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AGGRAVATION ☆ human beach au - Printable Version

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AGGRAVATION ☆ human beach au - wormwood. - 02-01-2020

( p much exactly what it sounds like; human twood au hanging at the beach funtimes )

Winter was finally coming to an end, and Aurum couldn't be more happy about it. For months now their little shitty swamp town had been tormented by the unpleasant chill of winter, and he had honestly been starting to get a bit of cabin fever. The blonde thrived in the sun and the warmth that it provided, and wilted whenever the sky was clouded over, amd.he had to cover himself in a hundred layers just to feel a little bit alive and not frozen solid. Now, though? Now he was finally free, because it was the first truly warm day in months, and Aurum hadn't hesitated for a second before raiding his own closet, pulling out sunscreen and his swim trunks and his surfboard. He felt exhilarated, dressed in only his swim trunks and a button up that wasn't even buttoned as he raced down the steps of his home. He called to his brother, Alfred, as he yanked open the front door, "Hey shithead! I'm going down to the shore, you better come with!" He knew well just how much Alfred tried to avoid the water, but Aurum was going to show him just how nice it could be if it killed him. Which it probably would, considering he would have to drag Alfred out into the water, and there was a good chance his younger brother would flail about until they were both pulled under. Aurum wasn't quite sure where Roy was at the moment, since the boy had been trying to be more social as of late, but he was sure the other would join him at the shore before long.

The sun was beating down on Aurum once he finally reached the shore, a crooked grin on his face as he adjusted his sunglasses. Slipping his button up off and tossing it on the sand, he gripped his board tightly, heading out for the water. It took a little bit of paddling to get out far enough for the waves to actually be anything significant, but he found his stride eventually, standing up and letting the movement of the water take him away. A happy whoop left him as he rode along the wave, before it eventually came crashing down upon him. His hair was a mess when he reemerged, having formerly been all straight and carefully kept, but now a wavy and wet drapery over his shoulders. He knew once he dried it, it would get frizzy as all hell, but he found he couldn't care that much. He lingered near the edge of the water for a moment, a wide smile on his face as he pressed his toes into the sand, enjoying the fact that his fingers weren't numb and his nose wasn't running. As he sat there with his board across his lap, he was finally broken from his reverie by the sound of other footsteps in the sand. Twisting around, he waved an arm at the familiar faces, he saw, greeting cheerfully, "Hey guys! Here to finally enjoy everything not sucking?" Truthfully, he knew that the whole of the winter hadn't been so awful. After all, he had a lot of fun building snowmen with Roy and having a huge group wide snowball fight, but he much preferred weather like this.

Re: AGGRAVATION ☆ human beach au - deimos - 02-01-2020

Sun wasn't exactly Sam's.. mantra. She was best left inside, with her japanese cartoons and her milk. Then her smokes, out back, with the shadiest of friends in town, hidden away from other people. However, the buzz of her phone left her grumbling to herself. You just couldn't say no to Aurum, much as it was someone completely different texting her about that idiot shored up on the beach. She grumbled, rolling out of bed, stretching her arms out. She sighed, then, sitting up and eyeing her snake, who was booping the glass. She stuck her tongue out at him, standing and pulling out her assortment of bathing suits from the VERY back of her closet.

It didn't take her long to get dressed, stepping outside and skateboarding to the beach. Dressed in black booty shorts and a white, hooded tank top, she looked like your typical skateboarder. She jumped the railing as she came to the beach, an advantageous grin on her face- skateboarding was one hell of a trick for Sam- before jumping free of the board and landing cat-like in a crouch. Her board clattered to the sand uselessly. She stood, grabbing the board and walking towards the Aurum. Her eyes shifted to his board, then the sunscreen, and the palest teenager to walk the earth groaned aloud.

She tugged her hood up, begrudgingly eyeing Aurum. "I miss fall. M' going to burn." She replied, settling down into the sand with the board over her knees so they wouldn't starting burning either. Of course Sam was going to ask for the sunscreen. No, she'd be angry about it instead.



Re: AGGRAVATION ☆ human beach au - fulzanin - 02-03-2020

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Beach trips weren't super common for Feza. It was mostly because it was a very, very long drive and using a tricycle sometimes was more exhausting than the payout was worth. Today was a warm day. Today was a very, very good day to break out the bike and roll all the way down to the beach. She hadn't wore anything over the vibrant swimsuit that she wore - yellows and reds and blues that absolutely summarized her ever vibrant personality. She did have a bag with her, a bag that carried her goggles and towel and swimming shoes and an underwater flashlight. A tricycle, Feza would claim, was better than any other bike in many ways. She didn't have to lean it against something because it supported itself! Tricycles were the epitome of innovation in her mind. It could not be bested in any way.

"I didn' bring any sunscreen or I'd, I would offer you some, sorry," Feza chattered as she came walking over. She had left her bag and towel at her bike, but was currently shoving her goggles onto her face. She'd gotten to see the ending portion of the surfing the other had done, and she was absolutely amazed. Not that Feza would attempt surfing, for there were more than just 'innovative prowess' behind her use of a tricycle. Her balance was horrific in many different ways. "It's super pretty out today, though!" She agreed after a brief pause to sit and start wedging on the swim shoes. She stood back up and hobbled on one foot so she could shove the other shoe on. Then her hands again raised to move her brown hair so that she could work on fixing up how tight the goggles were on her face. Feza practically skipped on down to the water's edge, now messing with her flashlight and rapidly shaking it as if it would somehow get it to start working. "No more snow, no, no more seven layers of clothes! It's, it's super exciting!"

