Beasts of Beyond
hello! - Printable Version

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hello! - peachpit - 02-01-2020

hii im new :-)

ummm not quite sure how to get into the flow of things, but this site gives me very big wcrpg vibes and im kinda loving the nostalgia rn //w//

Re: hello! - COSMIIX - 02-01-2020

hello there! welcome to BoB!! my names Andy/threecaballeros, I hope you like it here since the community is really nice as well as our staff team! If you have any questions of the sort, I'd be glad to answer them uwu

Re: hello! - tikki - 02-02-2020

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]Hello and welcome to the site! A lot of people that are on here now came from that site, and we have the same website host as they did back in 2012, which is likely for the vibes of it lol. I'm tikki, and I'm a senior mod here, if you need anything I'd be glad to answer them as well!

Since you mentioned not quite being sure how to get into the flow of things, it'd be best to check out our newbies guide just to kinda learn how the site operates, as well as the guide archives board to learn how to do stuff like make subaccounts on the site, and learn how our currency system works here!

Re: hello! - toboggan - 02-02-2020

bonjour!! and welcome to BoB!

like tikki said, a lot of us also came from that site! i actually roleplayed on there from 2014-2018, and then i decided to come here! my name's toboggan, but you can call me tobo, but ive also gone by gnome, fire, burrito, and bolide, so i respond to any one of those names Smile

the links that tikki shared are really useful (i wish id utilized them when i first joined lol), so make sure to check em out!

and im a moderator, so if you got any questions, ill answer them as well lmao.