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BUSTED LIP AND CLENCHED FISTS xx Evarhi’s tags - Printable Version

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BUSTED LIP AND CLENCHED FISTS xx Evarhi’s tags - EVARHI - 02-01-2020

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Re: BUSTED LIP AND CLENCHED FISTS xx Evarhi’s tags - EVARHI - 02-01-2020

GENERAL hunter not no prey
Evarhi Ninazai Lingre | Ev
male | he, him, etc
unborn | birth date tbd
pitt & alithis evgenis | rank n/a
→ name meaning unknown

IMPORTANT NOTES a little savagery goes a long way
faceclaim | voiceclaim young Kovu from TLK
→ wants a chain or necklace, dragon side takes after water dragon variation, will have water elementals, health transfer, secretly loves to sew, first born of his full blooded siblings

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE cut and clean keeps them away
draconic serval
100%  | no injuries

his pelt will be alabaster due to albinism. instead of red hues his eyes are a jade that softly glow along with snake like pupils. strewn across his body are  green iridescent markings of the usual serval variation. on his face is cheetah like facial markings, the tear drops being a darker green, his nose is a dark gray and poking out from his muzzle are two fangs. atop his head, between his ears are two horns that are green at the skull but fade to white. He had facial wins that are green in the webbing between the spines. His ears are very large and tufted in black tipped in green. He also has a mane much like a cheetah cub, spiky. It is black but it goes to neon green near the ends. Across his back are two large dragon wings. The fur giveaways to scales that are also iridescent green/yellow. His tail is longer than the average serval and spreads out to a fin also of the same nature as his facial fins. His paws are webbed and made for swimming and the underside of his paws are black with neon green paw pads. His tongue is a forked black and green cord and his tears and blood are  a metallic silver.

larger than his mother’s species, his body will not be as slim as the typical serval. even as a child he will have a heavier, more muscular feel to him. a solid boy from the beginning. when he reaches full growth he’ll tower over his mother but perhaps not his brothers or half siblings.

PERSONALITY but y’all don’t hear me when I say
ESTP-T “the entrepreneur”  | true neutral
gryffindor | dauntless
no disorders | misc
→ independent, fiercely loyal, very dominant, inconsiderate, seems selfish but will give whatever he has to help someone who needs it, bully, aggressive, tough love, doesn’t like being outdone, sore loser, short temper, sharp tongue, rebellious, hard headed, not too bright

RELATIONS i made it this far
Regina Ninazai x Bai Shi Lingre | Laeglin (full blooded), name, name,
sexuality unknown | single
friends | enemies n/a
acquaintances n/a | disliked people n/a
→ easy to befriend? little hard as he is an asshole
→ easy to start a relationship with? somewhat if he thinks you’re pretty enough

INTERACTION i never wanted to be a star but goddamn it gets hard
physically difficult | mentally medium/difficult
will fight | will not kill
self defense knowledge has yet to be learned| weapon preferences to be explored
to have water elementals, health transfer | attacks in color here
→ mention [member=10690]EVARHI[/member]  or [member=4489]Janoobus[/member]