style="text-shadow:1.5px 1.5px #087F6A;"]Sterling[/span]

Sterling gave a nod as most of his questions, more or less, had been answered. His little bob tail twitched as he listened carefully, eyes narrowing when he was told that Aurum infact does not lay eggs. Suspicious. He was still a bit foreign to the politics of territories and such but at the very least, these folks weren't trying to hurt him for now. 'I highly doubt they are ever coming back' This made Sterling grimace. His ears twitched some as he thought on that, would his caretakers really of abandoned him like this? Did they really never plan on coming back? No that can't be right. Things had gotten bad but.. surely they were going to get better! And he would have a multitude of treasures to show them when they finally do return and they will praise him for a job well done. Bucket in maw he glanced at Virgil. 'Why do you collect useless things anyway?'

Sterling tilted his head at this question. He didn't really know the reason himself other than he felt compelled to do so. His ears twitched some as he thought on the question, actually starting to walk upwards on the crater as he did. Everyone was very keen on getting themselves out of it afterall. He wouldn't want to make the rest of them linger amungst all of the protests. "I suppose I simply like it. I find something pretty and I just enjoy looking at it for a time. Sometimes I'll even share the trinkets i find with others who could appreciate such things" The lynx nodded as he gave a surprisingly thoughtful, and at the same time lacking, answer to Virgil's question. He would figure everyone else would follow him up and out of the crater, trotting along. A little bounce in his steps as he moved forward and the bucket would swing from side to side, soliciting an occasional metal on metal squeak from the handle.

"Now, since we are out of that hole that you all hate so much.. where should I go? Or maybe the better question is where CAN I go?" This question was directed more so at the winged lion, as he seemed to be somewhat the leader of the bunch. As Sterling waited for an answer, a low and soft grumble could be heard by anyone with a sensitive ear. It was his stomach. Seems the Lynx hasn't eaten a proper meal in a day or so. Which was made vastly apparent now by the noises his body made.