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she walks in beauty — imperia - Printable Version

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she walks in beauty — imperia - imperia - 05-05-2018

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Re: she walks in beauty — imperia - imperia - 05-05-2018


FULL NAME imperia arceneau
— peri, ria
GENDER cisgender female → she/her
AGE immortal | appears 10-15 months | mentally 15 months
— ages very slowly (physically)
RESIDENCE & RANK fireball of the ascendents

sometime in her past, she died a traumatic death and was reincarnated as a forest spirit. she does not remember her life before
— can speak french and common and understands most other languages
— a naturally kind and loving person but the murder of the other forest spirits by hunters has caused her to become very timid around strangers
— as a moon/nature spirit, she is highly intuitive to emotions, posseses some sort of control over water, and seems to make plants grow around her
— certain sights/sounds/smells can trigger vague memories of her previous life in france

at first glance, imperia is the average doe (with the exception of the unusual albino pelt). her limbs are long and graceful, her eyes large as if perpetually gazing upon the surrounding world in awe. however, upon closer inspection, one finds that her pelt is not simply white, but it glitters and gleams like thousands upon thousands of diamonds embedded in a soft bed of freshly fallen snow. framed by a multitude of long alabaster lashes, her eyes shine like silver dollars rather than the deep brown characteristic of most deer. were a knife to be sliced through her flesh, silver blood would ooze from the traumatized flesh, not crimson. it is as if the color has been washed from her body and, in its place, is all the beauty of the moon and stars.
injuries several superficial cuts and bullet wounds
scent lavender and citrus

imperia is a good girl. kind and soft spoken, she goes out of her way to help those in need and is duty-bound to her sense of justice and doing the right thing even if it is the last thing she wants to do. whether that means something as small as biting her tongue when she would rather yell or as shocking as healing a criminal. her devotion to the Maker serves as the basis for her morals, but does not allow her religious beliefs to get in the way of her relationships with others. due to the traumatic event of watching her fellow forest spirits slaughtered for their luxurious pelts, she cannot turn a blind eye when she sees anyone in need. anyone in need of help, a friend, or simply a shoulder to cry on is welcome. while her words do not always accurately convey what she meant to say and despite the fact that her knees may tremble, imperia will stand up in the defense of others.
positive traits empathetic, selfless, dedicated, thoughtful, loving
neutral traits reserved, observant, polite, passionate, intelligent
negative traits self-deprecating, distant, easily distressed, insecure

— raised in a magical forest somewhere in northern france
ORIENTATION heterosexual heteroromantic
STATUS single & in love with the world
— ½ nothing
— for platonic relationships, she’s always willing to make a friend
— for romantic relationships, imperia is unfamiliar with any relationships beyond that of a friend. although she is quite enamored with the idea of romance, it will take quite a bit of persistence for her to realize that someone is seriously pursuing her

DIFFICULTY medium physically & hard mentally
— avoids conflict to the best of her ability
— will not kill anyone, even if ordered to
— not formally trained in combat
— more inclined to flee or heal than actively fight
BATTLE can powerplay nonviolent & peaceful actions
— ask for injury & no capture, kill, or maim
— attack in underline or bold
POWERS earth elemental (locked), water elemental (locked), clairvoyance (locked), shapeshifting (locked)