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Re: AGGRAVATION ☆ human beach au - MERGED - 02-03-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]alfred wanted nothing more to just stay home and read, but no. aurum had to drag him out to the beach, where there were jelly fish and crabs and sharks and riptides, so many things that could possibly kill him in one way or another. there was no way he was getting in that water, so he just sat in the beach chair he had brought, sat under the massive red umbrella. “fuck you, im not going in the water!” he said, only to watch his brother, of course, abandon him for water.

when aurum called to the others, he looked up and smiled. he waved and dug in his bag, pulling out multiple types of sunscreen. “i have plenty, if you need it!

Re: AGGRAVATION ☆ human beach au - wormwood. - 02-04-2020

Aurum supposed he should've expected this. Not every one of his fellow Tanglers appreciated the sunshine and the beach as much as he did, of course. Sam and Alfred were prime examples of such weirdos. However, this was one rare area where he and Feza tended to be in agreement, and he found himself grinning as he spotted the brunette. Slipping his board off of his lap and getting to his feet, the blonde shook out his now wavy mane of hair before moving over to Sam, saying cheerfully, "Alright, I'll give you that Fall is in no way as bad as Winter, but come on! The sun is out and it's great, and you won't get burnt with Alfred's sunscreen. It's like, spf three thousand or something. He's like a goddamn vampire." Which was painfully true. Aurum had seemingly gotten all of the tanning genes in the family, since while his skin tended to turn a pleasant golden brown after being in the sun for a while, Alfred just became a bright, almost lobster like red. It was always painful to just look at, and Aurum had no idea how the other did it even after putting on so many layers of protection.

Turning back towards Feza at the edge of the water, Aurum said with a little crooked smile as he waved to her, "See? Feza gets it. It being warm again is awesome. It means there's so much more to do out. Liiiiike... swimming." As he said this, he turned back towards Alfred, grinning wolfishly down at his brother. Moving closer, he sat down next to the beach chair the other was in, saying with a mischievous hum, "You know... we may be the same height, but you're scrawny as all fuck Alfred. I bet it would be really easy for me to just haul you up and toss you out there in the waves." His eyes had practically lit up with excitement at this point, and he tilted his head slightly to look at Feza again, shouting enthusiastically to her as he prodded Alfred in the arm, "What do you think, Feebz? Wouldn't it be super fun to have my brother swimming around with us?" Perhaps Aurum was being a bit of an asshole, but that was just the sort of brother that he was. It was the relationship that he and Alfred had since they were kids. Alfred would be hesitant and afraid of everything, and Aurum would be forced to drag him from his comfort zone kicking and screaming. Hell, that was how they had ended up in Tanglewood in the first place.

Re: AGGRAVATION ☆ human beach au - toboggan - 02-07-2020

The chilly condensation which enveloped the can offered moisture to his sweaty palm. It'd been plucked from the icebox a mere five or so minutes ago, so, in theory, the drink should still be at least a little bit cold. Yet that was not the case. The summer sun's sizzling rays beamed down onto the aluminum container, and the amber liquid that sloshed within gradually increased in temperature as a result of the outside warmth. Since there was nothing in the world worse than warm beer, the man was regrettably faced with a burdensome task; chug his drink before it reached an undesirable condition. Shame, too - lately, he'd been trying to slow down whilst drinking, for an aptitude to hastily chug his booze had formed inside his system, and it was something he wished to alter as soon as he could.

Perspiration affixed his blank tank top to his torso, creating an outline of his muscular muscular frame through the fabric. The top's dark colour made for a low albedo, and the extra absorbed sunlight caused Leroy to sweat profusely (despite him already doing so). The sweat ran down his neck and onto his back, seeping through the cotton of his top, and continued cascading to his waist, which was obscured by an curiously-designed pair of swim trunks. Fashioned after 80's synthwave, Leroy picked them up fifty-percent off at the store just a few weeks before. The bright pink pattern contrasting against the dark background had piqued his interest, though he now recognizes the mistake of not trying them on before purchasing them, because the tags really fucking bothered him; but no matter how much he struggled with his teeth or some scissors, they absolutely would not come off. They existed as the only swimwear to his name, however, so until he acquired another pair, making do with them was the only way to go.

Through orange-toned aviators does he see a faint figure out on the water. It's physical description couldn't be described, on account of the fact of it being so far away, yet he knows in his heart that the faint speck was Aurum rocking that surfboard of his. Barely any time at all had passed since the death of Winter, and the gloriously-haired bastard was already out there taming the waves. That's Aurum for you. Always likes to be ahead of the curve. The speck returns to the shoreline, an action that comes off as odd - typically, surfers liked to, you know, surf, for a bit longer than that. Perhaps he was going back to meet someone?

Intrigued by the possibility of more people being on the beach, the 36 year-old hoists himself up from his foldable beach chair, though he immediately recoils upon his feet meeting the sweltering sand. It wasn't that fucking hot when he had first gone out here. Fuck, not bringing sandals was one hell of a mistake, huh. Carefully, he lowers his feet until they submerge themselves into the burning particles. It hurt like hell, but they'd have to get used to the heat.

It took a lot of sheer will and inclination, but he powered across the beach in pursuit of the surfer, who had met up with a group of three other acquaintances, all of which he knew. There was Feza, who still traveled via trike in spite of her age. She was rather odd, but that didn't bother him that much. There was Alfred, Aurum's brother, who seemed as though he'd prefer to be anywhere else. And then there stood Sam. Despite their age differences, Leroy'd grown considerably fond of the young adult. She and him shared interests, similar personalities, and seemed to have good chemistry with one another.

"How's it goin', fuckers?" he salutes amicably, one hand removing his shades while the other sweeps back his jet-black hair. His bright brown eyes fall upon the male carrying the board, who he assumes to have gathered everyone here today. "Gotta love how it goes right to warm temperature from Winter," he muses, before asking, "how's the water?"